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  1. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Oh yeah lemme sign up Can't wait to draw VT again or get cucked if I draw a PR. Can't decide what's more fun, that or having your arguments buried in nonsense.
  2. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Do it like me and free yourself from the burden of silly things like retch reeeeeading~~ bwargh
  3. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Other than that I'm astonished that even posing as deadweight I still draw out this much of a concerted effort from the scum team to smear me. One scum drops my name for a claim, a second scum positions to pick up the ball and utterly burns himself making stupid arguments, only for scum #3 to eventually come in and assure the peanut gallery that there's nothing to see, flanked by a townie who's pocketed by scum 2 and 3. All of that on day 2 in a game of 26, it's surreal I tell you. I always thought I was considered a bottom feeder by the lot of you but if that's how you show your respects I guess I'll take it. Still wish I could go a single game where I draw a role that isn't scum or VT without getting cucked by some rando who thinks it's fun to kill me or rolecrush me or rolecop me and tell everyone I'm indy but can't have it all I suppose. Thanks for the game Flower. I'd advise against putting in a role like mine again, it incentivises me not to play the game and rather just...
  4. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    @Jaguark101 I hear you're the one who killed me, and I'm pretty mad about it ngl. I claimed that I need three specific characters to die in order to win, and your character wasn't one of them. The way you play this situation as the SK is, you leave me alone since I claimed to be of no threat to you, then if it happens that the three characters I mentioned are dead and I'm not out of the game, THAT is when you know I'm a liar and scum and you can shoot me if you need more dead scum. This way, what you did was kill somebody who could have even allied with you down the line, which is a great thing to have as the SK. Killing me was against your win condition, plain and simple. I know it's the first time you played SK and I hope you had fun, just some food for thought the next time you draw SK :cat)
  5. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Holy petty cunts Batman Thanks for the game
  6. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    I hope you get killed tonight
  7. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    vote lynch Sigismund Let's move on already
  8. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Anybody else happy they don't have to read 4500 posts?
  9. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Idk where this question comes from, does my answer benefit angleshooting?
  10. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    I can freely admit that I don't care for this town, but it's also obvious that getting rid of me is just a waste of everybodys time and resources so lemme just hang back and hopefully collect this free win
  11. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Which I will, baiii
  12. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    I do still think Ultra was full of shit but don't much care what y'all do with him unless he's one of my targets
  13. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Get with the program m8, I claimed Lyncher
  14. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Sir this is a Kwehndys
  15. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Hey you must be RNGsus, so glad to finally make your acquaintance. Why did you have Nova Dragon fuck me out of reclaiming WR that one time?
  16. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    I don't think the 2 vigs thing would have been a problem if both got a shot off n1. If we have 4 kills and two town vigs claiming different kills, chances are we just believe the story that there's 2 vigs
  17. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Well in that case both sides have a reason to keep me around and potentially leverage me against the other side
  18. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Ratchet has a claimed kill on a night where two other kills happened So chances are he's not the SK
  19. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    Well I might help town. If I'm around at mass claim and one or both of the characters I'm looking for aren't claimed, I'll know they're scum characters, so at that point I will wanna lynch scum. Getting rid of me is a waste of your time
  20. Hans Tweetenberg

    Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

    We should let scum and the indies worry about each other Or in my case leave me be since I'm harmless