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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Anyway town ratchet should have mo confidence that me being caught up would lead to me feeling better about him. My track record with him day 1 is pretty touch and go so even if he felt good about me being towny he would probably in my estimate as town have confidence that I wouldn't suspect him day 1. So he's probably projecting confidence as a wolf.

With that said I am going to go play some games for a bit while I finish eating.


My stick up is more your process here, you attached something to your read on him that as far as I can tell doesn't exist (Him antagonizing Sky), where in any of his posts does he do this?

He antagonized Flower, but I don't have a hard time reconciling this for reasons stated
Are you reading anything?

I quoted posts for you. Did you press the button that let's you follow them to the og post?

Cause this push is looking ass the more you keep trying to peddle points.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I don't mind your read on him, but feel this piece of info about his play is important.


Polarized Noob
feels like a very fake exchange from both sides and nor do i get the point of this tbh
gad votes ultra for fun and says he town reads ultra
then luka says gad should be more wary of ultra and gad says hes voting him
and luka just likes it and is fine despite his initial issue being that gad townread ultra

idk if im even making much sense atm
No, I never said I liked it. I made a joke about voting Ultra better, nothing else. This is just blatantly misrepping my play.


Polarized Noob
luka feels kinda scummy, he made a point to make early posts abt how he was going to try harder/play differently and it just gave me scum vibes when reading his posts afterwards... kinda like a nervous scum trying to play differently and announcing that so ppl brush it off more if they see differences in his town play normally vs this game??
Incorrect but I think relatively towny read to make. Feels genuine + I would probably come to a similar conclusion.
ultra seems a bit more passive than usual, idk how to describe it but anyways it doesnt seem like town or scum him
(Also, blatant Indie hunting is towny.)


Are you reading anything?

I quoted posts for you. Did you press the button that let's you follow them to the og post?

Cause this push is looking ass the more you keep trying to peddle points.

So my hangup is that you said "posts directed at sky seem out of his scum range" and all he did was literally say "blah blah blah"

Granted I don't necessarily agree with your angle on him either but this seems an overextension


Similar on Ultra, not so sure on the latter two but doesn't really matter. Can you elaborate on Gad?
Gad felt present and responding to game related shit. I don't really expect confident on his stances so him being wishy washy isn't a huge deal to me. That plus vibe.

Orca was Moreso because of his insistence on his statistical vote thing. He put it forward, I ignored it, then he insisted I do it anyway which I felt good about.

@Ratchet why do you town read Polar btw I forgot to ask
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