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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Because we need to keep pretending Bakugou is relevant to the verse's standing.

Never ceases to amaze how you have people doing that shit with Deku pre-Shigaraki(Especially wanking Danger Sense when the series have stated how weak that shit is), Bakugo and the rest of their classmates as if all of them are suddenly some huge ass risk because Horikoshi gives them the most retarded of pulls to make them "matter".

Even worse with this nonsense with AFO and Bakugo as if this is the ultimate climax of Bakugo's character arc when it's literally just more pity shit.

Holy shit at the downplay of not just Adam and David, but of the entire Cyberpunk Universe to say some bullshit like that with a complete straight face.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Hmm I guess such a crossover could work if the Digimon ended up serving the same role in the story as the Quirks do, but since any Digimon can legitimately become powerful if raised right, it kind of goes against the whole "not everyone is born equal" thing MHA pushes.

Bad fit for a crossover really, which is saying something 'cause Digimon could really go with almost anything.

King of 🌽

In the three books I've read of Salvos. Salvos and her party, Daniel and Edithe, have faced foes that can destroy cities. There is a Lich by casting a simple Ray of Frost spell, the spell cut deep in the grounds surface, deeper than most caves that it opened up a canyon and made a massive crevice. There is also them reacting or dodging lightning, meteors and comets.

Wow, why are you angry ? Here is the passage of the novel that is about thé clash between the two Np.
It directly Say that Vasavi only kill thé god inside of the mini World, but the Land and peuple where still present.

Always find it funny people act like that "Karna didn't destroy ALL of Ahkellius Kosmos, he only destroyed the God portion" as if the God Portion isn't the main cusp of it as it's what makes it work at all! Considering the fact that no one used it again, it's pretty obvious it's unable to be used anymore.

Like i am not sure how you dont find it ridiculous that vs Can destroy something the size of grece, When it Would make it more powerful than the noble phantasm of someone like quetz or When it is only 2 Time superior to Excalibur.

This is why I laugh my ass off when people use DC only to prove feats because it misses absolutely everything else...
Piedra Del Sol uses Solar Winds and condenses the shit out of it to the point it basically is a Star in and of itself and evaporated Grail Mud/Primordial Sea instantly... that's Planetary+, it would also destroy the shit out of AK.
Excalibur was able to damage ORT at full blast and even not counting that, ALSO destroyed Grail Mud/Primordial Sea which gives it the same backing of Planetary+. So it wouldn't exceed them in power in any fashion.

Also if i take the video , the thing destroy by Vs amount to a zone thé size of a Small city. Not a great proof for country busting.

See what I mean? It's only going by DC with nothing else and then pretending that what they are showing is "intelligence" when it's the opposite. AK has been consistently stated to be a "World" and it was created by Hephaestus. We also know that even basic ass Divine Spirits can create Textures which ARE legit Planets in and of themselves(Hell, they are even more than that but I'll refrain) with Ishtar in Summer 2... so that's all you need to point at that it's not "Small City" and definitely well above Country level but nah, people just ignore how that shit is despite then quoting Lostbelt shit wrong when they are precisely Textures...

One and Only

I asked Chatgpt about Scion vs random hobo

Seems canon tbh.


In the grand scheme of things humans aren't that strong but they do benefit from the level system, now that leaves most of them in the wrestle bear and tiger ranges but it's still an interesting bit that as a baseline everyone in verse is mildly super human. It's why the author pointed out they're not actually homo sapiens but a more evolved magical variant of the species. (They're also apparently naturally more gorgeous and there children grow/mature/are born more quickly, though I think that's mostly the author lamp shading that stories/series have so many good looking characters and the trope of younger looking characters not looking that young in anime)

Because we watched 2 wholly different fights when even the Floor Guardians believed Ainz was gonna lose.
This is ludicrous nobody outside raid bosses/world enemies could take that many gardians at once, hell that was one of the biggest changes the author made between webnovel and light novel. In the original web novel characters like touch me could take all the gradians at once. In the light novel he can match three at best.

Honestly if people want stupid op shit from overlord they should focus on the webnovel, the author was a lot more blatant about power wankery.
The only time where they can phase through shit is with specialized techniques and that's ONLY in the World of The Living but nah, he's somehow intangible +15 because of needless horseshit.
interestingly overlord has intangible entities, such as ghost and wraiths, they can be hit with magic/are immune to mundane/non magical weapons and can seemingly interact with the world normally despite them phasing through everything. There are also techniques to become intangible like mist form which shalltear uses (It basically pushes her into the astral realm temporarily. Rendering her intangible to any ability not designed to bypass it) Of course it can be bypassed with spells like astral smite. Then there's whatever the fuck is going on with freedom of movement of overlord. Which selectively renders you intangible, teleports you, or slips you out of Somone's grip arbitrarily based on what is technically "restraining" You.
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King of 🌽


How do you explain the topic,how the ainz hell can fight demi fiend


How do you explain the topic,how the hell can fight demi fiend
.....................................................................Im sorry Im really confused here where did I mention anything about them being able to fight a character I have zero knowledge of? I was just sharing/clarifying information from the novels, I find most vs debate nonsense tedious

It was mentioned humans are weak, I pointed out that they're naturally mildly superhuman and not actually human at all. Ainz fighting all the guardians was mentioned, I pointed out why thats stupid/would only work if your using the webnovel nonsense. Intangibility got mentioned so I pointed out there is intangibility in overlord, (Interestingly it's why they don't burn bodies/wall off their cementaries and station gaurds there, a guy with a spear can kill zombies/skeletons but you basically need magic weapons/magic casters to deal with ghost, which form when bodies are destroyed)
@Randomdude He baiting you dude, don't bite it.

>I know Gilgamesh can get through Infinity with certain Noble Phantasms
Certain? You mean ALL OF THEM? Hell, Gilgamesh nor any other Servant doesn't need that, the fact we are shown that enough Magical Energy in one place can distort space means all a Servant has to do is touch it and it's gone even before counting anything else.

>Would Unlimited Void be able to deal with Gilgamesh?

No. Even if we remove SNI which shits on UV for free, even if we ignore the fact that the Human Brain would actually only be slightly jumbled by it and not overwhelmed like in canon, Nasuverse Mages are literally built to treat it like nothing.

To go into the basic shit of a Smartphone's processing power:

So far so good? Now here it comes:

But WAIT, there's more!

Hakuno, a pretty meh Mage literally go through EXABYTES of Data per second(By comparison, 1 Exabyte = the Global Internet Traffic of 2004) and outright states an Elite Mage would understand all of it in a single second. So yeah, the question isn't if Gil can no sell Unlimited Void, it's how embarrassingly he would do it to Gojo before dude takes a worse L than he did against Sukuna


Active member
was going to say that you shouldn't use articles from 2022 for a feat taking place in 2015 but then I discovered that phones at that point already had 1+ GHz lmao.
was going to say that you shouldn't use articles from 2022 for a feat taking place in 2015 but then I discovered that phones at that point already had 1+ GHz lmao.

That's why I explicitly used both of them to be fair and cover my own bases. To also be fair, there is that very real chance that an Atlas Mage also would be above even 2022 Smartphones by nature of what they do and how far they tend to go to deal with it(That and dealing with Tri-Hermes at all which is it's own can of worms that kinda would delete the shit out of the 2022 Smartphone comparison).

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Tsukishima got to ichigo’s back more than once, second time needing ginjo as a human shield.
Tsukishima is still much more dangerous and would win a head to head even without the emotional baggage.
Tsukishima stomps
God damn it, is Dangai seriously the only version of Ichigo these idiots wont downplay at this point?

Ichigo was beating this man in canon, to the point he had to use Chad and Orihime as meat shields, yet he's somehow going to beat him on his own here despite Ichigo already knowing about his ability and therefore knowing to avoid getting hit with the sword?

Like it would be one thing if this were Tsukishima after hitting Byakuya and training with him but that's not the impression I get from the OP. Then again there are people on this section who legitimately believe ALL Tsukishima gained from that slash was knowledge 'cause you know, that on its own would TOTALLY make that much difference.

Ichigo literally cut off the dude's arm in a few strokes and that shit apparently means nothing? They think Tsukishima planned that shit?!
Seriously, the fuck is wrong with these people?!

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Ichigo literally cut off the dude's arm in a few strokes and that shit apparently means nothing? They think Tsukishima planned that shit?!
Seriously, the fuck is wrong with these people?!
"But he would have been fucked if Ginjo hadn't taken that hit for him."
And Tsukishima would already have been dead if he didn't have Ichigo's friends to use as meat shields.

Even Ginjo (who is pretty much = Tsukishima at this point) HAD to catch Ichigo completely off guard to drain his power from him, like it's pretty fucking clear that Ichigo would have taken a straight up 1v1, I don't know what they're smoking.

Despite the users... this is absolutely correct. Unless we go with Cour 3 massively changing the scene itself(Which I honestly doubt that's the case), Grimmjow got RG Ichigo to come at him determined as shit the second he waved his sword around which all but states he sees Grimmjow as a genuine threat.

This ALSO fits with the fact Base Grimmjow cut through Volstandigt Quilge Opie like a hot knife through butter.
"But Quilge was dying" My dude, did you see any blood come from Quilge when he shot Urahara, Chad and Orihime? No? Then he had Blue Vene on which we knew since with Yhwach!Zangetsu Blut Vene can stop bleeding and Rasotengai can allow Quincies to keep fighting until they become dust.
His shit was still operating like it was nothing and he was on full blast defensively and Grimmjow cut his ass through in Base.
I do find it funny they think the CFYOW Novel means anything for anyone considering that shit is the drizzling shits when it comes to powerlevels and it makes absolutely no sense if you even take the Manga into account, let alone the Anime(Especially as it may make it non-canon as it completely re-contextualizes events like the Soul King losing his limbs is heavily implied to be all Ichibei rather than the Great Noble Ancestors and Ichibei just did the final touches).
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