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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Leprous Monarch
And what does obvious town or not mean.
I think he's suggesting flower's alignment will become obvious by her play so the tell is irrelevant

but I don't think that's really true unless she's indie because she'll tell us. she skated pretty far as mafia in whatever game she was scum with magic/ultra and only got caught from info iirc


Lonely at the top
I’ll believe T-Pein’s claim some percentage between 50-100

He told me he was Santa as well.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Well I didn't expect you to agree given you're demanding she gets voted. I don't like that by the way, you're fully aware that as a player she is prone to getting frustrated when pushed by what she perceives to be crap, so trying it establish an early wagon in this way feels like you might be trying to draw that out.

Anyway I don't want to write her defence for her but I don't really think her scum play is going ti be so misdirective with fake solving and shading players, and her reaction was more outrage than scared lamb when she started getting votes.
she didnt seem frustrated to me

she made these posts below. i thought the first one was unnecessary given its timing, the second was shade and fence sitting on tpein, the third is another unnecessary post. the fourth is fine

i voted her after seeing the second and third, and her response was ask me for reason then she immediately stopped what she was doing - this gave me the impression she was image conscious and thought that something she was doing made her scummy and wanted my reason first before she continues posting in a way thats not scummy. scum does this alot. adapt their play based on the reasons they get scum read for.

i expected if she is town to continue doing whatever she was regardless of my vote on her.

The truth tell has already happened again?
I´ll be honest, I hope Flower finally starts lying about it and doing this as a mafia, so that it will lose all value for later rounds cause once it´s broken, then nobody will have reason to trust it. I´m sorry sis but this is not my favourite method in the world to townconfirm someone and it´s honestly getting annoying. For example, I could just decide to start my own truth tell and be expecting that everyone has to believe me.

I´m town. 100 % truth tell. What now? Everybody stop solving my slot because of this?
Most games T-Pein was just asking "Who we gonna lynch today" the first day phase but he did that as scum too.
lol so if we ask her to do her truth tell in future rounds and she refuses we can be sure that she´s either scum or indie. That´s also lame but I´m making a note that I will do that at least on D2 every game with her from now on 🤪
T-Pein has posted, he wants to lynch Alco.


Lonely at the top
I think he's suggesting flower's alignment will become obvious by her play so the tell is irrelevant

but I don't think that's really true unless she's indie because she'll tell us. she skated pretty far as mafia in whatever game she was scum with magic/ultra and only got caught from info iirc
Aye, discussing Flower more then this is just busy work and super lazy imo. She needs to be shelved to the side and we move on. If I see anyone else bringing her up they will go straight to the muggle pile.


So I´m getting voted without any of my voters even giving any reasons for it.

Melkor looking scummy to me and Ekko could not explain why he started the wagon on me.
@Ekkologix @Ultra @Black Pegged Dragon @Lord Melkor I wanna hear what´s so "scummy" about me? Don´t vote me without any of you telling me why!
Hanging onto someone else´s votes is not the Lord Melkor I know, this feels off.
So, you and Ultra probably just being stupid, that´s nothing I´m surprised of but Melkor and partially BPD don´t strike me as players that usually just throw their votes onto someone early on D0.
@Ekkologix There is a degree of frustration in all of these, particularly the first two, and I'm not sure why you'd omit them as they're the most pertinent in regards to her reactions to being voted.


Lonely at the top
I am sensing 0 necromantic energy coming from Kurumi, tried to cult her but I don’t think shes undead. Still too far away for me to ascertain her true nature.
Basically to me her current reactions are something I’ve seen town her do so shes null.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ekkologix There is a degree of frustration in all of these, particularly the first two, and I'm not sure why you'd omit them as they're the most pertinent in regards to her reactions to being voted.
i omit them because they came after the vote. my point is she stopped what she was doing (which i found initially null/scum) and made her posts about her wagon instead. it'd have been much better if she continued playing the same regardless of my vote. are you unable to see how image conscious the transition was?
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