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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member

To anyone wondering, in the frieza saga which is basically at the beginning of dbz it was flat out stated in the manga that frieza's 2nd form was over universal and when he goes up a stage his power lvl doubles but he had 3 stages after that meaning ever sinse the dbz saga he was multiuniversal. And in dbs hes WAAAAY stronger than before.
Excuse Me What GIF by Nickelodeon

Madeupstats.net has a new member, it seems.:tripscust
You heard the AI, Orihime wins. GG no RE

She would actually win her fight with Kaguya anyway, not sure what he wants to prove with that shit.
I can understand Type-Rey's point but if we are going with what we are going in the Anime, Orihime will still benefit anyway as Grimmjow probably would too unless they completely remove Orihime from the battle with Yhwach which I HIGHLY doubt will happen.


Cosmically Evolved Entity
@Xhominid The Apex
dont be so hasty
In a thrilling battle to the death between Orihime Inoue from "Bleach" and Boruto Uzumaki from "Boruto," two formidable characters from different anime universes clash in an epic showdown.

Location: A desolate, rocky arena surrounded by towering cliffs, with no escape.

Round 1 - Physical Abilities:Orihime:Orihime is a skilled martial artist and possesses superhuman strength, speed, and agility thanks to her training as a Soul Reaper. She wields her Shun Shun Rikka, six fairy-like creatures, for both offense and defense.

Boruto:Boruto is a skilled ninja with incredible speed and agility. He possesses the Byakugan in one eye and wields the power of lightning through his Jōgan, which enhances his physical abilities and allows him to predict his opponent's moves.

As the battle begins, Boruto swiftly dashes towards Orihime with his incredible speed. Orihime uses her Shun Shun Rikka to create a protective barrier around herself, deflecting Boruto's initial attack. The clash of their physical abilities is intense, with Orihime using her martial arts skills and Boruto utilizing his ninja techniques.

Round 2 - Spiritual Powers:Orihime:Orihime possesses spiritual abilities that allow her to manipulate reality itself. She can reject phenomena, reverse damage, and even restore the dead to life using her Sōten Kisshun. Additionally, her Santen Kesshun creates powerful shields.

Boruto:Boruto has inherited some of his father's (Naruto Uzumaki) powerful abilities, including the Rasengan. He also has access to a variety of elemental jutsu, including lightning and shadow clones.

Orihime activates her Sōten Kisshun, attempting to reverse the damage inflicted by Boruto's attacks. However, Boruto counters with a powerful Rasengan infused with lightning chakra, causing a massive explosion that shatters Orihime's shield. She's left injured but not defeated.

Round 3 - Tactics and Strategy:Orihime:Orihime is known for her creativity and quick thinking. She can use her abilities strategically to manipulate the battlefield and turn the tide of battle.

Boruto:Boruto is a tactical genius and can adapt to various situations. He analyzes Orihime's abilities and spots a weakness in her defenses.

As the battle rages on, Boruto uses his tactical prowess to keep Orihime on the defensive. He creates shadow clones to distract her while launching a sneak attack. Orihime struggles to keep up with Boruto's relentless assault, as he continually adapts his tactics to exploit her weaknesses.

Round 4 - Final Showdown:Orihime:With her back against the wall, Orihime taps into her full potential. She summons her most potent attack, the "Shiten Kōshun," creating a barrier that distorts reality itself. This time, she aims to incapacitate Boruto permanently.

Boruto:Boruto realizes the gravity of the situation and knows he must end the battle quickly. He forms a gigantic Rasengan infused with lightning and charges at Orihime with incredible speed.

In a climactic clash of powers, Orihime's Shiten Kōshun and Boruto's gigantic Rasengan collide, creating a cataclysmic explosion that shakes the arena. When the dust settles, both fighters lie defeated, unable to continue.

The outcome of this battle is inconclusive, as both Orihime and Boruto have pushed themselves to their limits, leaving them incapacitated. The fight ends in a draw, with both fighters showing immense skill and determination in their fight to the death.

AI says she ties to Boruto so

El Hermano


"absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence"

He used it again :mjlol

"absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence"

He used it again :mjlol

It does when we get genuine evidence against it like we do again, and let's be honest here, most of the shit Kubo Tite says.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

"absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence"

He used it again :mjlol
People as usual mis-using the fuck out of this phrase. :kobeha


Daio has been pushing Ulimited DC powah Belch since long before your local japanese anime producer even thought of brining the anime back.
I expected it to always see this nonsense to return, I always hated it because despite what people say, Tite Kubo has always been very thorough in what he says and puts on the screen.

Thus it pisses me off when people are still this stupid to not get the blatantly obvious.

He wins very easily, he just needs to wait until a master is away from their Servant (Zero masters in particular were almost allergic to keeping their Servants near them) and then behead them with an invisible slash.

>Ignores Sukuna's entire characterization
>Then wank him to unbelievable degrees while making the Masters morons because very view ever leave their Servants behind or aren't in BS fortifications that Sukuna can't break through

Even if they stayed by their Master, most Zero Servants would be unable to protect them from his slashes anyway. Only Saber (who has the biggest issue with regards to her Master refusing to be near her) would have a chance to thanks to Instinct.

Siriel is acting like Sukuna's Cleaves are instantenous when that's not how it works at all...

We already know that Sukuna doesn't mind winning with cheap tactics when he thinks it's necessary (see him using emotional blackmail to avoid getting Jacob Ladder'd) and Gilles can scry on places so he'll see how strong Servants are firsthand. If they're too strong for him, he'll just go for the 'expected' tactic of targeting Masters.

That's only when he's pushed into a corner, asswipe, not when he wants to prove how strong he is to everyone else.

No? Gilgamesh spent most of the war wandering around town. The only Master that's more consistently vulnerable than Gilgamesh's is Kiritsugu.

That's literally not how that works! Also, just forgetting about how Command Spells work too huh? Seriously, it's amazing how much the people who pretend they know Nasu the most forget the most obvious shit about it to wank other series into the atmosphere.
I just forgot something that makes it worse:

Not only do the Servants get every feat from every series they have been, but Sukuna only has the most basic knowledge of the war... which would mean he would have no idea whose a Servant or a Master.

Yet you still have people going full SB Competence like Sukuna would know instantly but they wouldn't because...
Spacebattles really is a blight on the VS. community.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
daio: Just label it Galaxy level and call it a day.
rift: Shutara outright said everything would tremble. Do we even know if aliens exist in Bleach? Claiming that “Hurr durr we didn’t see it so it couldn’t have happened” is fallacious - absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence. We are outright told the dimensions in their entirety would tremble.

example of bad kubo land posters in fanzverse, who are these noobs? lol :heston

meanwhile, my post has 8 positive ratings, by putting it to simple terms

so, once again, it is planet level to high degree, without having numbers, it didnt affect any galaxy, or the universe, peeps accepted my take, the summary

if they wanted to be a universal feat, or even galaxy one

they could look how it looks one, like z kakarot had in movie 12, in the janemba movie, which is solid close to universal levels, thats the dif between them


Crimson Dragoon

example of bad kubo land posters in fanzverse, who are these noobs? lol :heston

meanwhile, my post has 8 positive ratings, by putting it to simple terms

so, once again, it is planet level to high degree, without having numbers, it didnt affect any galaxy, or the universe, peeps accepted my take, the summary

if they wanted to be a universal feat, or even galaxy one

they could look how it looks one, like z kakarot had in movie 12, in the janemba movie, which is solid close to universal levels, thats the dif between them

Even before this, I didn’t have a problem putting SK Yhwach at planetary

Now? We both predicted the TYBW anime gains :russ
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