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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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I guess I'm asking why it took you so long?
Because I did like his progression on the Luka thing.

Last game I found both you and ultra immediately suspicious. As in no redeeming qualities anywhere. Opposed to this game where I feel you're town due to your approach(again I'm not basing it off last game as I think that game would be anomaly for both of you) and his start.

I also figured going after me two games in a row day 1 would be largely stupid to do as scum. I still kinda feel that way. It's wifom but like why?


Fair enough.


I didn't pair you and Lethal, I said I had you both as suspects.

You will not convince me my read on Flower was garbage. Last game you snap suspected me for not towing Aurelian.
Aurelian had a ton of posts and then I used a whole another game with direct evidence as a comparison to show he was town which you ignored to continue stating he was scum and you also had me as scum and then voted him with me.

I don't think that's comparable to you voting Flower after she made one post and nothing else. That can't be a garbage read or even a read as there's nothing there. If you came back and insisted flower was still scum, which would then be similar to the aurelian thing, then yes that would make it garbage and more likely you're scum.



I don't think it's indefensible to scum read Flower there but your reasoning was pretty bad.

I mean clearly the "She always sheep's me" thing is complete bullshit considering how easily you reconciled her being town afterwards


I don't think it's indefensible to scum read Flower there but your reasoning was pretty bad.

I mean clearly the "She always sheep's me" thing is complete bullshit considering how easily you reconciled her being town afterwards
I'm not following you. In the post I quoted you said "my"(as in yours) read on Flower. Did you mean mine or yours.

It isn't bullshit but I'm not going to find that as a sticking point over her clearly doing something she can't resist as town all the damn time. Like it's not like anyone else was in here saying she was town for it causing me to shift. It was just an obvious reason to shift


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I think Magic could believe that as Town tho. The only issue is he saw me not sheeping him on Gram in the TB game and me straight up refusing to follow him on this for 3 days. I don‘t defer when I think the case is bad. I‘m my own person lol.


I didn't think Gram was scum until end game which is the point you didn't sheep me. I had him as town until the second last phase. I don't think you sheep the whole game but you definitely tend to defer day 1 and 2.

not the same as your second post just being a vote on me and largely what I found for weak reasons.



Would others like to weigh in on gads? I found them town because they were reading things s similar way that I was but I would be curious from the peanut gallery if this meta argument from ratchet about pointedness and tone holds water.
it was a shit read like most of your reads so far

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
of course as a filthy liberal you'd ask me to expand on my reads

Most are vibe reads, nothing substantial

I'd say I'm most confident in Flower given her play and tumultuous reaction


thoughts on canned fish and lynching achro?



Stop sucking his dick for two seconds - you stated you were scum reading him, it doesn't make any sense for him to assign you that position


Magic also hasn't offered a single direction besides LUKA and FLOWER and is more preoccupied posturing around me who he has admitted he is reading as lock town

What do you think his gameplan is here as town sincerely



No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Same principle tho. I disagreed with your take on Luka and your questioning seemed mostly like busy work. Then you voted me which again felt weak to me. You should know by now that I‘m too much of a coward to go after you like this as scum lmao. So your vote felt awful to me.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I'm down for more pressure on Fang as there's no material to pick apart, let's see if he's a reptile trying to blend in

Vote lynch Aurelian
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