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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

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Why are you so fucking sure the FK will be on me

The solve is fucking hard, scum actually does have a chance to throw me under if they feel comfortable doing so because
Fang baby
Look at what they're doing to Gad


Why are you so fucking sure the FK will be on me

The solve is fucking hard, scum actually does have a chance to throw me under if they feel comfortable doing so because
Fang baby
Look at what they're doing to Gad
Because no one is voting you, you feminoid!


Jesus christ Trinity
Stop being thick

You know your position is absolutely cemented as town, so there is only one logical solution for scum to take and its killing you to leave themselves a fighting chance of winning the game after a no lynch happens and they score a free kill in the ensuing NP, scum won't abstain from killing you and with me and the other remaining town player vs them, their not leaving a fourth player around to make a choice

This is EXACTLY what I did the last game as the SK/arsonist with RDK in the final phases of the game

Dr. Watson

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Jesus christ Trinity
Stop being thick

You know your position is absolutely cemented as town, so there is only one logical solution for scum to take and its killing you to leave themselves a fighting chance of winning the game after a no lynch happens and they score a free kill in the ensuing NP, scum won't abstain from killing you and with me and the other remaining town player vs them, their not leaving a fourth player around to make a choice

This is EXACTLY what I did the last game as the SK/arsonist with RDK in the final phases of the game
Fuck off with the demeaning crap

If the final scum isn't Chuck and it's somehow Gad I'll cut off my right eyelid

You're trying to mindread and assume that people will align with your tactic
The issue is that players new to me might not use this to their advantage if Charlie isn't the last of em

Is there a higher likelihood I'll be killed?

Does it mean it's absolutely confirmed?


Fuck off with the demeaning crap

If the final scum isn't Chuck and it's somehow Gad I'll cut off my right eyelid

You're trying to mindread and assume that people will align with your tactic
The issue is that players new to me might not use this to their advantage if Charlie isn't the last of em

Is there a higher likelihood I'll be killed?

Does it mean it's absolutely confirmed?
I didn't demean you at all

You completely ignored and stonewalled my point about where you are positioned, I can 100% vouch you were never getting voted to be lynched here, the fact the previous phase with Polar was also an eye opener because none of us, Flower included, were factoring or considering you as scum

And its the same today

You can get defensive and upset about what I said but the spirit of the statement remains objectively correct

Dr. Watson

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But that gets me back to the previous point: scum can't abstain

If I'm killed, it rules me out in the suspect list. You know what to do next. You absolutely will fucking know what to do next

Dr. Watson

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I didn't demean you at all

You completely ignored and stonewalled my point about where you are positioned, I can 100% vouch you were never getting voted to be lynched here, the fact the previous phase with Polar was also an eye opener because none of us, Flower included, were factoring or considering you as scum

And its the same today

You can get defensive and upset about what I said but the spirit of the statement remains objectively correct
It absolutely is which is why I tire easily when debating you, but okay, whatever

I do know, yes, I have the higher likelihood of being the faction kill

That doesn't mean you should rule out the option of me surviving entirely
I also don't know what someone like Gad would pull if he is the remainder
Scum!you would have pull, Gad demonstrates this

I ruled out the option hime being town
Both - keeping me alive or burying me - have their advantages, as they do for you as well

Dr. Watson

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Basically I'm saying it's tinfoil territory and we're all going mad. I'd suspect me too

"Am I scum...?"
"Always have been."

Dr. Watson

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Bear in mind I'm completely directionless myself
I don't want pull

If Charlie flips town I do not think it'd be a difficult solve for you at all, tho
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