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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

Right now Ritsuka is the best master in the franchise , not even the overrrated Hakuno come closer to Ritsuka's achivements

It's weird because FGO in it's later iterations have consistently shown Ritsuka Fujimura is one of the best Masters around and gets to that level naturally with the entirety of Christmas 2 literally being orchestrated by them using the Servants he knows to get Santa Jalter to realize her true wants and needs.

I have seen people even say that "The Servants command themselves and there's no reason for Ritsuka to act as a tactician" when you can say that about any other Master but that doesn't stop the fact that the Servants themselves only know about their own habits and only a rare few can genuinely think outside the box(and no, Gilgamesh isn't one of them) and that most Masters are genuinely shit when it comes to being... Masters. The entire 5th Holy Grail War was a clusterfuck because no one had any idea what they was doing, even Illya's grand plan was literally "Throw Heracles at the problem, if that didn't work? Just overload him with Magical Energy and make him go harder" because he is literally unable to do anything else, not even his fine-tuned techniques outside of sheer reflex. The 4th Holy Grail War is no better as most of the Masters either are at the whims of their Servants or just hate their Servants and everything they stand for(Even Waver was at the whims of Iskandar for most of it). Apocrypha? Shirou literally takes over the Red Faction and Yggdmillenia don't give a fuck about each other or teamwork(Again, it was literally the Servants doing so and alot of it was improvised and sloppy).

Like Hakuno is legit the only Master on par with Ritsuka that actually has the experience necessary to not be pushed around by their Servants and can bring out 100% of their abilities at all times and you can say they only fail because unlike Ritsuka, they don't get trained by their Servants to really know combat and capabilities(Like it's insane to believe Ritsuka has no strategems when you have the Grail Wars, Scathath, Chiron and other Servants explicitly training them in many different avenues to the point it's an issue for Kiichi Hogen to find anything to teach them) and thus wouldn't be on that point either. Too many people believe a Master needing to be as strong as the Servant means they are "suitable Masters" but that's not at all how that works in any regard(Again look at Tokiomi for where that takes you).

Goetia is the only one I can think of not sure if thiers someone weaker.


Man, out of all people, you think GOETIA is the weakest character to kill Kaguya?!

Real answer: Shakespeare, dead serious.
Kaguya is mentally fragile and a single First Frollo basically fucks her up completely, none of her worlds can impede a Servant and she is not the type to immediately throw hands either.
Any other Servant that can affect the mind can also defeat her well before needing overwhelming power(Which real talk? A number of High-Top Tier Servants can do without needing Grands)


King of Games
V.I.P. Member


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
The timing is impeccable too. NC is probably stalking my profile, and saw how I shit talked him Friday.


...So, we are just going with Kaguya being immortal because... she regenerated her arm immediately?(Which she didn't) And then pretend that Madara ate the Cosmic Fruit(He didn't, he just absorbed the Tree and the Jyuubi and still nearly died by Naruto and Sasuke at one point) and that's why he almost died to Night Guy and thus, she MUST BE immortal because of her bluff that the characters didn't believe she could do nor did Kaguya even launch the attack(It literally fucking VANISHES, all but stating it was a bluff) but we should believe it because she did it at all and thus, she can revive from a battered soul and destroyed physical body(Despite Truth Seeking Orbs does not destroy the Soul, only Chakra and the Physical Body)...

We are reaching bullshit levels I have not seen in years.
Too chicken to contest it on FV or OLF. So they go to the only place with a community of autistic faggots dumb enough to buy into it. Ran away when I confronted them on FV. Doesn't even try to contest it on here. No, they need the territorial advantage. How cute.

Really is sad when someone has to do it by going there or CV and act like they really made a good point...

Again, it's like going to Weenie Hut Jr's and then wondering why everyone sees you as a weenie.


It's weird because FGO in it's later iterations have consistently shown Ritsuka Fujimura is one of the best Masters around and gets to that level naturally with the entirety of Christmas 2 literally being orchestrated by them using the Servants he knows to get Santa Jalter to realize her true wants and needs.

I have seen people even say that "The Servants command themselves and there's no reason for Ritsuka to act as a tactician" when you can say that about any other Master but that doesn't stop the fact that the Servants themselves only know about their own habits and only a rare few can genuinely think outside the box(and no, Gilgamesh isn't one of them) and that most Masters are genuinely shit when it comes to being... Masters. The entire 5th Holy Grail War was a clusterfuck because no one had any idea what they was doing, even Illya's grand plan was literally "Throw Heracles at the problem, if that didn't work? Just overload him with Magical Energy and make him go harder" because he is literally unable to do anything else, not even his fine-tuned techniques outside of sheer reflex. The 4th Holy Grail War is no better as most of the Masters either are at the whims of their Servants or just hate their Servants and everything they stand for(Even Waver was at the whims of Iskandar for most of it). Apocrypha? Shirou literally takes over the Red Faction and Yggdmillenia don't give a fuck about each other or teamwork(Again, it was literally the Servants doing so and alot of it was improvised and sloppy).

Like Hakuno is legit the only Master on par with Ritsuka that actually has the experience necessary to not be pushed around by their Servants and can bring out 100% of their abilities at all times and you can say they only fail because unlike Ritsuka, they don't get trained by their Servants to really know combat and capabilities(Like it's insane to believe Ritsuka has no strategems when you have the Grail Wars, Scathath, Chiron and other Servants explicitly training them in many different avenues to the point it's an issue for Kiichi Hogen to find anything to teach them) and thus wouldn't be on that point either. Too many people believe a Master needing to be as strong as the Servant means they are "suitable Masters" but that's not at all how that works in any regard(Again look at Tokiomi for where that takes you).
Also Ritsuka has fought another masters with more servants and intellect and WON . For example is BB grial front , where she has more servants , special buffs and her super computer IQ and still she loses and i'm talking that she throw Gilgamesh , Kiara and more servants of that level and Ritsuka stills wins.

Or in the Ordeal call 2 , the Avenger are losing vs Cagliostro and only started to win when Ritsuka comes to rescue them


Also Ritsuka has fought another masters with more servants and intellect and WON . For example is BB grial front , where she has more servants , special buffs and her super computer IQ and still she loses and i'm talking that she throw Gilgamesh , Kiara and more servants of that level and Ritsuka stills wins.

Or in the Ordeal call 2 , the Avenger are losing vs Cagliostro and only started to win when Ritsuka comes to rescue them
Which Master have more Servants than Gudao? Oh BB, yeah BB is special case. She jobs.

Ordeal Call 2, theres more Servant that help Ritsuka than the other way around.

Thirteen prime



How durable is homelander against poisons and venoms and toxins etc??
He is Soldier Boy's son, who was tortured for decades by the Russians and they tried to harm/kill with radiation, poison and so.
If Homelander inherited some of his father inmunities then he will be fine agaisnt most of the conventional toxins in the world , like the only gas that can K.O Soldier Boy was Novichok , the most dangerous chemical weapon ever made IRL.