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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    If Gege actually has Gojo win and Sukuna gets bailed out, it would be absolutely ridiculous and would honestly not help the story at all. I doubt Gojo will be killed here as someone needs to deal with Kenjaku but Sukuna isn't losing against Gojo, at best Gojo will break his hold on his student and that's it.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Yep, there are plenty of people going back and Strivezzz gets salty when people mention anyone can just get into the game and win(and they did, Leffen and Snake Eyez proved it) which got them even more salty.
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I mean that's not hard when every old character return is them being gimped to shit and every new character is just ripping from Blazblue's sheet...
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That's definitely for true, it just keeps focusing on the dumbest shit than what's right there.
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    They got him looking fresh, for real.
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It's obvious as shit he barely played DOA because no one could say something so stupid and believe it's true. Outside of going into the skimpy as shit route(Which is only DLC), no one in DOA primarily dresses like ANY MK Female character at their worst.
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That is the prime reason Steven Universe fell into a fucking cliff and Future's attempts to try and fix it(aka The Diamonds suddenly gain the ability to heal Gems... well Yellow does and the Gems are never truly dead and somehow Steven never forgiving them despite it not being shown) doesn't fix shit, it just makes it worse by completely removing all gravitas from their actions on top of the sheer retcons done. It's why unlike Adventure Time and The Regular Show(you still have people mocking Mordecai and liking the series finale), NO ONE says shit about Steven Universe outside of memes about how shit Steven is as a protagonist or how assbackwards the entire series is, not helped by the insane number of hiatuses it had, the absolute amount of slice of life episode it has compared to the amount that actually focused on it's myth arc and so on and so forth.
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    No wonder people just forgot about this show. This is honestly such bullshit to basically pretend nothing in the show mattered at all and the Diamonds did nothing wrong meanwhile Greg was somehow a bastard because "Gotta make Steven angst when he never really angst in the show outside of his mom". Like even Adventure Time is still remembered to a decent extent as is Regular Show, Steven Universe barely exists anywhere outside of R34 memes with Greg.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I remember seeing that shit and it was absolutely embarrassing. I remember so many people got pissed off that they got let off easily(and they did) and Future's attempts to make it seem like that's not the case... didn't help at all and just further showed they got let off way too easily. Apparently not in Future, where Greg is one of the people to be blamed because "He was neglectful to Steven" despite the Gems being the main reason Greg couldn't see his son more often than not(primarily because they still blame HIM for Pink Rose's death) which is again, bullshit.
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    ...HUH?! Bro, how the fuck does that make sense?! Steven never seems remotely angry with them or anything showing negativity, the fuck? That also reminds me reading this shit on TvDopes that Greg was a "Neglectful Parent towards Steven" and it's like WHAT?! Nigga never had a chance to raise him as the Gems kept him away from Steven, the fuck do you mean he's neglectful? This is like saying the father was neglectful because the mother was granted sole custody. Absolute clownshoes. The dude was there for Steven as much as he could be and then some.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Steven Universe was well liked at the start and absolutely fell into the ground hard by the time Steven was forgiving the Diamonds and then went dead into the Earth by the time of Future. The fact that people tried to defend Future was all levels of stupid as hell because the premise was fine but the execution was horrible. Hell, what Future did? Venture Brothers did SO much better and so much more realistic too(Why didn't Steven just see a fucking psychiatrist? And when did he show any of what he did with the Gems fucked him up mentally at all before Future?)
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    10 attacks in 6 seconds? That seems really damn slow, come to me when he can do 20 World ending attacks in 2 seconds.
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    My dude, we had this song and dance before and it was Global Warming. This shit isn't new in the slightest and Politicians spin the fuck out of it so they can benefit from it. If our Planet was ever that fragile, we would be LONG dead from the Solar Flares that hit our Atmospheres thousands of years ago and even currently. EDIT: This isn't to say they don't exist but it's honestly put over way too damn hard for something that Humans do not contribute nowhere near as hard or as badly as they love to state(For instance, we have animals that are far huger dangers to Forests and Plants than we ever are but obviously, it's never brought up).
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It's honestly true... At SB and CV, there is so little American Comics engagement that it's honestly sad to look at. The MCU is all but about to collapse in on itself.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It's honestly why there is growing backlash against them and they don't even realize why outside of using the usual buzzwords that is losing more and more relevance by the day. It's the sheer delusion, the cope, the absolute headcanon that makes people be deranged and the absolute phoniness of it all. I went to R/Kappa's 2nd life and they had a Bridget discussion and it was honestly amazing to see people just point out how stupid the shit was, how much it damaged the story and the character himself and how it actually damages the very group that pretends it was a good thing. There was a few dissenters but they got drowned out by facts and logic and went back to R/GuiltyGear(RIP). Like people have no idea how good is it to have places where people can talk like human beings without being thrown to the wolves because how dare you not go 500% with the LBGTQAIFAP+ with anything at member ever has to say. Even r/Bleach has a number of people who despise Giselle as a whole, how...
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I can understand the fear but to be honest, that dude isn't getting fed to Roman Reigns, it feels too premature and it absolutely feels like they will get him either in the US Title Contention or move him to RAW when it gets closer to Wrestlemania Season(Due to again Cody being the one to dethrone Roman). I will be absolutely surprised if he wins the Royal Rumble though meanwhile it's Cody who goes through the long way to challenge Roman Reigns.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Meninas is a tall ass bitch... makes sense why she's the Sternritter that hits the fucking gym with no brakes.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Apparently though, we will get news on the Hell Arc so I'm honestly 100% game for that shit.
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It's the same shit with Yamato honestly. They want it to be easy to just "be" a guy to the point they will deny everything including common sense itself for that fantasy to be real and of course, you have places like Reddit and hotspots in Twitter that will absolutely cater to those degenerates because "Right Side of History". And just like with Yamato, you will have people deny the truth forever and ever and use their own headcanon to deny the creator's because that's how insane their delusions are(HOW many times was Yamato confirmed to be female and was just larping by Oda's own words and actions? And you still have those One Piece "fans" who will deny it up and down despite actual good Okama characters exist? Oh wait, it's never been about that, it's just how Yamato does it they want). Giselle is an extra tier of fucked up due to the fact Kubo stated outright Giselle is a boy, he has done some truly hideous shit... but we still must respect his pronouns... just like we "had...
  20. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It's funny because you can guarantee these same people doing this shit have even worse skeletons in their closet than most people and would gladly not want to be canceled after their death... EDIT: Looking at the actual Twitter person, yeah no, that fucker has so many skeletons in their closest and going after him after all of the shit that happened in his life that would lead him into spiraling... that's all levels of fucked up. Fuck that bitch.