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  1. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Dawnguard was my absolutely favorite part. Better have good Archery skills so you can enjoy those epic crossbows they have. Let’s me do some awesome Van Helsing roleplaying
  2. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Damn, now I want to replay Skyrim just talking about it. Time to start a new playthrough lol
  3. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Legendary Dragons once your Level 78+ The Revered Dragons just below them aren’t half bad either. Both make Alduin a joke by comparison Now if you’re talking in-game impressive feats, the Greybeards shaking all of Skyrim just by calling you after you kill your first dragon is one. The Dragonborn goes on to take their full unbridled Thu’um only mildly shaken by it all Some of your other Shouts are utterly ridiculous when you think about it like Clear Sky parting entire storm clouds and you Storm shout conjuring up an entire storm cloud that constantly rains down lightning
  4. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    The Skaal are such a fascinating take on the usual Nords between their monotheistic belief and pacifism as opposed to the usual Nord lifestyle of battle and glory-seeking. Wish Dragonborn featured more focus on them with perhaps a few more missions or even letting you join them officially
  5. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    You should check them out. It’s a very well done channel. Like this recent video they made discussion on the All-Maker and how they fit in with other creation myths
  6. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    @Stocking Anarchy Do you follow Fudgemuppet on YouTube? They post tons of Elder Scrolls Lore videos. I primarily follow them for their Skyrim roleplaying builds. Right now, I’m taking a break with my High Elf for a build based on this one: The Avenger Character goes perfectly with my usual roleplaying of a Thalmor hating rebel. Awesome backstory and playstyle and Krosis + Glass Armor just looks badass. Going to follow the above but probably mix in some One-Handed too. Just doesn’t feel like a proper Warrior without some kind of melee skill.
  7. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    And really, are the Dunmer in any position to be complaining about racism, particularly the ones hailing from House Dres or Telvanni? Their one of the most culturally interesting race in the series but in their heyday, their were also right up there with the modern day Thalmor in xenophobia and master race ideology and by far the most notorious race in practicing slavery. Enslaved the Argonians for centuries and treated them as cattle to be used and worked to death and were also known to enslave Orcs, Bosmer, and Khajiit. Compare all that to their own situation in Windhelm where the worst they get is racial slurs and empty threats hurled at them by the ineffectual town drunk and the rest of the town leaving them to their own things.
  8. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    It’s funny how much Tulius and Ulfrics beliefs align. If it wasn’t for the man’s loyalty and love for his own country being first and foremost, he and Ulfric would easily be allies otherwise which adds to the tragedy of this civil war. Best part is that Ulfric doesn’t even believe that. Both he and Galmar just want Skyrim full of people loyal to her that adhere to its customs and traditions instead of trying to remove them since he’s fighting for his country to regain those values. Galmar will say this word for word when you bring up if he opposes non-Nords that live in Skyrim, saying he only opposes tyranny and those who tell him how to think, believe and how to live and other Stormcloaks that will tell you that don’t need to be a Nord to be a Son or Daughter of Skyrim. Just look at the city Windhelm for proof. It’s almost as racially diverse as Solitude. At first, it looks oppressive to other races besides Nords when you walk right in and see 2 Nords harassing a Dunmer, how...
  9. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    If you really delved into the lore it got better. Like figuring out what stories about Ulfric are true and what aren’t. Like the Bear of Markarth book which slanders Ulfric as a bloodthirsty killer in his involvement in the Markarth Incident who carried out the massacre of even the neutral Forsworn civilians. Until you wind up in Markarth jail and converse with the captured Forsworn there, one of whom will say it was the previous Jarl, Igmund’s father, who carried out the massacre after Ulfric fended off the invaders. All Ulfric did was come in to Markarth to retake it from the Forsworn invaders with his militia per request of the Jarl in return for the ban of Talos worship being lifted. Bear of Markarth is just more Imperial propaganda
  10. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Hell Yes, Stormcloak Officer Armor is badass. Skyrim Civil War is fascinating for me since there’s plenty of debate and thought for either side you side with. It’s only falls a bit flat because it’s not very fleshed out. Imagine them throwing in a final mission where you fight along with your choice side against a sudden Thalmor invasion? Would have been great. Nah, being a Nightingale slave to Nocturnal upon death sucks as you mentioned and it goes against my main characters personality. He’s not out for material gain or involving himself with petty thiefs that act more like their the mafia these days instead of a Guild. If you hate Noctural, than you definitely don’t want to be a Dark Brotherhood member. Your soul is claimed by the Void, Sithis himself, upon death. I always join the Dawnguard. Especially if I’m roleplaying an Archer for those Enhanced Dwarven Crossbows. Being a vampire sucks in Skyrim unless you abuse Necromage with Enchanting. The weaknesses are otherwise...
  11. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    So a little bit of everything. My High Elf will use Light Armor for speed and better perks than Heavy along with One-Handed and Smithing. Besides that, going to max out all Schools of Magic besides Illusion and Restoration: A master of Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, and Enchanting. Going to join the Companions to embrace Nord ideology and life style and College of Winterhold for obvious reasons. My guy is heroic so I’m going to avoid the crueler Daedric quests, Thieve’s Guild, and will choose to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood (My guy wants nothing to do with Sithis of all things) Besides that, going to join the Stormcloaks. He wants to eliminate all Thalmor influence across Tamriel starting with a complete purge of them in Skyrim and while I don’t blame the Empire for losing the war with the Aldmeri Dominion considering how the Oblivion Crisis messed them up, their still a joke today without the Septims and way too cozy with the Thalmor. Hammerfell (who the Emperor...
  12. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    That one I saw coming because I got the quest from one of the Khajit caravans What really had me going WTF was walking through Solstheim at night and getting attacked by those unholy abominations call Nix-Hounds. Legit scared me the first time I saw those things. Unlocking a lot of new spells for my High Elf to available before. Elemental Flare is an awesome Apprentice Level spell you can get early on that hits on the level of an Adept. Hoping to see equally overpowered Expert and perhaps Master Spells since Destruction fell short on damage and efficiency to other skills on higher difficulties. All these new Spells and Todd missed the chance to re-introduce Levitate from Morrowind as a spell you can use.
  13. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    @Stocking Anarchy So what’s your playstyle for Skyrim? I’m going with a High Elf Mage-focused character right now. Roleplaying a High Elf survivor of the Night of Green Fire whose out to kill as many Thalmor as he can find and looks for complete mastery of magic to do so.
  14. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Anniversary Edition also features a lot of Shivering Isles content including several of its creatures found in Tamriel
  15. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Whiterun is the best place to live. It’s removed from all the nastier things you find as all you have to worry about surrounding it are bandits, and even the one Daedric Prince there, Mephala, is pretty subtle about what she does and even admits she can’t get anything done until you show up. You also got the Companions living there and it being a well-fortified city to anything short of a dragon that’s run by one of the best Jarls in the game. Shoot, even Balgruuf’s Stormcloak replacement Vignar is still one of the better Jarls to have running the city as a worthy replacement. Windhelm would probably be number 2. Really says something when a serial killer is outright mundane compared to the competition. But it’s otherwise a much safer place than the other holds, especially with Ulfric and the city’s high concentration of Stormcloaks making it impossible to invade. The only other thing I could maybe peg the place down for is being a bit too close to a Boethia cult. Solitude would...
  16. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Like how Solitude is ranked better than even Whiterun. Even Windhelm is safer than that damn place. I’ll take a few racist Nords and even the serial killer there over Queen Potema, covens of Necromancers, the Thalmor HQ, and the fucking Volkihar Vampires all next door.
  17. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    These are pretty good references to go with: "Great House Redoran praises all the skills of war. Not because we believe war is good or honourable in it’s own right, but because this knowledge is necessary to perform one's duty. House Redoran's warriors fight with a long blade and a shield or with a spear. A noble of House Redoran must also learn to use a bow and must be athletic enough for the long marches to battle. A Redoran wears heavy or medium armour depending on rank and strategy. A noble of House Redoran is expected to know how to repair and maintain his own armour." - The True Noble's Code "House Redoran prizes the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living." — Great...
  18. Astaro

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Is this also to talk about the game? Playing Skyrim Anniversary Edition and with how prevalent House Redoran is in Solstheim, I’m looking for advice on a Dark Elf Warrior Build that’s House Redoran lore accurate. The types of skills, playstyle, what weapons and armors I should have to make my guy as authentic as possible Planning on doing One-Handed, Light or Heavy Armor, Smithing, Enchanting, and Archery (for ranged options like when fighting Dragons) Don’t really plan on using magic so I can focus on Health and Stamina unless it’s what all Redoran Guards used for combat @Masterblack06 @Flowering Knight @Stocking Anarchy