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  1. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    The Rat Chat Box vs The Neutered NF Chatterbox
  2. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    Certified hacker ladies and gentlemen! Call the digital police! Someone's getting the ice in a cube for a servertime.
  3. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    I challenge you to draw an antlion guard :LOSdammitnepnep
  4. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    I mean I have yet to experience VR so it's both exciting and a bit confusing to try and imagine how it feels. I'm a very visual person so I'll probably get disoriented fast trying to soak all the little details :kobeha
  5. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    It's funny how HL was my first real obsession as a kid to a point where my mom actually thought it was unusual and my teachers, friends and even church buddies (dun ask) got worried I might be addicted not the game per se as I didn't own a PC but the world and creatures... I drew them EVERYWHERE, I couldn't stop talking about the story and themes I was for a lack of a better word a true fanatic... And yet when HL2 came out I felt nothing... City 17 was literally inspired by my own country and it was so surreal yet it felt so underwhelming compared to the steel corridors and abstract feel of Black Mesa and that good old goldsrc. Alyx feels even less exciting to me, it feels almost like a completely different franchise yet it is the absolute pinnacle of what Valve wanted to show through HL. It's so weird and bizarre that it drives me crazy sometimes. If you haven't seen this short SFM yet it's the perfect example of what Valve gave us, they didn't create a game or even a story, they...
  6. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    My PC got a degrade in the face of a GT 710, I can't play anything post-2010 and to be honest now I feel like an idiot complaining for years how old my potato of a machine is only to see it can get even worse... Ironically with a newer GPU too...
  7. Vermiform

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    Hey remember when Half-Life was remembered for you know... being Half-Life and not Half-Life 2 or Garry's Mod or Source or whatever.