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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Hence why I tagged Flower

Who has checked out but I need her back in the ring to atleast ping pong ideas back and forth with me via ISOs


Issue is, how we you going to prove whether her info - assuming she even agrees - is from a town bus driver vs a scum bus driver?

I suppose you can't actually highlight this out loud and be frank, so gimme a hint on how you'll go about this unless you already have

We don't? It's not to prove her claim. It's to hold her random to get me to tomorrow.



- Hime is covering me with BD. Based on available info, the only counterplay is to guess her B target.
- If I die, that should be condemning for her
- I will get a result tomorrow
- That result should be reliable, unless Scum Hime used her BD or whatever

QED whoever I investigate tomorrow should have a reliable result in them, or they are scum with Hime.


Do you have any news to share or no


How much have you even read, can you follow along or no?
At the time I last read I wanted to off Frinckles or Xadlin. Since then Frinckles has flipped GF and Xadlin hasn't posted anymore I think.

I think Ultra's town and RDK looks town too. I had Flower town at the start. Her following RDK's spaghetti-vote on me Monday is kind of in character, honestly, so she's still OK.

I have not read a lot since Monday evening, so I'll have to piece together bits and pieces. I'll be happy to be shown a certain direction by the more active players here!


At the time I last read I wanted to off Frinckles or Xadlin. Since then Frinckles has flipped GF and Xadlin hasn't posted anymore I think.

I think Ultra's town and RDK looks town too. I had Flower town at the start. Her following RDK's spaghetti-vote on me Monday is kind of in character, honestly, so she's still OK.

I have not read a lot since Monday evening, so I'll have to piece together bits and pieces. I'll be happy to be shown a certain direction by the more active players here!

Xad was replaced with Ratchet fyi


You know how when animals are eating a carcass, they usually start from the ass, to tear the soft flesh and expose the innards?

That's what Ratchet wants to do to you.
I don't think i've ever seen Ratchet read me positively. Man's let his Fantasy football win go to his head!

I guess reading his posts is as good a starting point as any


Basically - Hime is covering me with BD. Based on available info, the only counterplay is to guess her B target. - If I die, that should be condemning for her - I will get a result tomorrow - That result should be reliable, unless Scum Hime used her BD or whatever QED whoever I investigate tomorrow should have a reliable result in them, or they are scum with Hime.

Why would you die when the event is ALL PLAYER ACTIONS will be visible? Wait no, it just says the number of players who perform an action. Also I am like 90% certain who you plan on copping but will refrain from saying who.


I'm not mad, you're misreading me

If I were, I wouldn't have thrown a facetious mommy daycare scenario

Only thing I am 'punishing' is forcing others to do some of the heavy lifting, it's unfair otherwise
Let me motorboat my shame at being duped by Pringles in your bosom.
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