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Indiana Jones feats respect, & lore thread

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Indiana Jones is a movie franchise created by George Lucas & Steven Spielburg and starring Harrison Ford. It consists of the adventures of Henry Junior "Indiana" Jones as he recovers lost artefacts in exotic places and battles the forces of evil, aand encountering otherworldy & mythic presences along the way as he saves the day and gets the girl.

The franchise consists of four movies (Raiders of the Lost Arc, Temple of Doom, The Last Crusade and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) as well as a spinoff TV series, several video games, comics, novels, boardgames and other materials.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Arc of the Covenant contains the Ten Commandmants and was used by Moses to talk with God. The Arc is said to have levelled mountains and laid waste to entire regions.
Indiana Jones: Oh yes. The Bible tells of it leveling mountains and wasting entire regions. Moses promised that when the Ark was with you, “your enemies will be scattered and your foes fell before you”. (pause) An army which carries the Ark before it is invincible.
Sallah says the Arc is "not of this world."
Sallah: It is the Ark. If it is there, at Tanis... It is not something man was meant to disturb... Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth.
Belloq describes the Arc as a "radio for talking to God."
Belloq: Do you realize what the Ark is? It’s a transmitter. A radio for talking to God! And now it is within my grasp.
The Nazi's open the Arc and are destroyed by the wrath of God. First the technology breaks and etherial spirits emerge from the Arc, then they turn from beautiful to terrifying, energy bursts out and kills all the Nazi soldiers. Toht and Colonel Dietrich melt while Belloq explodes. A huge column of fire and energy caries the Arcs lids up into the sky parting the clouds before falling back to Earth, leaving no trace of the Nazis and Indy & Marion unscathed and their bonds cut (although they have to close their eyes).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Sankara Stones were five sacred stones given to Sankara by Shiva to fight evil, and they represent the fertility aspect of Shiva. The diamonds inside them all glow when they're brought together. They bring fertility to their location, and when one is removed, the valley around Mayapore starts dying.
Indiana Jones: He's saying when the the sacred stone was taken, the village wells dried up, and the river turned to sand. The crops were swallowed by the earth, and the animals laid down and turned to dust.
Note the valley before and after the Thuggee are defeated;
Shaman: We know you are coming back when live return to our village. Now you can see the magic of the rock you bring back.
Indiana Jones: Yes, I understand it's power now.
The three lines on the Sankara stones represent the three levels of the Universe.
Indiana Jones: And it had three lines painted across it? The lines represent the three levels of the universe. I've seen stones like the one you lost.
The Stones burn when Indy invokes Shiva and Mola Rams betrayal of Shiva and the use of the stones.

According to Mola Ram, all five Sankara Stones can overthrow the Abrahamic God.
Mola Ram: The British in India will be slaughtered. Then we will over run the Moslems and force their "Allah" to bow to Kali. And then the Hebrew God will fall and finally the Christian God will be cast down and forgotten. Soon Kali Ma will rule the world!"

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Shiva is strongly implied to have brought Indy to India to get the Sankara Stones back from the Thuggee. The Shaman sees the plane falling in a dream.
Willie: What'd he say?
Indiana Jones: He told me they knew I was coming here.
Willie: What do you mean -- how?
Indiana Jones: The old man saw it in a dream.
Willie: Dream -- nightmare is more like it.
Indiana Jones: He said that's why they were at the river -- they were waiting for the plane to fall down.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Indiana Jones punches a man hard enough to send him flying back several meters (enough to knock up loose gravel too).



Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Indiana Jones exists in a multiverse, and the interdimensional aliens can travel between universes (which sounds like said alternate realities where born via inflation after the Big Bang).
Oxley: Migno Thorne called them, “Post-inflation bubbles,” assuming universal expansion...and therefore random pockets of extrinsic physics...different realities could reside in the same space at the same time, completely unaware of one another.
Indiana Jones: Where did they go? Space?
Oxley: Not into space. Into the space between spaces.
The interdimensional aliens overload Irena Spalko with information until she disintergrates, and then fly away in their ship to the "space between spaces" after tearing up a considerable amount of ground.

The interdimensional aliens are said to contain all the knowledge of the Universe (from Frank Marshall, the producer).
Frank Marshall: There's 13 of them around the world and they are believed to have magical or healing properties or being full of the entire knowledge of the Universe.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Screenwriter Willard Huyck confirms that Kali with all of the Sankara Stones could wipe out all of the other Gods (and from the sounds of it, turn everyone in the world into a crazy Thuggee cultist).
Quint: When you consider the movie within the context of the series it's really fascinating. The MacGuffin in Raiders is all about the power of a vengeful God. That's the ark's power. Yet in Temple of Doom, if Mola Ram isn't full of shit when he's giving his big speech, then having all the Sankara Stones together would let Kali come in and wipe out all the other Gods.

Willard Huyck: You're right. It's a predictive kind of thing. Oh my God, if they get it you'd have a lot of crazy Hindus!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Holy Grail was the cup from which Jesus drank at the last supper and caught his blood during the cruxifistion. It's power can bestow eternal life and heal wounds, but for someone choosing the wrong grail, they'll age rapidly and turn to dust. The grail heals Henry Jones Seniors wound, and keeps a knight alive for over 700 years.

Holy Grail Knight: You must choose. But choose wisely. For as the True Grail will bring you life -- theFalse Grail will take it from you.
The Grail holds eternal damnation for the unworthy.
Kazim: A messenger from God. For the unrighteous, the Cup of Life holds everlasting damnation.
The search for the cup is the search "for the divine in all of us."
Indiana Jones: Do you believe the Grail actually exists?
Marcus Brody: The search for the Cup of Christ is the search for the divine in all of us.
Taking the Holy Grail beyond the seal caused an earthquake that cracked the ground open considerably.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Hindu triumvirate are referenced to have created, sustained and (will eventually) destroy the Universe, then for the entire cycle to begin again.

Hindus believe the universe was birthed by creator by Brahma, maintained by Vishnu, god of preservation, and eventually destroyed by Shiva, god of destruction, only to begin again.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hecate is the Greek Titan of crossroads and ascociated with life, fertility, death and the Earth. She created the Golden Fleece to save Phrixus and Helle. It was used by various nations, kingdoms and empires and allowed them to florish (Macedonia, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Ottoman Empire), but it's power was lost when the Fleece was defiled and used to murder someone.

Hecate is implied to be able to manipulate fate (this is confirmed below).


A sense of scale to how big this valley is;
The Serpent that Jason slayed in his voyage is resurrected by Omphale Kiapos giving birth, and Indiana Jones implores Hecate to consider the childs purity. Hecate herself manifests, oneshots the serpent (which is colossal) in a huge explosion, kills all the cultists and restores the Fleece. She is also noted to be immortal and the giver of all life.



The Fleece draws its power from Hecate, and she's more ancient than Zeus, being the only surviving Titan. She is also associated with full moons, lunar cycles, the underworld, the wisdom of nature, the hidden manifest and healing. She controls fate so that Indiana Jones would awaken her and cleanse the Fleece. What's more, Hecate is implied to be a symbol of the Mother and a manifestation of the supreme Motherhood.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From issue 19 of The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones. The Japanese Army capture a sleeping dragon and plan on using it against America in the upcoming war.
When the dragon wakes up, guns prove useless against it.
The dragon melts multiple metal beams with its fire.
The dragon breaks through the stone ceiling and flies away.

The dragon is sealed away once more by Indiana Jones reading an incantation that he got at the start of the issue, which returns it to its resting place.



Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From the same issue, a sumo wrestler called Gunichi chips a stone pillar and seems to make it buckle with his punches.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From Indiana Jones and The Shrine of the Sea Devil, the Sea Devil (a giant octopus) grabs Indiana Jones and drags him underwater, trapping him between the ship and the octopus. The Sea Devil squeezes with incredible strength, and is able to crush the metal of Indys diving suit.

The Sea Devil attacks the ship, shattering its wooden deck and several men with one of its tentacles.

The Sea Devils strength crushed Indy's metal diving suit "like paper."
The Sea Devil capsizes the ship.
Indiana Jones boards the ship again just as the Sea Devil knocks the grenade out of his hand and into a box of grenades, causing a huge explosio that causes the ship to start sinking. Indiana Jones survives this explosion although he is knocked unconscious.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In the Raiders of the Lost Ark comic, the hum from the Ark is like a sirens song, which Indy warns Marion not to pay attention to.
The sound of the Ark creates a sound which fills the space between Heaven and Earth.
The Wrath of God is unleashed, and Belloqs mind is filled with revelations of trascendental knowledge, causing his eyes to burn and melt. The entire island shakes and all of the Nazis are turned to dust.
The entire island is set ablaze, but only Indy, Marion and the Ark itself are unscathed.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From The Adventures of Indiana Jones, which contain the novelizations of all 3 original movies. I'll likely return to this one as there's tons to go over, but let's start with one of the most obvious places to start; the opening of the Ark.


The hum of the Ark fills Belloq, and causes him to begin to start seeing the secrets of the Universe itself (from distant exploding stars & spinning planets to the unknown darkness of infinity), and the humming of the Ark is thought to be the voice of God. The Ark and its power and knowledge are not bound by the laws of the Universe and come from a place that transcends time and space. Marion and Indy also comment on the hum, and lights and windows begin to shatter. Even the Moon itself is said to look frail compared with the power of the Ark.
He chanted as he climbed the steps, hearing the sound of the Ark accompany his voice, the sound of humming. It was growing in intensity, rumbling, filling the darkness. The Ark's power, the Ark's intense power. It moved in Belloq's blood, bewildering, demanding to be understood. The power. The knowledge. He paused near the top of the steps, chanting still but unable to hear his own voice now. The humming, the humming - it was growing, slicing through the night, filling all the silences. Then he climbed more, reached the top, stared at the Ark. Despite the dust of centuries, despite neglect, it was the most beautiful thing Belloq had ever seen. And it glowed, it glowed feebly at first and then more brightly as he looked at it. He was filled with wonder, watching the angers, the shining gold, the inner glow. The noise, too, rumbled through him, shook him and surprised him. He felt himself begin to viabrate, as if the tremor might cause him to disintergrate and go spinning out into space. But there wasn't space, there wasn't time: his entire being was defined by the Ark, delineated by this relic of man's communication with God.
Speak to me.
Tell me what you know, tell me what the secrets of existence are.

His own voice seemed to be issuing from every part of his body now, through mouth, pores, blood cells. And he was rising, floating, distinct from the rigid laws of logic around him, defying the laws of the universe. Speak to me. Tell me. He raised the ivory rod, placed it under the lid, then labored to pry the lid open. The humming was louder now, all-consuming. He didn't hear the klieng lights explode below, the showers of broken flass that fell like worthless diamonds into the darkness. The humming - the voice of God, he thought. Speak to me. Speak to me. And then, as he worked with the rod, he felt suddenly blank, as if he hadn't existed until this moment, as if all memories had been erased, blank and strangely calm, at peace, undergoing a sense of oneness with the night around him, linked by all kinds of connections to the universe. Bound to the cosmos, to all matter that floated and expanded and shrank in the farthest estuaries of space, to exploding stars, spinning planets, and even to the unknowable dark of infinity. He ceased to exist. Whoever Belloq had been, he was no longer. He was nothing now: he existed only as the sound that came from the Ark. The Sound of God.
"He's going to open it," Indy said.
"The noise," Marion said. "I wish I could put my hands to my ears. What is that noise?"
"The Ark."

"The Ark?"
Indy was thinking about something, an eclipsed memmory, something that shifted loosely in his mind. What? The Ark. Something to do with the Ark. What what what?
The Ark, the Ark - try to remember!
Up on the slab, at the top of the crude steps, Belloq was trying to open the lid. Lamps were exploding in violent shows of sharded glass. Even the moon, visible now in the night sky, seemed like an orb about to erupt and shatter. The night, the whole night sky, was like a great bomb attached to the end of a short fuse - a lit fuse, Indy thought. What is it? What am I trying to remember?
The Ark opens, and the Nazi's are destroyed. Belloc though, despite his fate, is actually ecstatic, as the Wrath of God fills him with transcendental knowledge, and he briefly becomes this power, even as it utterly annihilates him. This destroying light is said to be the light of Creation itself, which burst forth when God made the Universe. This raging light washes over the island and causes great waves in the surrounding ocean.
The lid was opening.
Belloq, sweating, perspiring in the heavy robes, applied the ivory rod while he kept up the chant that was inaudible now under the noise of the Ark. The moment. The moment of truth. Revelation. The mysterious network of the divine. He groaned and raise the lid. It sprung open all at once and the light that emanated from within blinded him. But he didn't step away, didn't step back, didn't move. The light hypnotized him as surely as the sound mesmerized him. He was devoid of the capacity to move, His body ceased to work. The Lid.
It was the last thing he saw.
Because then the night was filled with fire rockets that screamed out of the Ark, pillars of flame that stunned the darkness, outreaches of fire searing the heavens. A white circle of light made a flashing ring around the island, a light that made the ocean glow and whipped up currents of spray, forcing a broken tide to rise upwards into the dark. The light, it was the light of the first day of the universe, the light of newness, the thing freshly born, it was the light that God made; the light of creation. And it pierced Belloq with the hard brightness of an inconceivable diamond, a light beyond the sorrowful limitations of any precious stone. It carved at his heart, shattered him. And it was more than a light - it was a weapon, a force, that drove through Belloq and lit him with the power of a billion candles: he was white, orange, blue, savaged by this electricity that stormed from the Ark.
And he smiled.
He smiled because, for a moment, he was the power. The power absorbed him. There was no distinction between the man and the force. Then the moment passed. Then his eyes disintergrated in the sockets, leaving black sightless holes, and his skin began to peel from the bone, curling back as if seized by a sudden leprosy, rotting, burning, scorched, blackened. And still he smiled. He smiled even as he began to change from something human to something touched by God, touched by God's rage, something that turned, silently, to a layer of dust.
The island is utterly wiped out, and any who look at it have their eyes burned out and turned into blackened skeletons. Trees are flattened, boats are overturned, the dock is smashed and the island is burned. Only where Indy and Marion are standing is left unscathed (although the statue they are tied to is destroyed).
The uprising tower of flame devastated. It hung in the sky like the shadow of a deity, a burning, shifting shadow composed not of darkness but of light, pure light. It hung there, both beautiful and monstrous, and it blinded those who looked upon it. It ripped eyes from the faces of the soldiers. It turned them from men into uniformed skeletons, covering the ground with bones, the black marks of scorches, covering everything with human debris. It burned the island, flattened trees, overturned boats, smashed the dock itself. It changed everything. Fire and light. It destroyed as though it were an anger that might never be appeased.
It broke the statue to which Indy and Marion where tied: the statue crumbled until it ceased to exist. And then the lid of the Ark slammed shut on the slab and the night became dark again and the ocean was silent. Indy waited for a long time before he looked.
The Ark was shining up there.
Shining with an intensity that suggested a contented silence; and a warning, a warning filled with menace.
Indy stared at Marion.
She was looking around speechlessly, staring at what the Ark had created. Wreckage, ruin, death. She opened her mouth, but didn't speak.
There was nothing to say.
The earth around them hadn't been scorched. It was untouched.
She raised her face to the Ark. She reached very slowly for Indy's hand and held it tight.
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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Looking over the original script written by George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan, although there are changes from the final version, a lot of it is similar to the comic version and novelization. The Ark contains a previow of the end of the world, and the light that bursts from it is so powerful and fearsome that there is nothing in our world to compare it to. Even our eyes as the viewers cannot tell what colours Belloc takes as he takes the full blast. Even as Belloq is destroyed, he receives and experiences divine, transcendental knowledge. This is all accompanied by an indescribable sound which could only be thought of as the whisper of God.

Belloq has the ivory rod inserted in the notch under the lid
of the Ark. He utters a short phrase in Hebrew and begins to
press down on his end of the rod. The lid of the Ark begins
to lift. It's difficult work. Belloq puts his whole weight
into one big press on his end and the lid opens two feet.

Inside the Ark of the Covenant is a preview of the end of
the world. A light so bright, a power so fearsome, a charge
so jolting, that there is nothing in our world to compare to
it. It's as though this magnificent golden box has been
gathering electric energy for three thousand years, waiting
for just this crack of the lid to release it all in one fast,
cleansing explosion of pure force.

Blinding arcs of light shoot out across the Tabernacle
instantly killing all the Nazis inside and turning the white
silk to flame. But it is Belloq in his obsession who takes
the full blast. His whole body seems lit by a million volt
current and, for a moment, his complete form is white, then
blue, then maybe green, but it is hard to tell because our
eyes are blinded now too. Two aspects of this ghastly,
beautiful display are somehow communicated in the chaos,
although the communication is subliminal. First, that Belloq,
in the instant of his destruction, has experienced some kind
of sublime, transcendental knowledge. If a death's-head can
smile and look satisfied, that is how Belloq's incandescent
face would be described. Secondly, this event is accompanied
by a sound like no other. A sound so intense and so odd and
so haunting that the suggestible among us might imagine it
were the whisper of God.