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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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And just like any new Nasu "hotness", they proceed to butcher it, pretend they know better than everyone else and then use it as a whipping boy for SB Overrated series #45.

Like I already said it many times before and will again:
It's obvious they hate it and use it as a whipping horse but that's not going to get people to go to your site for it and it's not the common belief of most people who know the series anyway. Why not just stop talking about it? Plenty of people here don't like it and thus, they tend to just not speak on it or make constant VS. topics to shit on it.

I mean, it's not going to suddenly get people to be like "Oh shit, SB was right all along, Nasu Servants are weak as shit and Deku can kill all of them easily and babyshake the verse" anymore than you guys somehow becoming more vaunted than us.
Hey, at least Nasuverse still got it easy compared to say SW when they claimed that TIE's lost against irl jet


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah at least they do accept Fate/Spacebattles as being animu still with big flash flash boom booms. Which is more than can be said for Star Wars, TES and 40K.
Although it's technically not 40k, I've seen people genuinely argue Bradley (of Fullmetal Alchemist fame) can solo Warhammer Fantasy. :tupac



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
What can Thia do anyway?

I know she fought Enkidu but that's about it :hm
What can Thia do anyway?

I know she fought Enkidu but that's about it :hm

He, Thia is Male or at the very least androgynous.
To put his abilities in the best way possible:

He's an attempt at a Prime One after Humanity that's basically buffed out the ass. He can basically use any Magecraft most Mages can do but ludicrously easy and amped to shit(i.e. being able to speed up or slow down people and attacks to a reasonable degree) and can basically use it through the Magical Energy through the air.

He's able to read and hack Magical Energy that's used against him and use it to fuel himself, throw around ridiculous Magical Energy Beams that can effortlessly reduce buildings to rubble and even break through Enkidu's Magical Energy Barriers, Can create ridiculous Meteors through Satellites and Space Debris that can basically erase entire Countries off the map through basically creating a Railgun through Magical Energy Theory and can even use Concealment Magecraft on a high level to disguise it so well you need Enkidu's ridiculous Presence Concealment to know it's there.

Basically, he's a Human Mage amped to a ludicrous degree and change.


The Supreme King
Your average GoW fanboy on Comicvine


“Muh World Tree splintering.”
Your average GoW fanboy on Comicvine


“Muh World Tree splintering.”

So accurate
id love if they could name a single feat

i mean like one single one at the level they claim he's at
you know, they cant tho
Sukuna's base durability is getting punted ~140m through several skyscrapers by a bladed edge and walking it off without damage.

His physical strength is similarly sufficient to destroy most of a skyscraper and the buildings behind it, by punting someone else through it.

He is more then physically on par with the large majority of Servants.

Yes because buildings are some of the best things Servants have dealt with apparently...

EDIT: I didn't even use the ridiculous Apocrypha LN feat that basically gives any decently mid-tier Servant Island+ Strength...
Again, Sukuna would get ripped in half by the decently powerful Mages, SB and JJK fans really need to understand their series isn't shit in the long run.
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It's just funny to me because SB has shown to downplay the Skyscraper feats that Gojo, Itadori and Sukuna go through for other series(Primarily Demon Slayer, especially Demon Slayer)

Then starts pulling rank on it like it's the strongest shit Servants can do because it's this series and it's like:
Come on guys, you are being blatant now.

"W-Well this time, Toji absolutely stomps Kotomine right guys?

Yeah nope, Toji ends up in a bodybag by Based Priest.

People who took the overcorrection and believe Vlov is above most beings in the Nasuverse because he's a DAA... despite being a far weaker one by average and we only have statements on where DAA's are at.

Besides, I stated it before but the strongest of Servants are above most Divine Spirits and tend to be near the Chief Deity range anyway, meaning that Woodwose should still be well out of Vlov's range due to how much weaker he is than the typical.


It's actually not so clear cut.

Yes, Woodwose would have the general advantage but it basically boils down to this :

What will happen first ? Will Woodwose succumb to Vlov's heat steal ? Or will Woodwose manage to kill Vlov enough times in order to completely drain Vlov of his Blood Reserves ?

I'm not inclined towards either scenario tbh.
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