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  1. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    All the images are gone now because Imgur decided to suck. I hope to replace them eventually. In the meantime, a new Code Geass movie has been announced for next year (in May); Rose of the Recapture.
  2. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    From Nightmare of Nunnally again. Nunnally sees countless realities when she touches Heaven's Door, and realises her own world is just one of infinite possible universes. Lelouch says she could have saved all of these universes from endless war and conflict had she gone with their parents plans, but Nunnaly says Eden Vital contains the memories of the past, and people must instead work together to the future to achieve a safe and gentle world. There's also the implications that Nunnally saw the universe of the main Code Geass timeline. Life overflows on the planets of the universe, which comes from Eden Vital (the Collective Consciousness).
  3. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Shen Hu unleashes an energy beam which parts the clouds.
  4. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    From Nightmare of Nunnally, which takes place in an alternate reality. The Collective Consciousness (or Eden Vital, or God) is an omnipresent entity which spans every space-time, and existed long before the present universe has. With the Sword of Akasha, it's possible to reach into the plane where it resides and (with multiple Geass Codes too) even destroy it, which would return all existence to nothingness. Although is is an alternate reality story, the Collective Consciousness is shown to span every reality (make of this what you will basically).
  5. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Charles says that everybody is the same person all throughout histoy. Marianne and C.C expand on this, explaining that people are 'masks' (or personas) worn by the Collective Consciousness, and the Collective Consciousness (otherwise known as C's World or God) is a great sea of minds and memories.
  6. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    The Sword of Akasha resides in a parallel space.
  7. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Guren S.E.I.T.E.N takes off, destroying a large part of the Britannian headquarters outer wall in the process. Guren S.E.I.T.E.N flies around at incredible speeds.
  8. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    The Sword of Akasha is a super-dimensional structure.
  9. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    F.L.E.I.J.A (Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament) is a superweapon developed by Nina and used by Britannia. The detonation devastation information on the Tokyo Settlement F.LE.I.J.A. The invasion of space by collapse event has a radius of 1300m, while the super blast void drag effect is 3000m in radius. The third neutralize zone is 5000m to 8000m in radius. The crater created by the Tokyo F.L.E.I.J..A Schneizel in the Damocles destroys Pendragon (the capital of Britannia), and all land in a 100km radius (200km diameter). Additionally, the Damocles is 3km tall. The F.L.E.I.J.A which destroyed Pendragon, has an area 10 times greater than the F.L.E.I.J.A which destroyed the Tokyo settlement, as the latter F.L.E.I.J.A had it's limiter removed. This would mean that the radius of the Tokyo Settlement F.L.E.I.J.A was around 10km (or a diameter 20km).
  10. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Gawain obliterates an entire air fleet with dozens of planes. After recharging its energy, Gawain wipes out another (seemingly even bigger) airfleet.
  11. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    The Sword of Akasha is a super weapon designed to destroy God.
  12. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Charles zi Britannia uses his Geass to rewrite Lelouches memories and forget about his sister and his mother and being Zero.
  13. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Flight-Enabled Guren unleashes a massive energy cone which causes a huge burst of water to rise up (the nearby airship, the Logres-class floating battleship, is around 230m long). Lancelot Flight-Mode's beam parts a cloud.
  14. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Suzaku is able to react to machinegun fire with a 0.05 second timelag, and run up the wall and kick the machine gun turrent away.
  15. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Lelouch makes his contact with C.C and sees into the Collective Consciousness for the first time, gaining the power of kings. Charles zi Britannia is able to sense something has happened too. During this sequence, we see a shot of the planet Jupiter (this further confirms that the Collective Consciousness spans space and is not merely bound to one planet). Later, after Prince Clovis is killed by Lelouch and his body is brought back to Britannia, Charles says he's been talking to Clovis.
  16. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    The Japanese Libertation Front (JLF) uses a super electromagnetic heavy shrapnel cannon to destroy three Sutherlands. Lancelot is noted to move twice as fast as the Sutherlands. Even in a very confined space, Lancelot is able to avoid the shrapnel rounds, both by dodging and using a shield. Lancelot fires a super-charged round which destroys the shrapnel cannon, causing a large explosion of water. Lancelot then jumps high into the sky and destroys the main support column of the convention building.
  17. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Lelouch, Kallen, Suzaku and Euphemia are mysteriously teleported between islands by the power of Geass (which collapses a stone structure at the Thought Elevator).
  18. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    The Gawain even in it's test model phase is able to melt and explode stone supports and pillars.
  19. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    With prep (and an exterior device to help reach the buried water), Guren Mk. 2 is able to bring down a mountainside by evaporating the water below with the Radiant Wave Surger. Kallen uses the Radiant Wave Surger to destroy Jerimiah's Knightmare Frame.
  20. Stocking Anarchy

    Code Geass feats, lore & power discussion thread

    Lancelot with the prototype float unit can move faster than a fighter plane.