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  1. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    i made the next one since you niggas wouldn't
  2. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    god there was some dude who had all these tweets about how his wife was wrong for telling him to sell "she's good at having babies but not at investing money" and "if she knew how much I spent on terra she'd leave me" lmfao I really don't like to revel in anybodys suffering but come on dude and people tried to warn him for months
  3. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    genis force convo incoming
  4. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    blockbusters in the last 10 years that had good fights and visuals off top Pacific Rim Most Monsterverse movies especially GvK arguably the last 2 bayformers movies. Most of their fights were bad compared to the first 3 but they each have at least one decent one so I'm counting them Bumblebee Rogue One ive heard mad max fury road was good in that department too but I haven't seen it none of the disney wars besides rogue one had any decent action, tlj comes close with the hyperspace scene but that isn't really a fight it's just a cool scene I wouldn't put any mcu fight in the last 10 years up there besides Hulk vs Iron Man
  5. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    i feel modern action movies just don't know how to make a fight fun any more it's just another box to check off for them in the last 10 years I can hardly remember a blockbuster with good action, Bumblebee was bizarrely one of the only ones
  6. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    whats up with that midget
  7. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    felt like sharing some drawings
  8. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I forgot they had The Raid people in there lmao what was up with that
  9. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    ivei have seen a lot of people talk about hiw bad it is. tbh even if it doesn't make sense i dont find it as offensively bad as the really boring mcu fights or something
  10. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    it's really weird how the sequels don't have any good lightsaber fights, even episode 7's finale fight is just ok at best im not really sure how they could have fucked that up, it genuinely makes no sense to me
  11. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    rots is the best prequel but I still like AOTC more which i feel tracks pretty neatly with the fact that I am also a bayformers fan if it's completely insane and most people don't like it, then I will probably enjoy it a lot
  12. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    so I spent my whole life hating attack of the clones and then I rewatched it with my wife last year and now we both fucking love it yeah anakin's acting is weird, but the story is actually interesting as fuck and almost every setpiece is exciting to watch. The Obi Wan vs Jango spacefight is also the best in the series imo. It's flawed but I have nothing but love for that movie now. Phantom Menace I thought I'd like a lot more on the rewatch. The lore is good and it has a really strong opening act, but it skips around a lot (the takeover of Naboo is something we don't actually get to see happen) and of course just too much Jar Jar. He could have been fine in smaller doses, but he was crammed into like every scene and it fucked a lot up.
  13. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    id say the worst are phantom menace>>>TLJ>>>solo>>>>>>>rise of skywalker i adore the prequels but phantom menace is insanely inconsistent and I would say it's easily the worst of those, but it's ultimately saved by Darth Maul being cool and iconic which is something no disney wars movie came close to achieving TLJ has been ragged on forever, I don't really need to add anything. It's a movie I think is aesthetically strong, but the story isn't good and it obviously had a fundamental lack of understanding of Luke's character which tremendously hurts it. The central plotlines of the three main characters are written like dogshit ao that all three of them actually make things unfathomably worse for everyone. Rey having no family was actually a good decision...that would immediately be ignored. Solo is pretty much the definition of mid incarnate which is a shame because I feel like the lead actor actually started to get a better feel for the role as it went on. The kessel run and...
  14. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    im saying this as someone who initially liked TLJ a lot the sequels are just ass like even as janky and weird as the prequels are, they actually have some kind of substance and creativity to them none of the sequels added anything new or did anything unique in a fundamental way
  15. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    rise of skywalker is the worst movie i have ever seen and deserves to get way more shit for being as bad as it was
  16. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    i am now convinced the reason behind the ezra miller attacks is that they were actually some kind of forest demon, and were never any kind of human to begin with
  17. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    with the power of modern marvel writing this can still happen
  18. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I thought the watchers weren't supposed to do shit :rock
  19. OtherGalaxy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    the Ultimate Jobbifier here's how Unicron can still win