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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

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Considering latest chapter shows that Mihawk doesn't fancy himself facing all 3 Yonkou at the same time while all Sabers on the list should be able to fight against all Yonkous and win, yeah...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Considering latest chapter shows that Mihawk doesn't fancy himself facing all 3 Yonkou at the same time while all Sabers on the list should be able to fight against all Yonkous and win, yeah...


Fuck. The sword against the representatives of the Tokugawa also killed Tokugawa
And ?

What was the problem with this?
There's no problem .
It was brought as an example to reinforce my point.
You're just dishonestly framing it it being a problem.

Kama, in addition to being the universe, is Tokugawa.
Yes, when the actual universe isn't .
Also, I'm starting to really think that someone hasn't watched anything, given that we have a literal post-credits scene where her universe still exists and hasn't been destroyed.
I don't care what you think given you've once again managed to miss the point.
Also i never claim that her infinite space was destroyed.

You're strawmanning hard.

God, this argument doesn't even work.
It actually works perfectly because it's factual .

Just to attempt to refute it, you had to strawman me.

I would like to say nice try, but we both know it wasn't.

Creating a floor.

Has anyone forgotten that this universe is still the sixth floor of Ooku? When the whole point was that all Kasuga did was affect the Castle. Through the Castle influenced the universe. And she still did not intercept the Control of the universe, but simply added a couple of things.

Someone forgot what conceptual abilities are or what?
You're literally saying what i'm saying in a different form.

You're proving my point.

Plus. How is this an anti-feat then? This is a feat for Kasuga.
It's not an anti feat nor did anyone claim it is an anti feat.
That was never the point.

You're once gain re-framing it in bad faith.

You recently had a discussion about Dio. There was essentially the same question.

Dio could rewrite the Requiem. So what was it? An anti-feat for Requiem or a feat for Dio?
Two very different scenarios, two completely different abilities.

You're doing what about isms again.

What you are doing is not an argument. It's "I don't believe because it can't be"
This is literally fiction.

I've explained this two times and i've posted the relevant material which you're conveniently omitted .

It's fine if you can't understand it , it happens, not my fault.

The logic "Well, usually the universe cannot be cut with a sword" does not work for a version where all the main abilities are conceptual. Yes, and in principle for most power versions.
So you literally agree with me.

Good, we're done then.

Size - the star fit, the space around it and Kiara in full growth. With a huge degree of probability, other stars on the horizon are also real.
She's literally embodying an infinite space .
I can't say if the IRL universe is infinite because even the scientists haven't figured it out but the consensus seems to be that it's expanding so it's not the same.

However, i can even be tempted to handwave those notions away and grant you the scale.

Plot - Kama is the universe.

Very simple.
Plot- Kama is a conceptual universe that gets beaten because her whole system was gamed by other conceptual stuff.

Very simple.

Even if we take the context away and imagine that she would go through this whole process again , choosing another location and not Ooku, she would still be vulnerable by the particularities of the any other place she would choose. Or how she would get an enemy into her space so that she could take advantage of her conceptual shit. Or what she would to if said person hand a conceptual or not ability that would allow them to just break out of it , thus making her whole schtick useless.

For the purposes of this hobby, the nuance matters. A lot. Which is why you can't just slap the Universal nomenclature on her and just be done with it.

To put it in the simplest terms possible : Kama is a universe, a conceptual one, not the universe. It's an important distinction to make because even if we give her the scale and the durability in her own universe ,she has to get you there in the first place and hers has conceptual weaknesses that can be exploited and outside of it , she can do just about jackshit to the point she doesn't really even register compared to the actual Top Tiers. In other words, even at best, it's very specific and conditional.

This is not an attempt to downplay her or find anti feats for her , for all intents and purposes , she is an incredibly broken character even by Nasu standards . However, and this goes all the way back to the original points that me others made a long ass time ago which is : Even if you handwave all of this and insist on putting the "Universal" nomenclature on her, to that nomenclature you'll have to add an asterisk due to all the things explained in detail above.

I know you're from SB and you can't understand nuance and probably never will so.. it is what it is. But just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not something to take into account.

Well, I don't like him, what can I do. And again, what did you explain there? Here is your comment. You just laught.
I was referring a previous exchange that we had.

God , you're stupid.

And I have bad arguments. Well, yes, I'm not laughing with the words you're wrong. Your comments are funny, inappropriate, etc.

When did this damn Kama become the IRL of the Universe? She's a living universe in a fucking anime franchise.
The third strawman i think ?
You're goin strong.

And even so, it has stars inside it, it has gravity, it has fucking outer space. Your explanation begins and ends with "Anti-Tokugawa sword, Kasuga".

Although that the first, that the second literally clarified.

The sword because Kama as a person herself to some extent became Tokugawa.
You're proving my point again.

It's generally stupid. We were even shown how the anti-Dragon attributes worked on Saber, who is not a Dragon but has a strong bond with them. So why can't the Anti-Tokugawa sword work on a conventional person with Tokugawa attributes? Plus, the sword didn’t even destroy her, but simply wounded her.
Never claimed it destroyed her.

Fourth strawman.

Kasuga, being a Palace, was able to affect the sixth room. Take action, don't take control. And then, her help was in fact just "floor and light", since we were provided with an air bubble from Chaldea.

Plus, this is again a feat for Kasuga and not an anti feat for Kama.
Already mentioned and already addressed.

If all your arguments start and end with the Sword and Kasuga. That's not my problem here.
If your comprehension stops at the example and not to the larger point, it's not my problem.

Did you prove something?

You just said "we can't consider it a universe because of the sword and Kasuga"
That's not what i said.

What I've brought up ,specifically makes the argument that we can consider it a conceptual universe but that we cannot equate it with a real universe .Which is what it is . Factually.

I've explained the mechanics behind it ,twice why it is so and brought up oficial materials .

I've offered Kasuga and the Tokugawa as examples.

For the last time.

I wonder if I offended you?
Although, I forgot.
You still don't get you're nothing more than a constant source of amusement do you ?

Oh boy.

Okay, that is, we don’t trust the character himself, who, as it were, is a divine spirit, and should understand this, we don’t trust Sion, other Servants. I understood you.

Where on this site are the branches of respect for those versions where mostly the characters talk about their abilities. You know, like 90 percent of all versions...
No , we don't just trust them . We also look at the context and draw the pertinent conclusions .

Actually, I have already specified that I am from Russia and . So it was possible to remain silent.
Is that supposed to be an excuse ?

I've talked to Russian people before.

They're not all incapable of actually communicating.

What's even more ridiculous is that given Elon Musk's now-famous colonization of Mars, Martian is likely to be English.

although if you speak English, it will be something like this: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
No, you're right. Saying you're Martian, is an insult to actual alien Martians or the future human citizens of Mars.
My bad.

Do not be shy.
I'm not gonna give you the benefit of the doubt anymore . That's for sure .

As for shyness ? Well, you'll find out .
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Man of Atom

Start from golden amazo and work down from there


V.I.P. Member
Bruh what the fuck are these wins for Garou.

>Multi-Solar System :lolwat



This thread is alive?


Bruh what the fuck are these wins for Garou.

They need to fix the layout of these pages. It is an eyesore to read

I know Sukuna is flavor of the month in SB but putting him against Douman is laughable.
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