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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
It‘s absolutely not true is all. You can be a great Town team mate (when you aren‘t mislynching me). Have more confideeeennnnnccceee.
I... I've decided I shall spend all game supporting you, timezone buddy 🥺
i feel like its the first time ive ever actually played with u right??
Yup. And half the other players lol.
I thought you were pretty new to games as scum? Isn't this what you said during the Baki game?
Boi, I haven't played in 10 years, the rust doesn't come off that easy.
Gluten Tag

[Vote lynch 🐧]

God morgon
Oh wait. It's not page 10 already I do not have to seriously participate at the moment.
Furreal tho, this kinda feels like forced humor.
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