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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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I did read your points but they can be chalked up to Ratchet being his old grumpy self.
I don't think this is remotely fair - X is equating me town reading some of his scum reads as me being scum instead of considering that I just have a different opinion, it's a waste of time engaging there because while on the surface of it, the line of suspicion (different thoughts = different alignment) can be reasonable it's extremely level 1 and fails to consider anything about my wider game.

Then what he will do is look to characterise everything else I've done as scummy because he can see a scum motivation behind it - ignorant of the fact that you can frame anything as scum motivated if you try hard enough. You can see it already, with how he's trying to argue I may have bussed Psychic.

It's a waste of time for me to engage with this Fuji, because nothing I say or do will be taken as is, rather everything will be twisted and framed as scummy. I say let him have at it.

The X

Incorrect, I targeted Tpein last night, that was me going after him. Now I have info on him and don't believe that is the most confident direction to go this day.


Lonely at the top
I was feeling he was just a hair town yesterday fresh off a scum game with him, but he's worthless fr.
He simultaneously scum reads you for starting the psychic wagon as a possible bussing mate but asks Ratchet who did the same for who to lynch.


It reads as a shit post to me, but who knows with her. Bottom line, I don't feel comfortable parking it on her, especially with an information role. Would like some claims from other players to evaluate. CP, Lethal, Tweet all come to mind personally.
I don't disagree with this

The X

I don't think this is remotely fair - X is equating me town reading some of his scum reads as me being scum instead of considering that I just have a different opinion, it's a waste of time engaging there because while on the surface of it, the line of suspicion (different thoughts = different alignment) can be reasonable it's extremely level 1 and fails to consider anything about my wider game.

Then what he will do is look to characterise everything else I've done as scummy because he can see a scum motivation behind it - ignorant of the fact that you can frame anything as scum motivated if you try hard enough. You can see it already, with how he's trying to argue I may have bussed Psychic.

It's a waste of time for me to engage with this Fuji, because nothing I say or do will be taken as is, rather everything will be twisted and framed as scummy. I say let him have at it.
My issue isn't that we disagree and the fact that you are presenting my issue as such continues your streak of dealing with my slot in incredibly bad faith.


like vinegar town, dalton scum
similar to alco town, magic scum

wud mean alco/vinergar started with some early posts onto magic/dalton that didnt gain any attention from the magic/dalton side respectively
Oh, I did point that out and Dalton addressed it.
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