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Kamen Rider Feats and Discussion Thread


More feats of Kamen Rider Spirits and Shin Kamen Rider Spirits.

Amazon using his Incan power can stop the chain eruption of a Caldera that can break in two the planet and is bigger than any register eruption.

And Judo sustain the dimension created by Tsukuyomi to seal him and if Tsukuyomi soul is destroyed o Judo stop sustain the energy to maintain the dimension, the same one would be destroyed and the effects would reach the mortal realm and cause a big black hole that would suck the planet.


Well, adding more context about the Void Realm(the dimension created by Tsukuyomi using JUDO as source of energy to maintain him sealed), between the Void Realm exist another place know as the Dragon Road that is a dimension where time and distances doesn´t exist, a place that separate the Prision Dimension from Present World.

From chapter 89 of Shin Kamen Rider Spirits
刻が反復 している 魔法陣の中は 時間も距離も 存在しない ゆうきちょうじ これは結城丈二が 帰還した湾曲空間シズカ・・・・ みかけ 三影………なぜ 付いてきた 俺が向かうのは 大首領JUDOのいる 虚無の牢獄だそ生きては 帰れない 解っている のか・・・・
Within the magic circle where time repeats, neither time nor distance exist. This warped space is where Jōji Yūki has returned.

Shizuka... Mikage...Why did you follow me? I'm heading to the void prison where the Great Leader JUDO is.

You understand, don't you, that there's no coming back alive...

From the summary of the chapter 92 of Shin Kamen Rider Spirits
これまでの物語阿修羅谷に発生した時空魔法陣に突入したZXは竜の道を辿るヘルダイバーのナビ ゲーションに導かれ、追ってきたシズカや三 影とともに、JUDOの居する虚無の牢獄を目指す。
In the story so far, ZX penetrated the space-time magic circle that appeared in Ashura Valley, guided by the navigation of the Hell Diver along the Dragon's Road. Pursued by Shizuka and Mikage, they aim for the void prison where JUDO resides.

Something that i forgot to mention, is the fact that the destruction of the Prision Realm would destroy the Dragon Road and also cause a Black Hole that would suck the whole planet as well.

Amaterasu...What a pity, Mikage.You understand, don't you... that you can no longer hear Tsukuyomi's voice...Tsukuyomi, who no longer has a physical form, has converted his soul into information.Is that so?To me, Tsukuyomi's voice has simply been cut off.Yes... it may be faint and fading away.But it is certain that he is in this prison, just like the bio-energy of a human right after they die...
page 284
Their existence forms a force field.But this prison, created by the immense power of Lord JUDO, is Tsukuyomi's constructed confinement space.Whether it is Lord JUDO's body or Tsukuyomi's soul, if either one disappears, the prison will collapse.Its explosion will eventually lead to a gravitational collapse.Humans call that a black hole.That darkness will swallow all light, along with the Dragon Road and everything else.
page 285
And so...Following the Dragon Road, it will reach even the present world.


kamen rider spirits is a great manga to read a shame the rest is untranslated i had a blast reading it



Also Banjou at the end of New World CrossZ XD
This is what happens in all fictions. Fans tend to misunderstand friendship with romance. And when their head canon is not official, they get angry and menace the author/actors

It's funny too because I'm 100% certain that both Banjou and Sento had romantic scenes with Mii-tan(forgot her actual character name) before it then went to Kazumi. There's even one with the Reporter Girl(goddamn, I can remember the men's names but not the women... outside of Versage) with the both of them.

They are best friends... that's it and yeah, the show does have a few scenes that come off that way, it's meant to be for fun, not for seriousness.


It's funny too because I'm 100% certain that both Banjou and Sento had romantic scenes with Mii-tan(forgot her actual character name) before it then went to Kazumi. There's even one with the Reporter Girl(goddamn, I can remember the men's names but not the women... outside of Versage) with the both of them.

They are best friends... that's it and yeah, the show does have a few scenes that come off that way, it's meant to be for fun, not for seriousness.
Misora and Sawa is the journalist. I'm watching it alongside Gotchard (Monday) and Revice (one per day).
There is one romantic scene.