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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Ok so I think I can confirm that Luka didn't have a reaction to Bachi claiming no result on them after he did up until his death, I think he moved him slightly down in his read list without actually specifying.

I think this is interesting

Because in one hand you could say that if Bachi gave Luka an alibi there's no reason for him to have killed him, on the other he should have been scum from his PoV

Not having any sort of reaction is weird if Luka is town though


Lonely at the top
This needs to be discussed if we are thinking Luka is SK

Bachi claimed to track them on N1 and got no result. Then Bachi dies the next night, possibly from vig but probably from SK

What are the conclusions of this?
None of the mafia were trackers and none of the flipped town were tracker that Tempest could use his gravedigger on.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Lack of reaction could actually be a reaction, he may have felt put on the spot and had no way to respond off the top of his head


Can kinda see both angles here, if Luka is SK he would have a free confirm on Bachi being scum as soon as Bachi gave a no result to tracking him (assuming he shot) but I feel like maybe he would have leveraged that for lynch credit and not just shoot him?

Kina too many variables here, don't strictly know what SK did vs what vig did

But I do think the absence of a reaction to Bachi's claim is weird, because it might point to Luka not wanting to confirm or deny the point


Lonely at the top
Ok so I think I can confirm that Luka didn't have a reaction to Bachi claiming no result on them after he did up until his death, I think he moved him slightly down in his read list without actually specifying.

I think this is interesting

Because in one hand you could say that if Bachi gave Luka an alibi there's no reason for him to have killed him, on the other he should have been scum from his PoV

Not having any sort of reaction is weird if Luka is town though
What did Luka claim again.


None of the mafia were trackers and none of the flipped town were tracker that Tempest could use his gravedigger on.

Fuji I know this it's not relevant

Bachi claimed tracker. Luka claimed VT day 1. From Bachi pov he claimed Track on Luka because it was safe. Got it?

Now, that is a fake track of course. But from Luka's perspective, if he's SK, what does he conclude? How does he react?


Lonely at the top
Fuji I know this it's not relevant

Bachi claimed tracker. Luka claimed VT day 1. From Bachi pov he claimed Track on Luka because it was safe. Got it?

Now, that is a fake track of course. But from Luka's perspective, if he's SK, what does he conclude? How does he react?
I read your post afterwards, the lack of reaction from Luka is weird. What did Luka claim again?


You think Luka would claim vanilla D1 as SK, with so many awesome fakes you all give?

Luka was forced to claim very early in the game. It's possible even if he had a fake role he chose to claim vanilla to not have to commit to it.

Let's say he had a fake claim of Watcher, he would have to explain how he's still alive in late game after 6 nights


I'm not 100% satisfied with that explanation but if on the other hand I assume SK gets a sweet fake then by default my only guess would be tweet


Could you case Tweet for me Ultra

My points against him right now:

- When he witnessed Nibel claiming SK his reaction was to hard steer against voting him. This makes perfect sense if he's SK, from multiple angles. (He has a rationale that he thought Luka was the lead wagon and Nibel claimed under no pressure or w/e and then he switched back, but I don't see this as incompatible with him not willing to hard commit to defending him)

- Did not use Amplifier all game, most notably, did not use it on Gad the night he was going to shoot Nibel

- Is greasy


So then whats the issue.

Well the issue is you would think Luka would say some cute shit like "Oh wow I don't think Bachi really needed to clear me here I think he could be town or..." whatever.

Instead he said nothing, and then Bachi gets clapped.

I was suspect of Bachi but honestly I don't get the impression that was picking up too much traction, so the general consensus is that SK shot him, possibly because of believing the tracker claim at face value

However, if Luka is SK it introduces other potential explanations. If he shot the previous night, he would know Bachi was lying, so maybe he shot him to townside because town was losing
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