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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Flower, are you going to at least entertain the possibility that the role fuckery this game could have fake claims?


Truly I don't know if Hime is town or scum. She's so frantic and invested right now (particularly in my slot) that I wouldn't really expect that from her as scum when they're having an awful game I'd expect her to be more subdued like Tweet and Ratchet (who I expect is scum too) . She's got beans I expect town to have right now basically.

Her usage last night is horrific though if town and also the fact scum knew they could kill Ultra is a big red flag.

It's a tough one, she's obviously very high on POE though regardless, especially when no protection has flipped for scum and we now know town has an unlimited vig with a backup.


Cubey - Never Lynch
Watson - Never Lynch


Polar - Never Lynch
Chuck could be the only blind spot I've got here btw. I'm less confident in that slot than I was before. I'd expect that CP was the doctor in that scenario


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Truly I don't know if Hime is town or scum. She's so frantic and invested right now (particularly in my slot) that I wouldn't really expect that from her as scum when they're having an awful game I'd expect her to be more subdued like Tweet and Ratchet (who I expect is scum too) . She's got beans I expect town to have right now basically.

Her usage last night is horrific though if town and also the fact scum knew they could kill Ultra is a big red flag.

It's a tough one, she's obviously very high on POE though regardless, especially when no protection has flipped for scum and we now know town has an unlimited vig with a backup.
The worst thing is she's calling me useless, despite me choosing the best target I could have chosen previous night. A confirmed Town or scum Nibel could help greatly.


The worst thing is she's calling me useless, despite me choosing the best target I could have chosen previous night. A confirmed Town or scum Nibel could help greatly.
Yes I agree Nibel was very good usage so trying to dispute that is a bad look if that's what she's doing


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
And no Janitor or Strongman flipped yet, so the chances were high he was one of them as scum and thus has a night action and if he doesn't chances were high he's just Town and we know how much room for mislynches we have.


What did Hime do that made you think she might be scum btw?
I'd expect her usage to be better as town

I'd expect ultra to be alive if she's town

I'd expect her to not be tunneling me if she's town, it's just omgus

I'd especially not expect her to be asking for me to be vigged, that's wildly careless


Can see scum's remaining 2 players being:

Gad + Ratchet
Gad + Chuck
Gad + Nibel
Chuck + Ratchry
Hime + Gad
Hime + Ratchet


Threshold of Armageddon
Can see scum's remaining 2 players being:

Gad + Ratchet
Gad + Chuck
Gad + Nibel
Chuck + Ratchry
Hime + Gad
Hime + Ratchet

I like the pressure on gad. For me he’s the scummiest of the claimed vt’s besides polar bear
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