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  1. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Fitting for Disney's current situation at hand in terms of its stocks.
  2. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Almost everything people bitch about the Prequels for can be traced back to RLM and their BS theories and interpretations on what the Prequels were suppose to be. Most everyone complained about beforehand was focused on Anakin being whiny, bad dialogue, and the politics being on too long and the boring romance.
  3. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    That one Avengers vs Justice League comic got it right when it showed how the DC civilians respected and loved their heroes whereas the Marvel ones treated them like trash.
  4. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    The Sequels are the prime example of how modern movie studios having all the money and talent available to them means dick when the people in charge have no imagination or talent to use them right.
  5. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    It's even worse when you realize they had the team from the fucking Raid in it that was known for having some of the best choreography in modern action films and they do nothing with them, both in the story and for the action scenes themselves. Shit like the badly edited out knife and slow movement making the badly telecasted moves more obvious make it worse than almost any MCU fight scene, at least they are boring enough to forget about, the Throne room fight is so painful to sit through it makes all the worse to watch.
  6. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I am sorta in-between on is AOTC or TPM is better or worse than the other. When I rewatch the films again I think I will have my opinion set but I think both have their ups and downs compared to the other. ROTS will always be my personal favorite SW film of all time, even when looking at the Originals.
  7. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Ohhhh okay, I thought it was just another manga that simps for the devil.:mjlol
  8. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Lol is this bitch suppose to be Lucifer? She sounds more like an angry Karen whining about how "oppressive and privileged" God is. :kobeha
  9. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    The main difference between the Prequels and Sequels is the fact that for all the complaints about Vader being "Whiny as Anakin" they did nothing that really butchered the characters we knew in the Originals where as everything that happened to Luke, Liea, Han, and all they worked and fought for was undone by the Sequels all for the sake of rehashing them in a worse way. The Prequels are different than the Originals and did not try copying every minute detail except in the case of visual callbacks and similar plot points, the Sequels are just copypasted discount versions of the Originals which hurts their chances of both being noticed and liked by any fans down the line and if anything are going to just be seen as dull in comparison to the previous trilogies thanks to it having no identity of it's own.
  10. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    It and TLJ are the worst SW movies and up there as far as the worst sequels of all time. No it won't. Prequels were loved to at least seen as okay by most people and hit it strong with a young audience which is why they got more popular after said young audience grew up and stopped caring about the opinions of hacks like Reddit Letter Media. The Sequels completely failed to connect with a young audience as shown with the worst merchandise sells in the franchise's history as well as it's era being completely ignored in favor of the Originals and Prequels in multi-era games like EAfront 2 and other media around the time. That's what happened when you try too hard to make a series heavily supported by boys and men start pushing towards girls and tumblr women while actively shitting on characters beloved and held dear by the former.
  11. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I don't know the context, what is this about?
  12. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Oh shit it's starting already? Fuck I hope this is nothing like last year. Smoke was so fucking bad it made Reno one of if not the most unhealthy city to breath around in the US.
  13. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    The soijack emotes made from this are golden.
  14. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Holy shit and here I thought you were at least another Black American. My condolences:wow
  15. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I remember reading that shit as a teen so this is a blast from the past for me. :trinny
  16. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Homelander is going to die as easily as those special forces soldiers sent against Omni-Man.
  17. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    See the issue is most people don't care if it looks "better", they just think anything nowadays looks good in CGI unless its done so badly it is noticeable. Avatar 2 can look the best it ever will and it still will not look any better than the usual stuff normies see in theaters nowadays. CGI has become so common place in this day and age it no longer has the same impact. People on comments get excited for anything nowadays. Unless the previews drop the bomb so badly it becomes infamous like the BF 5 trailer, most people will just say "oh looks cool can't wait" and leave it at that. Unless Avatar 2 pulls something interesting in the story or marketing to catch people's attention I don't see it reaching the same hype the first one did.
  18. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Eh considering how badly China is taking it's coof threat or the way it has been banning movies from the west it may not even be screened in the country. And you can only shove your visual effects far enough until it gets to the point that people need something more to draw them in since to many people, films like Black Panther with Shitty CGI look "good" enough. Most normies do not really care or see the difference in how much better CGI looks compared to the other and it's been more than a decade since Avatar hit the screen and most people have to say about it is "eh preachy environmentalist film with pretty effects" which does not inspire much reason to watch it again or pay attention to it from younger generations who have even less attachment to it.