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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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I guess I get it. Not really a fan. But I’m mega polarized and people seem to know immediately if I’m mafia so maybe it’s ultimately moot

Lord Melkor


Okay. Knowing Flower, my immediate conclusion was that she used it to be confirmed townie. Which is lazy but means she should be town anyway.


The truth tell has already happened again?
I´ll be honest, I hope Flower finally starts lying about it and doing this as a mafia, so that it will lose all value for later rounds cause once it´s broken, then nobody will have reason to trust it. I´m sorry sis but this is not my favourite method in the world to townconfirm someone and it´s honestly getting annoying. For example, I could just decide to start my own truth tell and be expecting that everyone has to believe me.

I´m town. 100 % truth tell. What now? Everybody stop solving my slot because of this?



In short, because this conversation has proven tedious - best put the pressure on her immediately and have her face the consequence for doing so if scum, then she might actually be forced to stop doing it.


In short, because this conversation has proven tedious - best put the pressure on her immediately and have her face the consequence for doing so if scum, then she might actually be forced to stop doing it.
So in other words, your position is to force her to use it ASAP every game, until she either gets routinely Day 1'd as Scum enough to burn it, or just throws it away entirely, right? That's fair, in that it would probably help solve it long term, but personally I'd rather discourage it being used at all. I have more to say on this but it will probably be best to pick it up post game.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Make it happen scum boi
im actually serious, petition for scum teams to yeet all truth tellers. they arent lynchable anyway so its a win win

every time she truth tell day 1 she dies n1. shes gna stop doing it cuz she wont be enjoying the games


I’m not in for this at all tbh. I don’t know what the solution is but I don’t support policy kills. Especially night policy kills you’re just asking for PRs to mess with it


im actually serious, petition for scum teams to yeet all truth tellers. they arent lynchable anyway so its a win win

every time she truth tell day 1 she dies n1. shes gna stop doing it cuz she wont be enjoying the games
This wouldn't solve it because she would start drawing blind protections. You could ask doctors et al to look the other way, but a good deal of players, especially WG'ers, aren't exactly bastions of game integrity.

Anyway I think that's enough of this - @Lord Melkor when you voted for me you did so with a ? - is that confusion still present?



Correct - and I think that's the best way of going about it


What you got cooking Whicker?
My experience so far with Mr Pein is “day 1 doesn’t matter, let’s just get a flip”
Doesn’t match his opener at all this game.

It’s not much but only thing that catches my attention so far


Most games T-Pein was just asking "Who we gonna lynch today" the first day phase but he did that as scum too.
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