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Man of Atom
@Paxton @Astaro
In the "Toaru Majutsu no Index" (A Certain Magical Index) series, espers are individuals with supernatural abilities known as "esper powers." These powers are typically divided into various levels, with Level 0 being the lowest and Level 5 being the highest. These abilities are often categorized into different categories such as Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis, and more.

If we were to imagine Jesus as an esper in the "Toaru" universe, it would be purely speculative and a work of fiction, as the series is set in a science-based magical world. Here are some hypothetical esper abilities that Jesus might have:

1. Healing Esper (Level 5): Jesus is known for his miraculous healing abilities in religious texts. In the Toaru universe, he could possess the power to heal injuries and illnesses instantly.

2. Water Manipulation (Hydrokinesis): In the biblical narrative, Jesus turned water into wine and walked on water. In the Toaru universe, he might have hydrokinetic powers, allowing him to control and manipulate water.

3. Resurrection: In Christian tradition, Jesus was said to have the power to resurrect the dead. In the Toaru universe, this could be interpreted as a high-level esper ability to bring people back to life.

4. Empathy Esper: Jesus was known for his deep empathy and understanding of people's emotions and suffering. In the Toaru universe, he might have the ability to sense and influence the emotions of others.

5. Reality Warping: Given the profound nature of Jesus' miracles, his esper ability could be something akin to reality warping, allowing him to change the fundamental laws of the world temporarily.

6. Telepathy: Jesus often communicated with his disciples and followers through thought and understanding. In the Toaru universe, this might translate into powerful telepathic abilities.

7. Time Manipulation: Jesus' ability to foresee future events and his resurrection could be associated with time manipulation powers, allowing him to see and influence past, present, and future events.

It's important to note that the "Toaru" series is a work of fiction with its own rules and lore, and any inclusion of a character like Jesus with supernatural esper powers would be a creative interpretation and not an accurate representation of religious beliefs.

What do you think? Busted or no?


Man of Atom
If Ash Ketchum were to be reimagined as a servant in the Fate series, his abilities and Noble Phantasms would likely be derived from his adventures and accomplishments in the Pokémon universe. Here's a speculative take on what his abilities might be:

**Class:** Caster or Rider (Caster because of his deep knowledge of Pokémon, and Rider because of his extensive travels)

- **Strength:** D
- **Agility:** C
- **Endurance:** C
- **Mana:** B
- **Luck:** A
- **Noble Phantasm:** A


1. **Pokémon Mastery (Passive):** Ash has an innate connection with Pokémon. He can understand and communicate with them without the need for words. This ability grants him an advantage when commanding and coordinating with summoned creatures, similar to a tamer or a beastmaster.

2. **Aura of Friendship (Active):** Ash's charisma and unwavering friendship with his Pokémon radiate from him, boosting the morale and abilities of allies. This skill can enhance the parameters of his fellow servants temporarily.

3. **Noble Phantasm - Pikachu's Thunderbolt (Rank A):** Ash summons his faithful companion Pikachu, and together they unleash a devastating electrical attack. The power of this Noble Phantasm is capable of causing immense damage to a single target or a widespread area.

4. **Bond of Friendship (Passive):** Ash's bond with Pikachu is unbreakable, granting both of them protection and resilience against attacks. This passive ability allows Ash and Pikachu to share their hit points and magic energy, ensuring they always fight together.

5. **Quick Learner (Passive):** Over the course of his journey, Ash has learned quickly from his experiences. This ability allows him to adapt to new situations and opponents, gradually increasing his combat effectiveness throughout a battle.

6. **Pokémon Arsenal (Active):** Ash can summon and switch between various Pokémon in his arsenal to adapt to different combat scenarios. He can call upon creatures like Charizard for aerial combat, Snorlax for defense, and Greninja for stealthy strikes.

7. **Limitless Determination (Active):** Ash's unyielding determination and relentless pursuit of his goals make him immune to mental interference and fear-based attacks, allowing him to maintain focus in dire situations.

Ash Ketchum's servant form would embody his unwavering friendship with Pokémon, adaptability, and the powerful bond he shares with his partner Pikachu. His Noble Phantasm, "Pikachu's Thunderbolt," would be a representation of the iconic move in the Pokémon series and a symbol of their unbreakable partnership.

>D in strength
this AI doesnt even know


Man of Atom
```If FGO were to include Jesus as a servant, it would need to be done respectfully and carefully to avoid controversy. His abilities and class would need to reflect his role as a religious figure. Here's a hypothetical concept for a servant Jesus:

Class: Ruler

Name: Jesus Christ

Rarity: 5-star


HP: High
ATK: Low
NP: Moderate
Deck Composition:

Quick: 1
Arts: 2
Buster: 2
Extra: 1
Noble Phantasm (NP): 1
Class Skills:

Territory Creation: D
Magic Resistance: C

Personal Skills:
Messiah's Blessing (Rank EX): Jesus possesses the unique ability to bless and heal. This skill allows him to cleanse debuffs from allies, provide minor HP regeneration, and grant a one-time invincibility effect.

Divine Teachings (Rank A): Jesus imparts his divine wisdom to his allies, increasing their Arts card performance and providing critical star generation.

Forgiveness (Rank B): As a symbol of forgiveness, Jesus can remove enemy buffs and decrease their critical damage for a certain number of turns.

Noble Phantasm:
Second Coming (Rank EX): Jesus's NP represents his return as a divine figure. It deals AoE damage to all enemies, removes their buffs, and provides a team-wide healing effect. Additionally, it grants a one-time Guts status to all allies.```

Re-Did Jesus to specify fate grand order. Cant tell if this is better or not
Sir Arthur's legendary exploits against the demonic hordes certainly qualify him for summoning in the Holy Grail War from the "Fate" universe. Here's a speculative look at his Servant profile:


**Class:** Saber (though he could arguably fit into Lancer or even Berserker based on his relentless determination.)

**True Name:** Sir Arthur

**Alignment:** Lawful Good


*Strength:* B
*Endurance:* A
*Agility:* B
*Mana:* C
*Luck:* C
*Noble Phantasm:* A


**Class Skills:**

1. **Magic Resistance:** B
Given Arthur's frequent encounters with magical and demonic entities, and his ability to resist various spells and abilities, his magic resistance would be significant.

2. **Riding:** D
While Sir Arthur is not particularly known for riding, as a knight, it's presumed he has basic skills in this area.


**Personal Skills:**

1. **Battle Continuation:** A
Sir Arthur's relentless determination to save Princess Prin-Prin, even in the face of repeated deaths, demonstrates a top-tier Battle Continuation skill.

2. **Guardian Knight:** A
This skill represents Sir Arthur's unwavering commitment to rescuing Princess Prin-Prin and defeating the forces of darkness, no matter how many times he's set back.

3. **Monster Slayer:** B
Given his numerous feats of slaying giant and powerful monsters, Arthur has a distinct advantage against monstrous or demonic foes.


**Noble Phantasm:**

1. **Golden Armor of Resilience** - *Unyielding Guardian*
**Type:** Anti-Unit (Self)
**Rank:** A

A representation of his iconic armor that protects him from one or two hits depending on the situation. When activated, it provides a powerful defensive boost, shielding him from fatal harm. However, once the armor is "broken" (i.e., after taking a powerful hit), it becomes weaker, requiring time to regenerate. This Noble Phantasm also grants him a temporary boost in strength and endurance after it's broken, representing his increased vulnerability yet determined nature in the games when he's in his boxers.

2. **Lance of the Demon Slayer** - *Destiny's Pierce*
**Type:** Anti-Monster
**Rank:** B

Channeling the many weapons he's wielded, Sir Arthur can throw or thrust a powerful, magical lance that can pierce even the most formidable of foes, especially demonic or monstrous enemies. When thrown, it homes in on its target, representing the straight trajectory of his lance throws in the game.


Given the Holy Grail War's nature, Sir Arthur's unwavering determination and monster-slaying expertise would certainly make him a formidable Servant in any Master's arsenal.
If The Knight from "Hollow Knight" were to be a Servant in the "Fate" series, it could be translated as follows:

Assassin or Saber, due to The Knight's proficiency with its nail and the stealthy, silent demeanor that defines its character.

- **Strength:** B
- **Endurance:** A
- **Agility:** A
- **Mana:** C
- **Luck:** D
- **Noble Phantasm:** A

**Class Abilities:**
- **Presence Concealment (Assassin class)**: B - The Knight is known for its silent and unobtrusive presence, allowing it to approach enemies without being noticed.

**Personal Skills:**
- **Void Heart**: Grants immunity or resistance to mental interference due to the Knight's emptiness.
- **Nail Arts Mastery**: A skill reflecting The Knight's expertise with its nail, allowing for powerful strikes.
- **Soul Resonance**: The ability to harness SOUL for various magical effects and healing.

**Noble Phantasms:**
1. **Void Vessel**: Summons the Shade, a shadowy doppelganger, to aid in battle.
- **Type:** Anti-Unit
- **Rank:** B

2. **Dream Nail**: Allows The Knight to delve into the psyche of its opponents, potentially inflicting mental damage or extracting information.
- **Type:** Anti-Mind
- **Rank:** A

3. **Abyss Shriek**: Unleashes a scream of pure void energy, damaging all in its path.
- **Type:** Anti-Army
- **Rank:** A

Given the "Fate" series' flexibility in adapting various characters from history, myths, and other sources, The Knight could fit in with its unique skills and attributes from the "Hollow Knight" game.
If Elminster from Dungeons & Dragons was summoned as a Servant in the Fate universe, he would likely be one of the most potent magic-using classes. Let's take a stab at crafting his Servant profile:


**Class**: Caster (Although he also has qualities of a Saber, Assassin, and possibly Ruler due to his fighter and rogue abilities and leadership skills.)

**Master**: [Your Character's Name]

**True Name**: Elminster Aumar

**Alignment**: Neutral Good


**Strength**: B

**Endurance**: A

**Agility**: B

**Mana**: EX

**Luck**: A

**Noble Phantasm**: EX


**Class Skills**:

- **Territory Creation**: A - Capable of creating a "Workshop" terrain advantageous to himself.

- **Item Construction**: A - Can create powerful magical items and artifacts.


**Personal Skills**:

- **High-Speed Divine Words**: A - Due to his deep knowledge and quick casting of spells.

- **Mystic Eyes**: B - Can detect magic, similar to his Detect Magic ability.

- **Knowledge of Respect and Harmony**: B - Helps avoid the reduction of his magical power even when inside an anti-magic field, thanks to his vast experience.

- **Clairvoyance**: C - Can detect magical auras and the like.


**Noble Phantasms**:

- **Silver Fire**: EX - A beam of pure Weave energy that can pierce through any defense, nullify magical defenses, and cause immense damage. When clashed with specific types of opposing energies, it might produce unpredictable effects.

- **Spellfire**: A+ - Absorbs magic directed at him, which can then be converted into a burst of flames or healing energy. If enough is absorbed, it may unlock a temporary powerful state known as the Crown of Fire.


**Character Background**:

Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale, is one of the most iconic figures in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. As one of the Chosen of Mystra, the goddess of magic, he wields immense magical power and has lived for centuries, experiencing countless adventures and facing numerous threats. In his own world, Elminster is a force to be reckoned with, having shaped the fate of nations and realms. Now, summoned to the world of Fate, he brings his vast experience, wisdom, and magical might to aid his Master in the quest for the Holy Grail.


Of course, the Fate universe and its rules are subject to the interpretation of various authors and creators, and the above is a hypothetical profile. Elminster's stats and abilities might be different based on the circumstances of the summoning and the nature of the Grail War he's participating in.
**Crash Bandicoot as a Servant in the Fate Series**

**Class**: Rider (Given Crash's iconic use of various animals and vehicles throughout his adventures.)

**Master**: [Name of the summoner, could be any character or original]

- **Strength**: B
- **Endurance**: B
- **Agility**: A+
- **Mana**: C
- **Luck**: A
- **Noble Phantasm**: A

**Class Abilities**:
- **Riding**: A (He can ride anything from wild boars to jet skis with ease.)

**Personal Skills**:
- **Resilience of the Bandicoot**: B (A skill denoting Crash's ability to withstand tremendous amounts of physical damage.)
- **Spin Evasion**: A (Allows Crash to avoid enemy attacks with a swift spinning motion.)
- **Fruit Gatherer**: C (Enhances Crash's luck in collecting resources, mainly Wumpa fruits, which can be used to restore his vitality.)

**Noble Phantasm**:
- **Aku Aku's Blessing**: *Mask of the Ancients* (A defensive Noble Phantasm. When activated, Aku Aku appears before Crash, granting him temporary invulnerability. The number of times Crash can invoke this ability is limited, similar to the number of masks he can collect in a level.)

Crash Bandicoot, once a simple bandicoot, was transformed by the evil Dr. Neo Cortex to serve in his army of mutants. However, Crash turned against Cortex's wicked plans, becoming a hero in his own right. Throughout his journeys, Crash battled numerous foes, collecting Power Crystals, Relics, and Gems, always with his trusty ally, Aku Aku, by his side. Despite being a creature of few words, Crash's bravery and determination made him a legend in his own dimension.

**Behavior in Chaldea**:
Crash, being a creature of few words, often expresses himself through gestures and facial expressions. He gets along with most servants, especially those with a strong sense of justice. Though he doesn't understand the complexities of the Mage's Association or the Holy Grail War, his strong sense of right and wrong drives him to protect those in need.

He may be often seen trying to collect Wumpa fruits in Chaldea's garden or riding around on random objects, much to the bewilderment of the staff. Occasionally, one might hear the soft beat of tribal drums echoing around Chaldea, signaling Aku Aku's presence.
If Yuri Volte Hyuga from *Shadow Hearts* was summoned as a Servant in the *Fate* series, his unique abilities and attributes would likely be categorized as follows:

**Class:** Berserker
(Considering his ability to shift into monstrous forms and the uncontrollable nature of his powers, the Berserker class is fitting. Though, arguments could also be made for classes like Caster due to his fusion magic, or even Alter Ego considering his multiple personalities.)

- **Strength:** B+
- **Endurance:** A
- **Agility:** B
- **Mana:** C
- **Luck:** C
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX

**Class Skills:**
- **Mad Enhancement:** B-
(Enhances physical abilities, but at the cost of reason. However, due to Yuri's ability to maintain his consciousness while transformed, it isn't as high ranked as other Berserkers.)

**Personal Skills:**
- **Harmonixer:** EX
(Allows Yuri to tap into his fusion forms, granting him various abilities depending on the form.)

- **Battle Continuation:** B+
(Yuri's determination and will to protect those he cares about make it difficult to take him down. He can continue fighting even after receiving fatal injuries.)

- **Mental Pollution:** C
(Due to his struggles with Malice and the voices of the various spirits he fuses with, Yuri has a form of mental resistance against mental interference.)

**Noble Phantasms:**
- **Seraphic Radiance/Dark Seraphim:** A++
(The ultimate fusion form that showcases Yuri's power at its peak. A devastating force that can obliterate enemies but can also harm Yuri if used recklessly.)

- **Graveyard of Souls:** B
(A metaphysical space where Yuri battles against spirits to gain new fusion forms. It can also be used to trap enemies, forcing them to face their own inner demons.)

**Character Relationships:**
- **Master:** Yuri, being a stubborn and free-spirited individual, would have a complex relationship with his Master. He'd likely be hard to control but would ultimately form a bond based on mutual respect and trust.

- **Servants:** Yuri's relationships with other Servants would depend on their nature and intentions. He would bond with those who value protection and despise those who harm the innocent.

Overall, Yuri Volte Hyuga, with his vast array of powers and unyielding spirit, would be a formidable Servant in the Holy Grail War. However, his unpredictable nature and the toll his powers take on his body could also be his Achilles' heel in battle.


Man of Atom
Creating a fictional Fate/Grand Order servant based on "Kamen Rider Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid" is a fun exercise in imagination. In Fate/Grand Order, servants are typically categorized into different classes, such as Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. However, Ex-Aid doesn't neatly fit into these classes, so let's create a custom class for him and design some abilities:

Class: Rider (Custom Class)

Kamen Rider Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid's Abilities:

1. Noble Phantasm - "Hyper Critical Finish: Mighty Critical Strike of the Gamer King"
- This Noble Phantasm represents Ex-Aid's ultimate form and his powerful finishing move. It delivers a devastating blow with unrivaled speed and precision, bypassing enemy defenses to deal critical damage.

2. Passive Skill - "Gamer's Tenacity"
- Ex-Aid's determination and refusal to give up grant him increased resistance to debuffs and negative status effects.

3. Active Skill - "Gashat Transformation"
- Ex-Aid can temporarily change into different forms by activating the various Gashat cartridges. This skill grants him unique buffs and abilities depending on the form, allowing for versatility in combat.

4. Active Skill - "Pixel Burst"
- Ex-Aid summons pixelated projectiles that home in on and damage enemies. This skill can be used both offensively and defensively, as the pixels can block incoming attacks.

5. Active Skill - "Maximum Gamer's Surge"
- Ex-Aid channels the power of the gamer within, temporarily boosting his speed, strength, and agility. This skill allows him to overwhelm opponents with his enhanced abilities.

6. Territory Creation (Custom Skill) - "Game World Manipulation"
- Ex-Aid creates a bounded field that mimics a digital game world. Inside this field, he gains enhanced control over his abilities and can manipulate the terrain to his advantage.

7. Riding Skill - "Bike Gamer"
- Ex-Aid is an accomplished rider, and this skill allows him to summon his motorbike for swift movement and charging attacks.

8. Magic Resistance (Custom Skill) - "Anti-Virus Gamer"
- Ex-Aid's experience dealing with digital threats gives him a natural resistance to magical effects, debuffs, and status ailments.

9. Personal Skill - "Gamer's Heart"
- Ex-Aid's unyielding spirit grants him a significant boost to his resistance against mental attacks and charm effects.

10. Personal Skill - "Level Up!"
- As Ex-Aid deals and takes damage, he progressively becomes more powerful during combat, gaining increased stats and abilities as the battle progresses.

These are just hypothetical abilities, and Fate/Grand Order's character designs can be quite flexible. This custom servant design is meant to capture the essence of Kamen Rider Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid and adapt it to the Fate/Grand Order universe.



Man of Atom
If Galactus were to be adapted as a servant within the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) universe, his abilities would be tailored to fit the mechanics and lore of the game. Here's a speculative concept for Galactus as an FGO servant:

Servant Name: Galactus, The Devourer of Worlds

Class: Foreigner


  • Strength: A
  • Endurance: EX
  • Agility: B
  • Magic: A
  • Luck: D
  • Noble Phantasm: EX

  1. Cosmic Energy Manipulation (Rank A+): Galactus can manipulate cosmic energy for various purposes, including energy blasts, force fields, and healing. This skill provides a damage boost for his Noble Phantasm and a passive healing effect.
  2. World Devourer (Rank EX): Galactus has the power to consume entire worlds. This skill allows him to absorb the life force of enemies with each attack, gradually restoring his HP and NP gauge.
  3. Cosmic Awareness (Rank B): Galactus has an innate sense of cosmic events and threats. This skill grants him critical damage up and debuff resistance, allowing him to react to enemy attacks effectively.
Noble Phantasm:

"The World-Eater, Gah Lak Tus - Devourer of Worlds" (Rank EX):
Galactus's ultimate attack, which calls upon his ability to consume entire planets. He unleashes a devastating cosmic energy blast, dealing massive damage to all enemies and ignoring defense buffs. Additionally, it has a chance to apply a "Cosmic Devourer" debuff, which reduces the enemy's NP charge rate and gradually decreases their HP over time.

Passive Abilities:

  1. Territory Creation (Rank EX): Galactus can create a miniature cosmic domain, boosting his magical abilities and granting him additional resistance against enemy Noble Phantasms.
  2. Independent Action (Rank A): Reflecting his independence and resilience, this skill grants him increased critical damage and critical stars generation.
Personality:Galactus would likely be portrayed as a cosmic force of nature, caring little for human affairs but not inherently malevolent. He might have a neutral or even benevolent disposition, driven by his cosmic mission to maintain balance in the universe.

Lore:In the FGO universe, Galactus could be portrayed as a mysterious cosmic entity summoned by Chaldea to assist in averting a universe-threatening crisis. He could serve as a powerful ally, with his own motivations and moral code, aligning with the concept of a "Foreigner" class servant, which often represents beings beyond the scope of human understanding.

Keep in mind that FGO often adapts historical and mythological figures into its lore, so this concept is entirely speculative and creative.

God Damn Son
In the world of “Fate,” the Heroic Spirits are summoned into seven primary classes: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Based on Reinhardt Schneider’s abilities and background from Castlevania, he could fit into a few of these classes, but let’s conceptualize him as a Saber, given his combat prowess with both a sword and whip.

**Reinhardt Schneider - Saber Class**


- **Strength:** B+
- **Endurance:** B
- **Agility:** A
- **Mana:** C
- **Luck:** B
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX

**Class Skills:**

1. **Magic Resistance (Rank A):** Thanks to his Belmont lineage and his encounters with various magical entities, Reinhardt possesses a strong resistance against high-tier magecraft.

2. **Riding (Rank C):** While not his main forte, as a hero from a medieval setting, Reinhardt has some proficiency in riding.

**Personal Skills:**

1. **Supernatural Sense (Rank A):** Reinhardt can detect supernatural entities, allowing him to sense other Servants, bounded fields, or any magical presence.

2. **Divine Protection of the Church (Rank B+):** Reinhardt gains a significant defense against dark or cursed attacks, amplifying his defense against such threats.

3. **Combat Experience (Vampire Hunter) (Rank A):** This skill provides Reinhardt with advantages when dealing with enemies of vampiric or demonic nature.

**Noble Phantasms:**

1. **Vampire Killer - The Legacy Whip (Rank EX):** This legendary whip, a symbol of the Belmont legacy, possesses power that can harm and obliterate entities of the night and the supernatural. When invoked, its pure energy form can damage even those with strong resistances or immunities. Given its potency against all related to the supernatural, this Noble Phantasm's rank is EX.

2. **Sub-Weapons of the Hunter (Rank A):** Reinhardt can summon and utilize his iconic sub-weapons. Each of these possesses unique attributes: fire daggers burn with an ethereal flame, lightning axes can call down bolts from the heavens, homing crosses seek out foes relentlessly, and his enhanced holy water can create zones of sanctified ground that harm foes upon contact.

Reinhardt Schneider stands as a powerful and dedicated Servant in the "Fate" universe. He would be especially effective against any Servant or entity tied to the supernatural or the night, making him a force to be reckoned with.


Man of Atom
The One Above All is a character from Marvel Comics and is often depicted as the supreme being or god of the Marvel Universe, possessing virtually limitless power and abilities. If The One Above All were to be adapted as a servant within the Fate/Grand Order universe, it would be necessary to translate their immense power and characteristics into the context of the Fate series, where servants typically have classes and abilities.

Here's a speculative concept of The One Above All as a Fate/Grand Order servant:

Class: Grand Ruler or Grand Caster

True Name: The One Above All

Alignment: Neutral Good


  • Strength: A
  • Endurance: A
  • Agility: A
  • Mana: EX
  • Luck: EX
  • Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills:

  1. Magic Resistance (EX): The One Above All's resistance to magic is unparalleled, making them immune to almost all forms of magical attacks.
  2. Item Construction (EX): The ability to create objects or concepts at will, reflecting their omnipotent nature.
Personal Skills:

  1. Omnipotence (EX): The One Above All possesses the ability to do anything and everything, essentially making them all-powerful within the confines of the Fate/Grand Order universe. They can manipulate reality, alter time, and transcend the laws of physics at will.
  2. Omniscience (EX): The One Above All knows all that is, all that was, and all that will be. This grants them an unparalleled level of insight and foresight in battles.
  3. Universal Blessing (EX): The One Above All can bestow blessings and boons upon their allies, enhancing their abilities, granting them invincibility, and providing unlimited mana.
Noble Phantasms:

  1. The Creator's Will - Omnipotent Authority (EX): The One Above All's presence warps reality itself, allowing them to rewrite the laws of the universe at will. This Noble Phantasm can be invoked to alter the battlefield, create or erase existences, and rewrite the outcome of events. It is an absolute authority over all things.
  2. Omnipotent Blessing - Infinite Mercy (EX): The One Above All can grant their allies a temporary share in their omnipotence, empowering them with unmatched abilities, invulnerability, and unlimited mana for a limited duration.
  3. The Unfathomable Plan - Fate's Design (EX): The One Above All's ultimate Noble Phantasm allows them to design and manipulate the fate and destiny of any entity, altering the course of events to achieve a desired outcome.
Please note that The One Above All's abilities in the Marvel Universe are essentially limitless, making them a challenging character to adapt within the constraints of the Fate/Grand Order system. This concept is a speculative adaptation and may not fully capture the true extent of their power.

Speaking of Broken


Man of Atom
Kamijou Touma is a character from the "Toaru Majutsu no Index" (A Certain Magical Index) light novel and anime series, which is not part of the Fate/Grand Order universe. However, if we were to imagine him as a servant in the Fate/Grand Order game, we can create a hypothetical set of abilities for him based on his character and abilities from the source material. Keep in mind that this is purely speculative and not an official representation in the game:

Servant Class: Lancer or Ruler

- Strength: B
- Endurance: B
- Agility: C
- Magic: E
- Luck: D
- Noble Phantasm: B

**Class Skills:**
1. Magic Resistance: D
2. Independent Action: C
3. Territory Creation: C

**Personal Skills:**
1. Imagine Breaker (Imagine Breaker):
- Description: Kamijou Touma's signature ability to negate all supernatural abilities, including magic, psychic powers, and other Noble Phantasms, with a touch of his right hand.
- Effect: Passive skill that provides a chance to nullify enemy Noble Phantasms or debuffs when attacked by them.

2. High-Speed Divine Words (Incantation Interruption):
- Description: Touma has a talent for quickly identifying and disrupting magical incantations.
- Effect: Chance to reduce the casting time of his Noble Phantasm and increase its effectiveness.

3. Street Fighter (Combat Experience):
- Description: Touma has extensive experience in street brawls and close combat situations.
- Effect: Increased damage in close combat and a bonus to critical hit rate.

**Noble Phantasm: Imagine Breaker - Right Hand of the Divine (Anti-Magic Fist)**
- Description: Kamijou Touma's right hand, Imagine Breaker, is an anti-magic power that can negate any supernatural ability, regardless of its origin. This Noble Phantasm embodies that power.
- Type: Anti-Magic
- Effect: Removes all active buffs, debuffs, and Noble Phantasms from the enemy. It has a chance to negate their effects for a set number of turns. Additionally, it deals damage to the enemy based on the number of abilities negated.

Kamijou Touma's abilities are fundamentally rooted in his unique Imagine Breaker ability, which makes him a natural counter to many supernatural and magical abilities. In Fate/Grand Order, his role would be to disrupt enemy strategies by nullifying their powers and protecting his allies. However, his lack of magical abilities and agility might make him vulnerable in certain situations, so strategic play and team composition would be essential to maximize his potential as a servant.

Yeah Okay Touma
>D in strength
this AI doesnt even know

To be fair, D Strength in the Nasuverse is actually REALLY, REALLY stupid.
A - Rank Strength is enough to bypass God Hand(though actually doing anything of it to Heracles is another question entirely of course) and basically rearrange entire maps
By comparison, the Grand Duchess Anastasia(yeah that Anastasia) has E-Rank Strength and yet was able to casually carry around Lostbelt Ivan The Terrible... whose 15 feet tall and weighs more than a ton casually as hell.
If anything, it giving as D Rank Strength is actually giving him kudos.


Man of Atom
In the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game, characters and servants are based on various historical and fictional figures, each with their own unique abilities and Noble Phantasms. If the Hulk were to be adapted as a servant in FGO, his abilities might be something like this:

Class: Berserker

- Strength: A++
- Endurance: A++
- Agility: C
- Mana: E
- Luck: E
- Noble Phantasm: A


1. Mad Enhancement (EX):
- Increases his strength and endurance significantly while decreasing his ability to reason. As a Berserker, the Hulk's Mad Enhancement would be at an extremely high rank.

2. Regeneration (A):
- The Hulk's incredible regenerative abilities allow him to recover from injuries rapidly, even during battle. This skill would make him exceptionally durable.

3. Uncontrollable Rage (B):
- The longer a battle continues, the stronger the Hulk becomes. His attacks and defense increase as he takes more damage.

Noble Phantasm:

Noble Phantasm: "Gamma Smash - Worldbreaker" (Rank A+)
- The Hulk's most iconic ability is his smashing power. In this Noble Phantasm, he unleashes a devastating area-of-effect attack, causing immense damage to all enemies on the battlefield. The power of this attack increases with the amount of damage the Hulk has taken during the battle.

The Hulk's character in FGO would be true to his nature as a Berserker, relying on raw power, durability, and his ability to get stronger as the battle progresses. His weaknesses would include a lack of control over his actions and a susceptibility to mental interference due to his Mad Enhancement skill. His incredible strength and regenerative abilities would make him a formidable force on the battlefield, and his Noble Phantasm would be a game-changing move in tough battles.

Oh God Damn Son


Man of Atom
Unicron, the cosmic entity from the Transformers franchise, is a formidable character with immense power and a unique set of abilities. If Unicron were to be portrayed as a servant in the Fate/Grand Order universe, his abilities might be adapted to fit the game's mechanics and lore. Here's a hypothetical set of abilities and Noble Phantasms for Unicron:

Class: Beast


  • Strength: A
  • Endurance: A+
  • Agility: C
  • Magic: EX
  • Luck: E
  • Noble Phantasm: EX

  1. Cosmic Devourer (EX): Unicron possesses the unique ability to consume planets, and this skill allows him to drain the life force and energy of enemies. It grants him HP and NP charge over time while debuffing enemy servants.
  2. Planetary Transformation (A): Unicron can transform and adapt to various forms. This skill grants him resistance to different types of attacks and enhances his abilities.
  3. Void Manipulation (B): Unicron can control and manipulate the void, creating destructive energy and space-time rifts. This skill increases his critical damage and NP damage.
Noble Phantasms:

  1. Planet Eater - Torn from the Stars (EX): Unicron's ultimate Noble Phantasm represents his ability to consume entire planets. When activated, he releases a massive energy beam that deals immense damage to all enemies. It ignores defense, reduces enemy NP gauge, and has a chance to instant-kill weaker enemies.
  2. Cosmic Rebirth (A+): Unicron's second Noble Phantasm allows him to regenerate and reform, making him nearly invulnerable. It fully restores his HP, clears all debuffs, and grants him a powerful Guts status that revives him once if defeated.
  3. Reality-Warping Domain (B+): This Noble Phantasm creates a localized reality-warping field that distorts the rules of the battlefield. It applies various status effects to enemies, such as confusion, defense reduction, and NP seal. Unicron can manipulate this field to his advantage.
Unicron would be a formidable and versatile servant, capable of dealing massive damage while being challenging to defeat. His abilities would be fitting for a Beast-class servant, given his cosmic nature and planet-consuming capabilities.

The first beast class servant and its fucking Unicron


Man of Atom
@Stocking Anarchy
Creating a Fate/Grand Order (FGO) servant based on Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is an interesting concept. FGO servants typically have classes and a set of skills and Noble Phantasms. Here's a rough idea of what Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's abilities might look like:

**Class:** Berserker (due to its overwhelming power and sometimes reckless behavior)

- Strength: EX
- Endurance: EX
- Agility: C
- Magic: E
- Luck: B
- Noble Phantasm: A++


1. **Giga Drill Breaker (Rank: A+):** Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can unleash its signature move, the Giga Drill Breaker, as a powerful single-target Buster attack. It deals massive damage and has a chance to break the enemy's defense.

2. **Spiral Power (Rank: EX):** Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann possesses an immense amount of Spiral Power, which can be used to increase its own parameters temporarily and resist debuffs. This skill may also grant critical damage buffs or NP gain.

3. **Willpower of the Spiral (Rank: B):** Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann embodies the indomitable willpower of Team Dai-Gurren. This skill provides resistance against mental interference and charm effects.

4. **Infinite Size (Rank: A):** Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can manipulate its size to become smaller or larger as needed. This skill grants a dodge effect and increases critical star generation for a set number of turns.

**Noble Phantasm: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Giga Drill Maximum (Rank: A++)**
- Type: Anti-World
- Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann combines all its power into a colossal Giga Drill and unleashes it, piercing through the very fabric of the universe. This Noble Phantasm deals massive damage to all enemies and has a chance to inflict various status ailments, such as defense down, stun, or NP seal.

Please note that FGO servants are highly customizable, and their abilities can vary depending on how they are balanced within the game. Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's abilities, class, and parameters are purely speculative and for the sake of creative interpretation.

**Servant: The Living One**

Given the vast array of abilities and traits of The Living One, he could fit into multiple Servant classes in the Fate universe. Here's a breakdown:


**Class: Caster**

- **Strength:** B
- **Endurance:** A
- **Agility:** B
- **Mana:** EX
- **Luck:** A
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX

*Class Skills:*
- **Territory Creation:** EX – Can create a "Workshop" that aids in both magick and technology.
- **Item Construction:** EX – Ability to create both magickal and technological items of immense power.

*Personal Skills:*
- **High-Speed Incantation:** A – Can cast spells at incredible speed.
- **Natural Born Genius:** A – Due to his vast intellect and understanding of both magick and technology.
- **Dual Nature:** EX – Mastery of both magick and technology.

*Noble Phantasm:*
- **Arcanum Nexus:** A reality marble that combines magick and technology. Within this space, The Living One's abilities are amplified, and opponents may find their own magick or technology turned against them.


**Class: Ruler**

- **Strength:** B
- **Endurance:** A
- **Agility:** B
- **Mana:** A
- **Luck:** A
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX

*Class Skills:*
- **God's Resolution:** A
- **True Name Discernment:** B

*Personal Skills:*
- **Charisma:** A
- **Magickal Resistance:** A
- **Mystic Eyes:** B – Ability to see through containers, see auras, detect invisible enemies.

*Noble Phantasm:*
- **Arcanum's Judgment:** A powerful attack that draws upon the collective will and power of Arcanum to punish enemies.


**Class: Alter Ego**

- **Strength:** B
- **Endurance:** A
- **Agility:** B
- **Mana:** EX
- **Luck:** A
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX

*Personal Skills:*
- **Magecraft:** A
- **Natural Body:** A – Due to his superhuman capabilities.
- **Mental Pollution:** A – Given the sheer scope of his abilities, his mindset is far removed from most beings.

*Noble Phantasm:*
- **Arcanum Rebirth:** The Living One can tap into the very essence of Arcanum to reshape reality, alter events, or revive fallen allies.


The Living One, with his impressive attributes, would certainly be one of the most formidable Servants in the Fate universe, irrespective of the class he is summoned into.


V.I.P. Member
@Paxton @Astaro

What do you think? Busted or no?
Well, Jesus in Toaru saved all of reality from being destroyed by an unknown threat not even Coronzon could handle so even that’s peanuts

Also, I’m on the A.I. thing and signed up. How do I start and are you guys on the free version or that upgrade that requires a monthly fee?
Given Koudelka’s vast abilities and considering her at her absolute best, she would fit into multiple Servant classes in the Fate universe. Here’s an even more comprehensive classification for her:

Primary Class: Caster

True Name: Koudelka Iasant

Master: [Depends on the specific Holy Grail War]


• Strength: C
• Endurance: A+
• Agility: B
• Mana: EX
• Luck: B+
• Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills:

• Territory Creation: EX (Given her powers at their peak, she can create a formidable “Workshop” that is both protective and empowering.)
• Item Construction: A (Her alchemical skills and mystical knowledge would enable her to create a variety of potent magical items.)

Personal Skills:

• Clairvoyance: A+ (Reflecting her precognition abilities.)
• Mental Resistance: EX (Given her formidable willpower and experiences with possession.)
• Elemental Magecraft: EX (Her proficiency with almost all elemental types.)
• High-Speed Incantation: A+ (Reflecting her casting speed.)

Noble Phantasms:

• Arcane Seal of the Émigré Document: EX (This embodies the full extent of her mystical knowledge and reality-warping capabilities. Potentially her most powerful tool.)
• Pendant of Protection: A (A defensive mechanism against physical and magical attacks, and a tool for hypnosis.)
• Black Hole: A+ (Representative of her dark, destructive magic capable of causing instant death.)

Alternative Classes:

Alter Ego: Koudelka’s dual nature, especially with the influence of The Author, makes her a fitting candidate for the Alter Ego class. This class would focus more on her dualities and the inherent conflict within her.

Berserker: With the unrestrained power of The Author, and considering Koudelka’s incredible destructive capacity, she might also fit into the Berserker class, especially if the raw, chaotic nature of her powers is emphasized.

Foreigner: Considering her deep connections with otherworldly powers and entities, especially The Author, she could fit into the Foreigner class, representing heroes who have connections with eldritch or outer-dimensional beings.

Again, this is a hypothetical classification. The Fate universe has its nuances, and the way Koudelka would be incorporated would depend on the direction taken by the authors of the Fate series. But given her profile, she’d undoubtedly be a formidable Servant in any Holy Grail War.


Man of Atom
Well, Jesus in Toaru saved all of reality from being destroyed by an unknown threat not even Coronzon could handle so even that’s peanuts

Also, I’m on the A.I. thing and signed up. How do I start and are you guys on the free version or that upgrade that requires a monthly fee?
Im just using the free version the paid version has access to more recent internet stuff while the free version is limited to 2021