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Death Battle Discussion

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member




@Masterblack06 @Xhominid The Apex @Adamant soul
tomboy fight

tomboy fight

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
The age old argument of "power-scaling and feats don't matter because the author doesn't care about power levels or knows science probably" :skully

Pack it in folks we have to change everything we know, consistency and death of the author doesn't exist in this neck of the woods

I get what they're trying to say, as far as a narrative viewpoint (either writing or watching) stuff like feats pretty much exist solely to serve the story and really doesn't matter. Sure people will meme on certain moments if dumb shit happens like that laser going through Goku, but otherwise most people don't care.

Really this hobby is just an extension of the age old "who would win" arguments we used to have as kids which itself probably comes from the fact that us humans just like to watch shit fight. There's a reason the Bear vs Gorilla debate is still a thing today (even if anyone with knowledge on both animals know how it ends)

Then again my main hobby other than this consists of me and the boys pretending to be elves for a few hours once a week so who am I to talk :mjlol


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
But, what about that thing Gojo fans mentioned about IV being better than Cosmos because "infinite > all"

Is that some sort of NLF?
From what I remember Unlimited Void only disables the opponent for a limited time.

Whereas the effects of Cosmo’s ability on a target are permanent.

And after doing a little digging Cosmo’s ability just seems to be outright showing more information regardless



From what I remember Unlimited Void only disables the opponent for a limited time.

Whereas the effects of Cosmo’s ability on a target are permanent.

And after doing a little digging Cosmo’s ability just seems to be outright showing more information regardless

Thank you so much for the explanation

I'm still not confident enough to talk about the MU, but at least I got a better understanding of what's going on

I now wonder if the research team is going to to delve so deeply into Gojo's capabilities, or merely stick with the popular take on these abilities


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Thank you so much for the explanation

I'm still not confident enough to talk about the MU, but at least I got a better understanding of what's going on

I now wonder if the research team is going to to delve so deeply into Gojo's capabilities, or merely stick with the popular take on these abilities
We’ll have to see. If you want a bit of a preview on their thoughts though, they did actually do a DeathBattle Cast for this matchup

A few big events have happened in both series since they posted it (plus they don’t do a full-on analysis for DeathBattle Casts anyway since the debate is limited to around an hour) so I could see them having changed their minds from what they thought back then. But it still provides a bit of insight to their thought process for this match I think.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
We’ll have to see. If you want a bit of a preview on their thoughts though, they did actually do a DeathBattle Cast for this matchup

A few big events have happened in both series since they posted it (plus they don’t do a full-on analysis for DeathBattle Casts anyway since the debate is limited to around an hour) so I could see them having changed their minds from what they thought back then. But it still provides a bit of insight to their thought process for this match I think.

Also this blog


Man of Atom
In a world where the boundaries between different anime universes blurred, two formidable characters found themselves facing off in an epic battle that would shake the very fabric of reality. Gojo Satoru, the enigmatic sorcerer from Jujutsu Kaisen, and Makima, the enigmatic Control Devil from Chainsaw Man, stood poised for a confrontation.

The battleground was a desolate wasteland, where the remnants of fallen creatures and powerful curses littered the ground. The air was charged with tension as the two titans locked eyes.

Gojo Satoru, with his white hair, confident smirk, and his cursed energy swirling like a storm around him, cracked his knuckles and stretched his limbs. "You must be Makima. I've heard quite a bit about you. Let's see if you live up to the hype."

Makima, her chilling presence radiating an aura of control and dominance, stood unfazed. She smiled, an eerie and unsettling expression. "Gojo Satoru, is it? You'll find that I exceed expectations." She raised her hand, and invisible chains extended from her fingers, seeking to ensnare Gojo.

But Gojo was no ordinary sorcerer. With a flick of his hand, he effortlessly shattered the chains with his limitless cursed energy. "Impressive, but I won't be so easily controlled," he retorted, disappearing from Makima's line of sight in an instant.

The air around them crackled with intensity as Gojo reappeared behind Makima, launching a devastating punch imbued with his cursed energy. Makima, however, seemed to phase through the attack, her body reforming like a fluid silhouette. "You underestimate my abilities," she whispered, appearing behind Gojo.

Before Gojo could react, Makima's chains lashed out again, wrapping around his body, threatening to crush him. But Gojo had other plans. With an eruption of his cursed energy, the chains were incinerated, and Gojo emerged unscathed.

"Your powers are intriguing, but I've faced curses more menacing than this," Gojo taunted, his eyes filled with determination. He activated his Limitless Cursed Technique, creating an impenetrable void around Makima.

Makima felt the pressure of the Limitless technique constricting around her, threatening to crush her very being. But she wasn't one to be underestimated. With a sinister grin, she summoned her Control Devil, manifesting an enormous, grotesque creature with countless eyes and mouths.

The Control Devil's form clashed with Gojo's Limitless Void, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion of cursed energy that rocked the battlefield. It was a battle of titanic forces, both refusing to yield.

In the midst of the chaos, Gojo's Limitless power tore through the Control Devil's defenses, leaving Makima vulnerable. He seized the opportunity, delivering a crushing blow that sent her reeling.

As Makima lay defeated, Gojo Satoru stood triumphant, his Limitless Cursed Technique proving too much for the Control Devil's formidable powers. He gazed down at his fallen opponent, a mixture of respect and pity in his eyes.

"This was an interesting fight, Makima. But in the end, you couldn't control the uncontrollable," Gojo declared, his power undeniable.

The battle between Gojo Satoru and Makima had come to a dramatic conclusion, and the balance of power in this strange, interdimensional battlefield had shifted once more.

:maybe :maybe :maybe
From what I remember Unlimited Void only disables the opponent for a limited time.

Whereas the effects of Cosmo’s ability on a target are permanent.

And after doing a little digging Cosmo’s ability just seems to be outright showing more information regardless

Didn't Gege or Gojo say that UV is like a normal human experiencing 6 months of information in 0.2 seconds?
I think there was a thread here or on the other forum, where somebody said if you're fast enough that does nothing to you because you are around used to experiencing and taking information faster than that.
Cosmo Devil's Halloween attack is much worse because it shelves every last bit of information about the universe, everything, into your mind over a few seconds. It even worked on a hive mine that said that mental attacks would be useless because it would be like trying to dye the ocean red with just a single drop of blood.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
what's the rundown for similarities/thematics for Makima and Gojo?


so…the group of Nazgul or just the Witch-King? There’s a bit of conflict between the title and the thumbnail
That’s like having a DBC called Pokémon vs Digimon and it’s a picture of just Charizard and Greymon