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  1. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Toei DBGT had a few questionable feats even the infamous "Buu causing the collpase of the universe by shattering Dimensional Walls" feat IIRC. I don't think the Universal Spirit Bomb at the end used to kill Shenron would really scale to anyone either, but we may have Galaxy Level + - Muilti Galaxy Level + DBGT with Toei Z feats
  2. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    With Super Hero seeming to ignore both the Moro and Gas arcs, is Ultra Ego even going to be Anime canon? It may end up Manga only like Mastered SSB
  3. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    The correct answer is "Post Super Hero/Maybe straight up Post Z (Finally)"
  4. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    ah lol, I thought it mentioned something along those lines, but my Moon rune reading skills have decayed so only could get the 4d ride part for certain lol
  5. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I think that's supposted to be the Broly from the 4D ride, The one where Goku fuses with the Audience iirc
  6. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    To be fair he *is* a Saiyan. Fighting =! Mass Genocide
  7. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I'm aware since that's by far the form He has to draw the least
  8. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    They legit went eh?
  9. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Missed opportunity to explain whatever the fuck Future Trunks's Super Saiyan Rage form is further, and to give the form named "Super Saiyan Rage" to the Saiyan with the most association with actual Rage in the series.
  10. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    "Dr Gero had a sublab for the sublab/ second base where this new Cell now has Buu and God cells to draw from."
  11. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    And the manga is an anemic mess of ideas that should have been abandoned, none of the classic fluff that makes Dragon Ball Dragon Ball (fluff or not, those moments helped make DB and DBZ), and even worse scaling than the Anime once you really look into it. The real reason people simp for the manga are because they are Idiots who always believe Manga > Anime, no matter what. The vast majority of the biggest DBS manga fans over anime fans is that section. They will lie if called on it, but its 99% this reason alone.
  12. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Helps that GT had the OG DBZ crew and got canceled halfway through so they didn't need to make bloat like DBS didn't since Toei knew it was a failure
  13. Sigismund

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I mean, in the sprit of Toriyama, Vegetto having an unknown timelimit because the Kai's are insular enough that they don't even know how it functions on morals kinda sells the upcoming "Universe 7 is dead last, even behind fucking Mad Max furries being overwatched by someone who doesn't even bother to take of his wife beater after he became the God of his universe". Its completely unintentional, so 100% in line with Toriyama's style. Also the OG explanation they figured in the manga was "Bad air" not "dark enegry". They had no idea why they defused either, and the most damning point, that Vegetto only existed because Gogeta got his movie in the middle of the Buu saga and Toriyama explicily didn't want to steal the movies thunder as he as said in interviews. Its likely the timelimit was always a factor for that fight, which was being written at the time of the movies production, so I find everyone bitching about it hilarious.