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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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We aren't getting much of anywhere


Is lynching Juice and calling it a day *really* that bad of an idea

This eod time sucks ass for Americans so I'm gonna get on a consensus soon


No mislynches are apart of the game.

You are tunneling me right now and idc.

If if I'm wrong I'm wrong but at least I tried to be right.
Well, assuming this is in good faith, we fundamentally disagree on a few things. Mafia is hard game.


like I have always tried to be better at my town game especially after my first champs. seeing a towny go over because of somebody's crap meta doesn't feel good so I try to avoid it. idk why you wouldn't


Well, assuming this is in good faith, we fundamentally disagree on a few things. Mafia is hard game.
I had a lot of success playing mafia for a long time to the point it stopped mattering as town.

As scum it also didn't matter but I grew anxious not due to any kind of perceived difficulty but rather ensuring my teammates are still having fun


So unreliable.
I'm seeing a lot of complaints about EoD time, I could extend if necessary

Is that something that is wanted


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Vote Frinckles

Let's lynch Frinckles before they post

All three of these posts have been made before Freckles even posted, and I'd get it if it were a joke but it feels like you're tryna transition your jokes to serious posts without actually putting in the effort to make a valid read, and that's just scummy af
Eat some Arbys it will shoot right out
Hell, this is the first time you even interacted with Pringles. Waaay after those original three posts.


I had a lot of success playing mafia for a long time to the point it stopped mattering as town.

As scum it also didn't matter but I grew anxious not due to any kind of perceived difficulty but rather ensuring my teammates are still having fun
Never cared about my scummate's happiness, just to stop them from going over lmao. Maybe I'm an asshole.

The Orca

Yep and not a joke. Totally serious vote
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