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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


V.I.P. Member
take it up with Kamachi
Projection much?

Literally you when that happens



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"projection much"

takes NT9's narration out of context when it clearly was referring to Othinus destroying the phases she created

You're literally backpedalling on your earlier comment in the thread about everyone I mentioned being god tiers:tupac

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
At least most of them are still beyond anything Harry is capable of dealing with, primarily due to lack of speed, unless I'm missing something major from the post-Changes books.

As far as help he could get, he can technically call on one of the Archangels but that guy can't help Harry unless God explicitly gives him permission to so it would depend on weather or not Mab would help him which can be shaky at the best of times.


Overlord fans on SB shouldn't bring up that mech suit which was too fast fast for Albedo to catch up.
Worth noting she actually could, she had several artifacts that allowed her to increase her flight speed to catch up with him, she just felt no need to as she was technically just making a show of it. Pandora's actor and albedo didn't fight to "win" there only goal was learning more information about their enemies.

This is why pandora's actor didn't buff any of his summons/only summoned undead of level seventy variety despite being able to summon level nineties. It was basically one big gaslighting campaign rather then an actual battle.

Heck pandora's actors equipment is actuall a spare suit of ainz in that battle, far weaker then his real stat boosting set.

(Normally Id throw up the qoutes but ill be away from my pc for the next couple hours! Ill add the qoutes when Im back though if anyone desires them!)

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Lol at this. OBD doesn't matter? Why, cause your angry they don't agree with you Steven? So what if this isn't part of the OBD section, it's still part of the same site, and it's a battledome thread pertaining power scaling, normally people like consistency, there's no rule saying you can use OBD standards only in the obd.

Just a dude whose angry people won't accept his bullshit and sperging over it.

If we go by SB's standard of Fate/Stay Night, sure but going by how they put Ultraman Gaia, he wouldn't be clearing the place but it would be funny either way or not.

But again, this is by SB's standards and not bringing in context so I'm guessing Ultraman Gaia is far stronger than FTL and Continental right?

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Imagine calling people arrogant when your so stuck up your own ass you ignore multiple cites of evidence and lie. "I never said Askin's power can work on goku"

literally here, https://www.fanverse.org/threads/bleach-can-askin-poison-gokus-heart.1306730/#post-66511308

-Kid Goku surviving Ultra Divine Water
-The Extinction Bomb Super virus not working on Saiyans.
-The fact that Ki can resist other Ki related haxes, and Ki and Reiryoku are just spirit energy.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
How exactly is Goku supposed to resist having his own ki becoming lethal to himself? With his own ki??

the Deathdealing isn't resisted in Bleach canon through "muh higher reiatsu" (not many abilities in general are, at that) and a similar ability to it doesn't exist in DB last I checked

this sounds like a stretch tbh

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
The fucking Heart Virus was basically the equivalent of the scourge virus, mind you the wiki doesn't explain how either timeline Goku's caught it except it possibly either being released by Gero so the androids have an easier time or because of the timeline changes.

How exactly is Goku supposed to resist having his own ki becoming lethal to himself? With his own ki??
I mean yeah, like I said, Ki has shown to be able to resist hax before, even breaking time, space, time stops, etc, Askin trying to poison Goku with his own Ki would probably just get noped like how Aizen noped Soi Fon's instakill shikai and then get reiatsu crushed.
the Deathdealing isn't resisted in Bleach canon through "muh higher reiatsu" and a similar ability to it doesn't exist in DB last I checked

this sounds like a stretch
No one in Bleach has Ki capable of shaking a multiversal realm.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Soi Fon fighting Aizen isn't the best example

A guy with illusion powers saying shit to mess with his opponents isn't exactly evidence of that being a hard rule in Bleach (because Soi Fon shouldn't be surprised at all if that were actually the case)
(Also her power requires her to stab the opponent first, kind of can't do that if they're a lot stronger lol)

If no similar ability exists in DB then you can't logically say "oh his higher power level will protect him from this ability" when that's demonstrably not the case in either Bleach nor DB

it's literally giving feats to a character with no actual backing in canon

that's just my two cents on the matter

just say Goku one shots and that's all you need to say in that hypothetical fight lol

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Soi Fon fighting Aizen isn't the best example

A guy with illusion powers saying shit to mess with his opponents isn't exactly evidence of that being a hard rule in Bleach (because Soi Fon shouldn't be surprised at all if that were the case)

(Also her power requires her to stab the opponent first, kind of can't do that if they're a lot stronger lol)
Thing is reiatsu crush was shown to be a thing, Yamamoto pressuring Shunsui's lieutenant, Aizen crushing Grimmjow, also Soi Fon never met an opponent that had enough reiatsu to resist her Shikai, Aizen never revealed the fact he had twice the reiatsu of a normal captain, which is incredibly rare.

Tbf Aizen was trapped in ice at that time, which was how she got her two stabs. I have to check if that was actually an illusion or not.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

"It's too bad it didn't hit me"

Kind of sounds like he just stopped the stab to begin with

Also, guy with illusion powers lol, she didn't actually stab him

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

"It's too bad it didn't hit me"

Kind of sounds like he just stopped the stab to begin with

Also, guy with illusion powers lol, she didn't actually stab him
This is what viz says

Tho it's possible that this is hinamori... but then that begs the question, how the fuck did she survive Nigeki Kessatsu?