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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 3: Laugh Hard with a Vengence

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Not really, no. All of the contradictions I listed have nothing to do with a change in medium of the work. They are instead just arbitrary changes.

Arbitrary because of the changes in the media and Nasu wanting to make it more clear in comparison to the Visual Novel format. This was already stated before and it's not even the first time done by an animation studio.

They aren't small tho? Did you even actually read the whole goddamn list I made?

I have read that list and those ARE very much arbitrary...
Especially since most of those are either combat changes(Either showing off the power of a certain Servant, Kuzuki getting stronger across his entire body so it comes off less weird he can even fight Saber like he does), done for the sake of the characterization(Gilgamesh actually IS the type of person who would pull out Ea just to show off, the Grail Arm attacking him was done because it was looking for Magical Energy and not only do Servants have it by the bucketload, Gilgamesh is basically a bucketload in comparison to other Servants as was established in Heaven's Feel) or is done simply due to the action scene(Invisible Air being able to damage Heracles 3 times is just there for the hell of it but he only died due to an Excalibur Blast at the end of the day in it's sole usage, him dying to Caladbolg in the Anime was done due to that extra damage that also wasn't present in the VN, which is something Nasu stated himself as to balance the difference).

Ultimately, it's arbitrary as fuck because we already know that there are virtual infinite possibilities/timelines happening between each QTL which is the entire point of Hollow Axtraxia forcing them ALL to be true(Even bringing up scenarios which we never see happen in any continuity), that would include the anime and manga.
So pointing out that there are loads of differences between the VN and the Anime and the Manga is pointless because that's how Nasu set it up.
Even the Manga of Strange Fake and Fate Zero follows the same principle despite following the LN to an absurd extent than most other adaptations.


Man of Atom

>Adam being faster than Sam



The Star and Stripe wank actually hurts my soul because we know that her Quirk gets stumped if she DOESN'T know the person's true name and she literally fucked that up when it came to Shigaraki due to the very deal being based on IF THE TARGET THEMSELVES BELIEVE THE NAME IS THEIR'S

I Know Your True Name: If she uses New Order on a living target, she must know their name. She tries to use her Quirk on Shigaraki in an attempt to kill him. The problem? She doesn't know that Shigaraki is currently suffering an identity crisis resulting from the AFO vestige within him enacting a Split-Personality Merge between their psyches, which ends up preventing him from being directly affected by New Order's rules. It's implied that for human targets, the "true name" is whatever name they think of themselves as, so if not for the AFO vestige the name Tomura Shigaraki would've done the trick.

So yeah, there is a MASSIVE difference if Makima sees herself as Makima or she sees herself as the Control Devil, that's something that MUST be precise on if Star and Stripe's Quirk can work on her or not.
Of course, none of that matters if Makima is strong and as fast as the Gun Devil or was able to deal with stronger versions of Denji because yeah, SnS would be blitzed to hell and back as SnS at the end of the day ISN'T All Might level.

But this IS Nursery Rhyme who wanks MHA to unbelievable levels.

I can already guarantee you are going to have people later state you will need Servants to deal with fucking Hogwarts...
Atleast the beginning posts are primarily leading to actual Mages that would brutally curbstomp the school.

I know the ability to actually see is a difficult power for SB... but can someone please tell me how does this look impressive to anyone in SB:


In comparison to this:


Or this:

Like you can see the fucking Towns and they aren't even that fucking tiny, why is that shit impressive at all again?
They realize that 7DS takes place on Britain right? It's a big ass Island but at the end of the day, it's still an Island at it's core.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

I beg your pardon?

(let's ignore how it's an obvious stomp regardless :mjlol )


V.I.P. Member
I see Godgate and his Unlimited Dupe Works migrated from Comicvine to VBW after his repetitive trolling and Gilgamesh wanking got stale
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Goth Boy

King of the losers
V.I.P. Member
I see Godgate and his Unlimited Dupe Works migrated from Comicvine to VBW after his repetitive trolling and Gilgamesh wanking got stale
Isn't VBW tied to OBD somewhat? Never knew the full history between the two


V.I.P. Member

I know the ability to actually see is a difficult power for SB... but can someone please tell me how does this look impressive to anyone in SB:


In comparison to this:


Or this:

Like you can see the fucking Towns and they aren't even that fucking tiny, why is that shit impressive at all again?
They realize that 7DS takes place on Britain right? It's a big ass Island but at the end of the day, it's still an Island at it's core.

Gonna guess they think the explosion from 7DS takes place at the horizon behind what they think is the planet's curvature?

Mind you, looks more like whenever Toriyama fucked up and drew an exaggerated curvature from in the planet's atmosphere (thinking some of Recoome's explosions on Namek IIRC) when it was clear we shouldn't be seeing jackshit of the curve at all from scale of the objects both in the fore and background?
Gonna guess they think the explosion from 7DS takes place at the horizon behind what they think is the planet's curvature?

Mind you, looks more like whenever Toriyama fucked up and drew an exaggerated curvature from in the planet's atmosphere (thinking some of Recoome's explosions on Namek IIRC) when it was clear we shouldn't be seeing jackshit of the curve at all from scale of the objects both in the fore and background?

Yeah, that's exactly how they view that feat for some absurd reason on top of believing the 7DS Universe is overall faster than the Nasuverse(Which is equally based on complete bullshit of Galand making it back to being teleported across Brittania and making it back before the crew can move as no one ever moves that fast again).
But like me and others stated before, SB is beyond awful when it comes to actually eyeballing shit.
I see Godgate and his Unlimited Dupe Works migrated from Comicvine to VBW after his repetitive trolling and Gilgamesh wanking got stale

The 9D-11D Multiversal+ Gilgamesh is quite frankly retarded, it's honestly infinitely better than listening to SB believe that Gilgamesh is only Town level if he doesn't try for the billionth time...
Despite the fact Servants not trying can lay waste to entire cities easily.

I beg your pardon?

(let's ignore how it's an obvious stomp regardless :mjlol )

It is but I wouldn't be surprised if it was made because of how hard SB wanks MHA and VSB, despite going overboard with the feats, are one of the few that properly actually does know what they are talking about when it comes to the Nasuverse in respects.
EDIT: Nevermind, they was bringing up the 4-D nonsense again...
It doesn't help Imaginary Scramble gave some basis to the insanity they spew out but VSB takes that shit to the endzone and then some.
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