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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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My point is if ratchet was 1/6 on scum reads day 1 he prob doesn't die. That's not a blind sheep it's a game state read atp

So maybe the guy who is socially bad is a mafia goon if you are town.
shit point

a) implicating yourself with night kills isn't something good players do and I'd consider myself a pretty good scum player, one of the best

b) ratchet just won player of the year here, he's a solid player that can adjust and catch you regardless of his day 1 list.

c) do you know if anyone else had more than 1/3 day 1?


d) killing him for the reason that is developing now.

people that don't trust their own reads sheep bad reads of dead players for mislynches


Like for me to find this line of accusation persuasive RDK, and the bar is not really that high to begin with since I already suspect him, you have to address the merit of his reason too and not just the timing

You probably won't, since brushing it under the rug is your best recourse here, but at the end of the day I'm not going to be convinced to vote Achro over observing "Ratchet had you at the bottom of his reads and was n1'ed", because that's still a good reason regardless of timing or slow play or whatever you're throwing against him


2. Emil
5. Magic
6. The Orca
7. Lethal
11. Luka
13. One Last Username
15. Fujishiro/Nibel
16. Aurelian
17. Achromatic
20. hime
started coloring them in and it all got a bit embarassing for me

something like orca/luka/accro/hime not in order


shit point

a) implicating yourself with night kills isn't something good players do and I'd consider myself a pretty good scum player, one of the best

b) ratchet just won player of the year here, he's a solid player that can adjust and catch you regardless of his day 1 list.

c) do you know if anyone else had more than 1/3 day 1?

See posts like this I just want to believe are town because they are so amazing tbh.

Like we already know gadz flipped scum for point one.

So I guess who is the shitty player who might do that?

Ratchet being that good isn't too surprising I suppose. However I know this isn't a shit point because this methodology is quite good. I do appreciate your take though. I want to believe you are town because it makes me right. I like being right. The only thing I like more than being right is winning tho

So who is the scum. You can answer me if you like but you get a demerit


Like for me to find this line of accusation persuasive RDK, and the bar is not really that high to begin with since I already suspect him, you have to address the merit of his reason too and not just the timing

You probably won't, since brushing it under the rug is your best recourse here, but at the end of the day I'm not going to be convinced to vote Achro over observing "Ratchet had you at the bottom of his reads and was n1'ed", because that's still a good reason regardless of timing or slow play or whatever you're throwing against him
you don't even know that it was mafia that killed ratchet ya dumb fuck


It's always sad for me when people are stupid and I kind of just have to hope they are scum because their play is so throwing tbh.
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