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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Someone left a comment there.

Can you please properly answer him where the actual feats of avoiding time stop are "Violet's Skill". And why is Medea stronger than Ainz...


Someone left a comment there.

Can you please properly answer him where the actual feats of avoiding time stop are "Violet's Skill". And why is Medea stronger than Ainz...


Nah man, I already regret even trying to argue against Overlord fans in there as is.
The instant I saw someone, no shit, actually try and put down how many spells Ainz has and clarify what his spells names are(as if they are even remotely impressive or have some deep ass requirements) as if that matters at all to how Ainz >>> Medea or bring up her fucking physicals, I had to peace the fuck out.

You wanna do it? Tell them that Tamamo was able to avoid "Violet's Skill" which basically acts like a Time Stop and that Medea throughout all of her appearances, including Medea Lily, shits on Ainz in terms of skills, spells and power.

Here are 2 posts with me having WEBM's of Medea being a badass, I also have someone who went through a smorgasboard of basically bringing in a Respect Thread for what she did as Lily and Medea(Who is obviously stronger than Lily who was confirmed in the Big Tengu Event to truly shut people up).
Tell them that yourself and point out Mordred has the same Resistance as Artoria and tell them that Mordred kills his ass like a bitch.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Nah man, I already regret even trying to argue against Overlord fans in there as is.
The instant I saw someone, no shit, actually try and put down how many spells Ainz has and clarify what his spells names are(as if they are even remotely impressive or have some deep ass requirements) as if that matters at all to how Ainz >>> Medea or bring up her fucking physicals, I had to peace the fuck out.

You wanna do it? Tell them that Tamamo was able to avoid "Violet's Skill" which basically acts like a Time Stop and that Medea throughout all of her appearances, including Medea Lily, shits on Ainz in terms of skills, spells and power.

Here are 2 posts with me having WEBM's of Medea being a badass, I also have someone who went through a smorgasboard of basically bringing in a Respect Thread for what she did as Lily and Medea(Who is obviously stronger than Lily who was confirmed in the Big Tengu Event to truly shut people up).
Tell them that yourself and point out Mordred has the same Resistance as Artoria and tell them that Mordred kills his ass like a bitch.
Lol, Nimbby here keeps twisting himself into circles to try and make Melusine moving at mach 2 make sense.

Even discounting any LS feats

Her being capped at mach 2 makes her slower than Shirou saber who was capable of moving at mach 10.

Which makes zero sense
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Lol, Nimbby here keeps twisting himself into circles to try and make Melusine moving at mach 2 make sense.

Her being capped at mach 2 makes her slower than Shirou saber who was capable of moving at mach 10.

Which makes zero sense

I already said it before in this thread here:

Is that Kinoku Nasu just likes sticking with Mach not because it's the max Servants move it(It never was, not even in F/SN) but because it's more of an idiom with the Japanese Language in that they usually default to "Faster than Sound" because they aren't VS. debaters and they want them to feel real fast to the average reader.
The problem, obviously, comes from the fact that Melusine explicitly ignores the laws of inertia and atmospheric pressure(i.e. Friction)means that her ONLY being at Mach 2 at max(Especially when she can easily overtake the Storm Border which can move at Mach 8.5) absolutely nonsensical:

Because in the simplest case, Melusine would be closer to the freaking Flash rather than being only being as fast as a fighter jet(Which again, is only done due to simile and metaphors since she has very obvious mechanical looking parts to her design intentionally to invoke that feeling)


I already said it before in this thread here:

Is that Kinoku Nasu just likes sticking with Mach not because it's the max Servants move it(It never was, not even in F/SN) but because it's more of an idiom with the Japanese Language in that they usually default to "Faster than Sound" because they aren't VS. debaters and they want them to feel real fast to the average reader.
The problem, obviously, comes from the fact that Melusine explicitly ignores the laws of inertia and atmospheric pressure(i.e. Friction)means that her ONLY being at Mach 2 at max(Especially when she can easily overtake the Storm Border which can move at Mach 8.5) absolutely nonsensical:

Because in the simplest case, Melusine would be closer to the freaking Flash rather than being only being as fast as a fighter jet(Which again, is only done due to simile and metaphors since she has very obvious mechanical looking parts to her design intentionally to invoke that feeling)
In the latest fgo summer event, there's a triathlon event part where Melusine participates as Morgan' representative so that she (Morgan) can have Guda the whole week.

Guda who doesn't want to be trapped in the hotel for the whole week due to needing to attend ServaFes then asking advise to Oberon which states that in terms of speed, only Achilles and the like that can match her speed. Which makes Guda opts to take advantage on Melusine' inability to swim instead.

So yeah, there you go regarding Melusine' speed
In the latest fgo summer event, there's a triathlon event part where Melusine participates as Morgan' representative so that she (Morgan) can have Guda the whole week.

Guda who doesn't want to be trapped in the hotel for the whole week due to needing to attend ServaFes then asking advise to Oberon which states that in terms of speed, only Achilles and the like that can match her speed. Which makes Guda opts to take advantage on Melusine' inability to swim instead.

So yeah, there you go regarding Melusine' speed

Yeah, that basically fits what I thought of Melusine/Albion's speed the whole time.



Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Why is anyone still using this feat? We are told that Ichigo with all the power he gained from Zangetsu would have no chance against Base Yhwach. Yhwach was sandbagging to extreme lengths. He alluded to such anyway.
Because being able to damaged Mustache AT ALL is still impressive as fuck, especially given he wasn't even at full power when he did it.
No one's saying Ichigo can beat him, just damage him, Mustache sand-bagging and Ichibei's statement don't erase that fact. :smh
It's amusing to say that because Melusine literally shits out damage above the level of what Fafnir did in the Orleans Manga all of the damn time in LB6(i.e. Country level in a single Dragon Breath attack), that's why even 2 Divine Spirit Servants(Cu Caster and Senji Muramasa) can only stalemate her despite being in her weakest form and they only "defeated" her in the fashion that she had to flee the area in the same fashion for Barghest. Though to be fair, everyone seems to ignore that yes, it does also work for Elizabeth Bathory(which is why she's able to straight up delete beings out of existence with her NP at certain points) and Kiyohime.

And speaking of Barghest, so they are going to ignore that Barghest did "Nuclear Weapon firepower" against Tristan in the Human Ranch and literally destroyed the entire place? And this was when she still had her Tam Lin name and was just as strong as Numerals Gawain mind.

EDIT: Of course it's Imaginary pulling that shit, it was obvious as shit.
It's just funny that people seriously don't realize how stupid Albion's feat was against the Storm Border truly was, even when the game spells it out how stupid it was.


Man of Atom

@Paxton @Astaro
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