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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

"This is the final arc Deku that was punching with Shigaraki across Japan while the Saint you're talking about was defeated by Kanzaki who was getting trashed by Aqua who going by his destructive feats would die from a single punch from Deku... They can't compare."

Acqua dying to a single punch from Deku

Didn't know Deku could hit harder than individual volleys of Sweep that can turn half the planet to ash


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm like 99% vtorx is a speed reading tourist because there's no way his knowledge of the series is this bad


V.I.P. Member
How much of a simp you got to be to think a pansy like Deku is even in the same ballpark as Acqua



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
god I wish I could find the statement of him unironically saying Saints are stronger than base Transcendents


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
oh lord he's literally just arguing "durr no collateral" to suggest that Acqua is weaker than Deku now



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

The narration explicitly says Brunhild was taking her seriously too... :/


Independent Manifestation might literally just be able to let Olga tank EV's dimension cut.

I like how Imaginary believes it's a legit "Dimension Cut" when it's actually just a Cleave/Dismantle and it only destroyed some Mountains...

Well, I suppose that depends on the rank of her Independent Manifestation.

It would only kill the weakest of Servants and barely at that...

Then why would you think his Dimension Cut is literally that? U-Olga literally shrugged off getting hit by a Black Hole herself outside of some superficial damage and a Sirius Light Amped Animus Animusphere, both of which is beyond Empty Void's ability to deal with.

Speed is……. I'm just going to say Olga's baseline FTL. Scaling above Kiara and Quirinus and whatnot. Pretty sure Void is slightly superior to that, though.

Again, even if we say that Empty Void is faster than U-Olga(which I don't believe because he didn't absorb Cosmic Horror Saitama Garou's power but just a failing Cosmic Horror Garou or just Monster Garou), the hell does it matter if he can't hurt her?

I highly doubt any of those abilities "take time for her to do" considering we literally see it takes no time at all to make her enormous Black Hole in Olympus or at the Wandering Sea and her Tachyon Jail was doing on the spot...

I feel like Olga vs EV ends when one of them stops screwing around, with Olga having the advantage of potentially being able to resist something like dimension cut. Very speculative tho.

No, U-Olga would still screw around, she would just murder him through literally causing Black Hole level pressure around her for kilometers across or literally boil the entire area with sheer heat as we've seen her fragments do, let alone the full being herself.

Bonus round is much the same. Olga needs to come in clutch and pull out Tachyon Jail for the win since Garou and Saitama are quite potent in their attacks.

So we are gonna pretend ORT, fucking ORT is a non-factor? Top fucking kek Imaginary... Top fucking kek.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah that makes literally no sense lol

how does Olga come in clutch when she's inferior to ORT
I wouldn't be surprised if they take the context that "U-Olga would have been able to aborb ORT into herself if she wasn't drastically weakened" to believe she's overall stronger than him as that's not how that works...

ORT basically shows Garou a true Gamma Ray Burst followed by the destruction the Solar System and then some.


I stop in every once in a while on full paragons overlord bash fic and it always amuses me how much he gets wrong/doesn't understand the story he's been bashing for five years now. He used nigredo as a "Good" Person opposing ainz within the tomb...I can only assume he's working off half baked memories of the anime cause in the books it's made clear she's just an insane monster

Nigredo had a soft spot for babies, perhaps even surpassing that of Pestonya’s. However, her compassion is limited to only that of infants. Once they live past the age of two, she sees them as nothing but sacks of meat to be disposed of.

The only way that bitch is helping is if your under two years old and you better pray petsonya or yuri step in cause she will fucking end you the moment your not cute to her anymore.