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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


How, at close range? Sure, Cass and DD could obliterate him. But I don’t think either can cross the 100ft before his own pre-cog and powers stop them.

Now, as for weakest…….Actually, someone like a Deadshot or Punisher on full auto with their guns might be the ‘weakest’ person, as slugthrowers are notorious good against Force users, but again they probably can’t react fast enough to pull the guns and fire at 100ft before Vader gets going.
Is that guy dumb?
People with 0 skills like Sabine can block blaster bolts after they are fired. Even if Cass or DD are close range, they still die.
IIRC the slug throwers thing comes from a dumb comic panel where Obi Wan gets a little burnt by whatever was left of the bullets (the rest melted away). And that Jedi can't deflect them back at you. They aren't "notorious good" against Force users.


Its not a big deal I just find it annoying that he reacts to every one of my overlord post with optimistic, even when Im directly quoting information from the light novels. Often my posts don't even involve speculation, it's just noting something weird thats explicitly stated in the books. (In the last post I was pointing out how an overlord bash fic explicitly misunderstands a character and quoting from the book to prove it)

He assumedly does it to annoy me. It winds up bothering me because my dumb brain assumes he actually wants further clarification/sources only to realize "no he's just fucking with me" because there is literally zero room for confusion.


:becelcreate a theme of respect If not, I still rate it
...What the fuck are you even trying to say here?

If your telling me to work on the respect thread nothing I mentioned recently would go in one. nigredo has no character sheet or info beyond being level 100 and focused on divination. She wouldn't get more than a foot note and I likely wouldn't include her weird obsession with infants because I can't think of a single instance it'd be relevant. She can't be used for debates because she doesn't actually do anything. She's a freaky baby obsessed faceless monster of an unnamed race that sits below a freezing blizzard island holding baby dolls that scream. (She's literally just a horror enthusiast taking the piss and combining all the weird elements of horror he liked)

If it's about respect? I can acknowledge Ive gotten disrespectful once or twice but usually Im just correcting information about overlord. The last disrespectful thing I said was instigated by seth saying nobody cares, which I felt the need to point out as much as everyone here loves to complain about overlord rarely do people actually seem to know/understand what they're complaining about.
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For instance the thing seth was complaining about, the post where I was correcting a bit of info from Astaro who was criticizing the holy queens death. I didn't just do it to be pedantic, the bit of info they had wrong is actually somewhat important.

The joke of her character is one of nihilism, shes a good person that wouldn't hesitate to bend the knee for the good of her people. She absolutely could and would have worked perfectly fine under ainz if he found her first. But due to no action of her own she's condemned to a horrendous death by an uncaring god...That god being ainz, whom didn't care enough about her or her people to look into them before handing them off to demiurge.

Through no action on her part she is condemned to death by an entity she very easily could have gotten along with. If she would have resisted the joke simply wouldn't work as then arguably ainz and coe would have needed to take care of her in some manner and demiurge just went to far.

Now does that change the main criticisms of her death? That she's tortured and killed by demons in a horrendously gratuitous fashion for no good reason?

Absolutely not, but to say she would have resisted nazarick is to undermine the entire point of her existence, which is to be a fucked-up joke.

She may also be a sorta meta joke, its mentioned that she's obsessed with beauty and quite a bit of her money/magical power is focused around her looks. She's literally a gorgeous good hearted queen that would do anything to save and protect her people. In any other series she likely would have joined the protags harem. In overlord well..She's a club.

At least I think thats meant to be part of the joke as I can't really think of another reason the author would go into detail about her vanity/obsession with looking good...Unless it's meant to be a vanity equals bad thing but as it's not presented as a bad thing within the narrative (Only her personal funds/magic are going towards her looks) I doubt it.
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Banned Member
I think there's some underlying resentment here bore out of petty disagreements about the series, which is only exemplified by a language barrier. Now, I don't know the history here, and maybe I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but I think it's for the best if you both recognize that you should be smarter than 99% of the people who inhabit this hobby and make up, cuz that neg bombing react spamming shit isn't good for our lil ass community. It's only going to serve to make neither of you want to post here.


Fair enough, in the end I don't have a problem with king of time or anyone else tbh (as annoying as the optimistic thing was to me)

Ill be clear I like overlord a lot (Its far from perfect and I perfectly understand why some people hate it), one of the main reasons Im still around here is to share relevant info from the series whenever it comes up/whenever I notice something bizarre from it (And eventually finish that respect thread).

I can be a dick sometimes and I do apologize for that it is usually born out of frustration or exhaustion. Im not actively trying to upset anyone I just sometimes feel attacked for pointing information that is incorrect/sharing information from the novels.


Banned Member
We are in the end days of this hobby, it is better we spend our remaining time doing something productive like making respect threads and nuanced discussion instead of arguing with each other, this is how I would like it to be. People ain't always going to agree witcha but that's alright.