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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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You don't believe serial has Mr magoo'd his way into failing a kill 4 times

Anybody here who does is a knuckle dragger

There's gotta be another explanation that doesn't rely on massive fluke
As I said I could be wrong.


One Last Username

Hello All, thanks for joining. A few pointers ahead of time:

1. Town win condition is not in the PMs but it is to eradicate all non-town
2. Don't cheat. This includes talking about the game in any way (PM, VM, IM, Rep, whatever) outside the thread and any other bullshit rule-bending idea you come up with.

3. Once you've died you can make one post in the thread that has nothing to do with your role or your reads. Do not 'Like' posts in the thread which contain role info, reads, or speculation about the game, as that can influence the game.

3. Flavour is as useful as a OLF user's condom.

4. You will not be informed if anything goes awry with your role.

5. Day 1 will be 48 hours.

6. Please inform me if you are not using your roles.

7. Set-up spec won't work.

8. Don't flame too excessively (it's just a game)

9. Town Alignment is GTA 3D Universe Aligned

1. Boobies
2. Emil
3. Polar Bear - Claude Speed, Vig Duo, 3D Aligned, Killed N2
4. Sky - Lance Vance, Vanilla Town, 3D Aligned, Lynched D3
5. Magic
6. The Orca
7. Lethal
8. Tempest was Catalina, Vig Duo, 3D Aligned, Executed D1
9. Abolish the 19th Amendment was the Gamer, 3D Aligned, Killed N4
10. Gaddamnit was Johnny Klebitz, Godfather, HD Aligned, Lynched N2
11. Luka
12. RDK
13. One Last Username
14. Flower
15. Fujishiro/Nibel
16. Aurelian
17. Achromatic
18. Alco/Melkor was Trevor Phillips, Jailkeeper/Usurper, HD Aligned, Lynched D4
19. Ratchet was Kent Paul, Vanilla Town, 3D Aligned, Killed N1
20. hime

20 Alive 11 needed for a lynch

I will be following the WF Natural Action Resolution which is as follows

Bus Drive/Redirect

(This isn’t to say all these roles or any of these roles are in play)

Night 3.

Flower was whacked.


Ken Rosenberg - 2 shot hider - GTA 3D Universe Aligned

You are Ken Rosenberg and due to your legal qualifications you are able to hide behind a player at night. On nights you hide, you will be not be able to be targeted by other actions; however if you hide behind a HD Universe Aligned player you will die or if the player you hide behind is killed.
Flower is dead eh!


The only reason the lynch was even a question mark yesterday is because you're playing this game like coco the clown


If anyone here is actually thicker than ultra ill spell it out for you too

Poe narrows

The people you were white knighting you can't afford to white knight anymore

So you drop all the reasons you town read them and sheep a dead players read instead


If anyone here is actually thicker than ultra ill spell it out for you too

Poe narrows

The people you were white knighting you can't afford to white knight anymore

So you drop all the reasons you town read them and sheep a dead players read instead

I am not missing your implication

I was questioning your specific accusation, because it's obviously not what he did. There was no rallying done whatsoever, he just changed his read, and now you are goalpost moving


Btw that info wasn't known for days. I had sky as scummy before we flipped them. Yesterday was the first day where my nite about ratchet dying n1 with a bad poe if you are town could be thought of.
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