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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Polar (possibly swapped with Nipples)

Potential scum team outted right in the middle of day 1


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
If Hime is scum after all this, lock RDK as her mate. That‘s not how he treats her as Town.


u asked for another example of scum magic starting out with scum reading ppl rather than jumping to town clears
thats the most recent example i can find
Why would scum magic want to scum read players early rather than town clear them early?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Bad read. Nothing me/Polar have done qualifies as distancing. You're probably not reading the thread if this is the interpretation you've produced.

I'd actually say Aurelian's grasp of our interaction is more correct. Just not accurate.
....that post isn't a read, you unwashed whore.
You're a null.

You... don't realize my post was in relation to the assumption if you flipped scum you'd have equity with Polar? It was discussed for a teeny bit, mostly referencing Flower's perspective.

That's all I was saying.

I don't think you'd by default have equity with Polar if you were to flip scum. I'd like to think neither of you would be so damn lazy if there was equity.

It's based on *ifs*, not is's.


Why would scum magic want to scum read players early rather than town clear them early?
y town clear ppl and lose potential mislynches? i get it if its with players who r more likely to omgus but in general??


Magic town cleared Fang like 10 pages into Skyrim.
Yeah and? The point about Magic here is he can easily alter or change how he interacts early in a game as town or mafia. Why don't you bring up Ultra's Baki game where he immediately read me as town when he was scum?


Yeah and? The point about Magic here is he can easily alter or change how he interacts early in a game as town or mafia. Why don't you bring up Ultra's Baki game where he immediately read me as town when he was scum?
Can you come back when you're needed


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
okay so besides the cetacean popping briefly out of the water to yell about me and gad defending me, I'm gonna go back to the drawing board

(I'm gonna drink alcohol)
Hey, have one for me.

But seriously tho. Hime, you don't see anything stand out about Polar?

Polar, of all people? Man's looking up like a telletubby in here.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Okay almost caught up and

Flower/Ultra/Aurelian seems to be a Town v Town v Town case, I don't think there's scum among this trio thus far

Don't remember what game it was on WG, but the only scum!hime I have seen was her as an indie, I'm not sure what her play would be if she were Mafia since she can't exactly townside if she's in a unit. I don't feel she's being performative, however.


The thing about Hime is she is justifying her townread on Magic by his entries which are easy to look up from games that happened months ago (you can debate whether she's working backwards or is genuinely good at recalling games) but there's no depth to it.

By biting on my question about why it would be a good thing for him to do she's admitting that the process of him scum reading players as scum is important.

By her own admission then there's no way she should be using the skyrim game to place his alignment.

Not that I actually believe she was; I think she just quickly found a game where Magic was scum and started it with a vote on someone
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