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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 3: Laugh Hard with a Vengence

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This thread is devolving into a mad mess(Especially since this isn't even Post HM Grimmjow, this is HM Grimmjow) of people wanking Grimmjow to be far huger than he is and somehow not even understanding how feats work:

He keeps up with a Hueco Mundo Ichigo which is said to have a fighting speed that is at Mach 500.

I uh don't think any Servant actually moves that fast in Strange Fake if I'm going to be honest?

1. That would be when Ichigo fought Gin, that Ichigo is stronger than when he fought Grimmjow by a massive amount. Grimmjow in this situation doesn't scale.

2. Gin explicitly stated he lied about the Mach 500 deal so I don't know why people continue to use that because "It was in the databook"

3. A decently low end Servant of Katou Danzou has stated she can move ultimately Mach 1457 per second... and considering how she acted for that point, she most likely can move faster and that previous number is just her typical movement speed.
Almost everyone in Snowfield is far beyond that level of speed.

The real kick in the balls is all of Grimmjows attacks are spiritual they'd be highly effective on Servants in theory.

So do other Servant attacks, the hell does that mean? Servants don't fold like paper against other Servants, I don't know why SB acts like this when we have seen Servants tank shit even in their weakest states quite a good amount of times(Gilgamesh got beaten to shit by both Hydra Venom AND Humbaba going to town on him and it took awhile for both of those to put him in the condition we see now).

Another thing to keep in mind Grimmjow is actually quite difficult to injure despite his reckless fighting style you do need to have a sufficient level of 'strength' in your attacks to cut him an Espada's Hierro is actually rather durable albeit there's no real estimate on how strong Grimmjow's is beside the fact that it prevented Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou from basically obliterating him outright meaning it can tank a fair amount of damage.

This doesn't even make fucking sense...
Grimmjow is quite difficult to injure? So is Alcides and he took Jack The Ripper's From Hell Swarm of 256 Demons pretty fucking well despite all of them going through his pelt:
From Hell Jack and his Natural Born Killer copies relentlessly beat upon Alcides, his Nemean Lion Pelt beyond its natural toughness is worthless against both Jack’s physical attacks without weapons and his heat vision. Alcides endures the assault.
The next series of blows assailed Alkeides, standing on the ground, before he could even begin to act. They hit hard, most importantly because, as they were not delivered with weapons, the power of the Nemean lion’s hide had no effect on them. Its inherent toughness prevented it from being torn to shreds, but a portion of the attacks still pierced it, so that the claws and heat reached even Alkeides’ guts.
The ceaseless rain of blows no longer permitted him to so much as stand. If there was such a thing as the pains of hell, it was certainly his current predicament.

Would that bowman even be recognizable by this time?
No sooner had someone thought that… than a change appeared in the situation.
As his low, but carrying voice reverberated in the surroundings, Alkeides exposed himself to the claws of the airborn demons in the center of the pulverized asphalt.
The claws bit into Alkeides’ shoulder with a dull thud. It seemed to the onlookers that it could easily have been a mortal wound.
Alkeides, however, pinned the arm of the gigantic demon whose claws were eating into him and seized one of its fangs with his free hand as it tried to bite him. The other demons launched a simultaneous heat ray attack, but Alkeides did not release his grip.
Then, he commended the hero he had deemed worthless. He spoke words of heartfelt praise, acknowledging that the modern serial killer without so much as a scrap of divinity was indeed a worthy foe.
“…Impressive, weakling. You’ve done well to corner me. You’ve done well to climb this high.”

So is Gilgamesh and Enkidu and they traded blows with their attacks pointblank that should have killed them and they was perfectly fine. Hell, Richard should have got blended by Gilgamesh's GoB + Enkidu combo and he was still very much intact.

Well roughly where would you put Alcides in speed if not at base? Grimmjow almost certainly in Ressurection is faster frankly base Grimmjow is already terrifying given his Gran Ray Cero was distorting the space of Hueco Mundo itself and was commented on saying if he kept pulling that shit he could potentially make it collapse in on itself.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu are basically the biggest threats with MAYBE Pale Rider being one given Pale Rider conceptually is harder to pin down properly.

> No proof that Grimmjow is faster than Alcides, just believes he is...
Yep, typical SB debates...

Again, even if you go by typical stacking, Alcides effortlessly stacks to Danzou's Mach 1457 speed by the simple fact he was able to deal with GoB from Gilgamesh.

He can blitz Richard tbh even with Round of Lionheart

I like how he brings up the wrong shit when Richard's movement skill is Godspeed, which explicitly allows him to get faster and faster the more he moves, fast enough to even dodge GoB with ease.

Godspeed: A
The technical skills engraved in his Saint Graph from the extent of his marches and from his almost lightning speed on the battlefield. The longer the battle continues, the more his Agility stat increases.

"B-But it only says "almost lightning speed there" And every other Servant and Mage under the Sun has and did deal with Lightning attacks before, genuine Lightning, the profile is downplaying him hard.

and uh he can just use Cero to engulf a Noble Phantasm that scales with the object you're using to use it like sure Richard could 'spam' it by like at the cost of it being weaker and getting just engulfed by his Ceros probably

A fucking Cero is gonna defeat Richard's Excalibur Barrage? Let me remind you what he did... with a fucking Tree Branch:
Richard picks up a tree branch while evading Age of Babylon. Enkidu sends another volley at Richard so dense that it did not seem possible Richard could evade them all even with his speed. Richard’s Excalibur blast with the branch counters the Age of Babylon volley by vaporizing it. Exposition on Richard’s Excalibur.

Scanning the ground, he bent down — evading tendrils of earth and flying weapons all the while — and with one hand lifted a thick tree branch lying beside him. Then, pointing it at Lancer, he grinned.

A bead of cold sweat rolled down Ayaka’s cheek. As if at its signal, another massive volley of weapons launched from the earth, their points trained on Saber, who was brandishing his branch. The blades were so densely packed that it did not seem possible he could evade them all, even at the speed he had just been moving.
To Ayaka, the situation looked desperate.
The next instant, however, the scream that had been about to escape her throat was intercepted by an even greater shock:
What should have been an ordinary branch had begun to give off a dazzling light.

“You see, old Coeur de Lion took his Arthur-mania too far. Didn’t even matter if he was on the battlefield or going about his daily business... Apparently he named every sword he ever owned ‘Excalibur.’ By the end it wasn’t just swords; everything he could hold in his hand and fight with was ‘Excalibur.’
“Even the knife he used for cutting up his food, or a rolled-up parchment... or a stick he found lying on the ground.”

“Ex... calibur!”
That must have been the third time Ayaka had seen that light. The brilliant slash that had collapsed the opera house ceiling and cut through the falling rubble in front of the police officers.
This time the streak of light was smaller than it had been then, but the compressed heat wiped out the myriad of weapons hurtling toward Saber in an instant.

They both gradually relaxed as they conversed. Finally, Saber lowered his branch. No sooner had the magical energy coiled about it dissipated than the wood crumbled to dust.
“Oh, I knew it,” Saber sighed. “Once is the limit with wood.”

No way in hell is Grimmjow's Cero overcoming that shit.

A single swing of Grimmjow's sword destroys an entire building that's just a basic attack, it takes Richard using Excalibur to do anything close to the same level of damage. So actually I'll make this debate, Grimmjow can block Excalibur beams with his sword.

>Literally uses a picture from a TYBW
Bro, I can't even...
>Grimmjow can kick someone and destroy a City Block.
Cool, Theia's 2nd strongest Meteor melted an Ice Block the size of Spain... and would have irreparably altered the Earth's Axis if it hit anywhere else...
Enkidu diverted that shit along with the other Meteors outside of the strongest one... and Gugulanna dealt with that one.
Grimmjow would get murdered by virtually everyone in Snowfield, hell, potentially one of the many Mages that are incognito there if say... a Certain Caster was to give them a Noble Phantasm to help them fight Grimmjow and a boost...


King of Games
V.I.P. Member

>Literally avoids saving people if he can help it to sometimes ridiculous degrees
I'm pretty sure Denji would count as evil to the Sword, fucker ain't righteous at all.
One time he literally let a bunch of innocent people die to save a cat of all things. A whole family and a college kid. Whole reason he is even a hero is for self gain. Ain't a righteous bone in his body.


V.I.P. Member

reminder that, DJW (rest in peace) literally said “I don’t remember saying alien x can destroy multiverses, he only affected one universe at a time” :kobeha

The niggas were so mad over him not accepting their multiversal head canons that they got to the point of saying his word does not matter and the show does when the show never mentions their headcanon anyway. How pathetic. :trinny


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
The niggas were so mad over him not accepting their multiversal head canons that they got to the point of saying his word does not matter and the show does when the show never mentions their headcanon anyway. How pathetic. :trinny
His word was the only thing supporting their head canon in the first place :kobeha and then he just straight up said “nah that isn’t what happened”


V.I.P. Member

What’s the point of allowing Jotaro to stop time?

yeah, Joseph and Jonathan are stronger than the JoJos that came after but time stop and the like are still a bitch to deal with


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

>Outer Gods are significantly weaker than the gods in his universe

Wrong, and he can't do shit to the latter anyway so... what's your point?


V.I.P. Member
What’s the point of allowing Jotaro to stop time?

yeah, Joseph and Jonathan are stronger than the JoJos that came after but time stop and the like are still a bitch to deal with
Big Doubt. Ripple already is shown to not have any effect on stands as shown by Joseph trying to use it on Empress and as Dio never uses his own strength in place of The World there is nothing showing that Jonathan is stronger than it as well as Star Platinum, or if Joseph is at all.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Like I said at worst SP’a Diamond busting feat is comparable to Tarkus’

At worst. iirc it was a bit stronger. And Platinum is significantly faster than even Kars is, so he’s not going to have much issue with peak Joseph


V.I.P. Member
Does SP even need any scaling? It’s already got some of the best punching feats in the whole series like making an entire cave out of a boulder with one punch during the fight with The Sun and obliterating a whole wall of High Priestess’ teeth as hard as diamond


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
It doesn’t, I meant the calcs we have had Tarkus cliff buster which most p2 characters scale to and the Diamond teeth feat at similar numbers, in SP’s favor (though even without raw numbers I think most people would lean towards the latter by virtue of them being Diamond).

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
It doesn’t, I meant the calcs we have had Tarkus cliff buster which most p2 characters scale to and the Diamond teeth feat at similar numbers, in SP’s favor (though even without raw numbers I think most people would lean towards the latter by virtue of them being Diamond).
We don't do calcs anymore.

Didn't you read the Gojo vs. One Piece thread?


V.I.P. Member
Big Doubt. Ripple already is shown to not have any effect on stands as shown by Joseph trying to use it on Empress and as Dio never uses his own strength in place of The World there is nothing showing that Jonathan is stronger than it as well as Star Platinum, or if Joseph is at all.
Joseph and Jonathan are stronger and tougher than the users, not the stands


V.I.P. Member
Joseph and Jonathan are stronger and tougher than the users, not the stands
Oh well okay that is a big duh, I just thought you meant the Stands since that is the only thing that gives these guys their power. Outside of that they are just slightly normal to Peak human.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I don't have enough aspirin for the triumvirate of headaches going on in that thread + the two metadome threads
It just simple, JJK has never had anything close to Planet level, and the feat itself isn't even close to town. So to accept the statment that it's planet level is very asinine.

Now the void feat, I was all for it at first, but then the Jupiter feat happened and it just made it too questionable to really accept it as fact.
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