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Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

Who wins?

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Banned Member



To cover our bases, this is Kang at the peak of his power during the dynasty alongside Dreamwave Armada Galvatron and co. Versus Asgard at different timeframes in the storyline of Rune King Thor. They are invading with the intention to destroy Asgard and pave a path to Yggdrasil for their master to consume.

Round 1: Kang and Galvatron invade Asgard as it was left by Thor in the hands of Beta Ray Bill as king.

Round 2: Kang, Galvatron, and herald Ramjet versus a united force of the nine realms during the time of Ragnarok.

Round 3: Kang at his peak, Unicron's avatar state and his heralds versus Rune King Thor and the nine realms simultaneously.

Round 4: Unicycle Kang, True form Unicron, (Marvel) and his various heralds versus united Asgard and Rune King Thor.

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Thirteen prime

@grillmaster ты хорошо разбираешься в масштабировании Marvel Galvatron, верно?
Multi-continental due to the fact that he is superior to Megatron and scaling over shockwave, perhaps the level of large stars to the - solar system due to the fact that he could fight with Optimus Power master, but this is up to your taste.


@grillmaster you got a good hand on Marvel Galvatron’s scaling right?
if its dreamwave armada galvatron i think they might be talking about the one galvatron that killed that one star wars universe according to AVP :wow

marvel galvatron was powerful enough to destroy an entire mountain range according to his uk bio

Thirteen covered his shockwave scaling already of course
hes decently strong, i think with insane high ends you could get him even higher, for example in issue 75, he briefly absorbed energy from cybertron to attack unicron (it was enough to actually hurt unicron which is obviously insane) and he survived getting bitchslapped by unicron in retaliation

obviously this is insane because unicron regularly consumes entire worlds and stars, survives celestial explosions with zero damage, and he can destroy planets with his bare hands, and thats not getting into the absurd KE of being hit by a hand thats like the size of the earth

i sadly dont think my boy galvs is gonna be much of a factor here going off of just his basic feats and bio stuff, BUT, he does have a chance

mostly by, i wonder since unicron himself does show up in the last round, is his influence off limits? because if not, it is known that the heralds of unicron (mainly cyclonus and scourge) can draw upon unicrons own endless power in a fight
i see no reason why galvatron could not do the same, especially as hes stronger than cyclonus and scourge anyway

Profile: Cyclonus is a huge and emotionless air-warrior metamorphosized from parts of dead Decepticons and remnants by Unicron. Like Galvatron, he derives vast resources of power and energy through Unicron and so can draw on strength in direct proportion to its need - always being able to become stronger than his opponents because of his access to the infinite reservoir of power that Unicron represents. A dedicated destructor, Cyclonus transforms into a gigantic multi-engine (and perhaps multi-wing) jet fighter. His firepower remains intact and is augmented by an incendiary bomb rack. Cyclonus is capable of an additional transformation, trimming his wings and tail back to assume a space-worthy rocket mode for interstellar pursuit and warfare. He has no personality, no interests other than conquests for the sake of Unicron, and no weakness.
lol fuck nevermind it legit does just say galvatron has this power too
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invading fucking comics asgard i sadly have a hunch my boy is not gonna be of much use but i also dont actually know how strong the asgardians are lol


Banned Member
i wonder since unicron himself does show up in the last round, is his influence off limits?
Nay, tis all allowed.
invading fucking comics asgard i sadly have a hunch my boy is not gonna be of much use but i also dont actually know how strong the asgardians are lol
I tried to make this fair by having multiple scenario's, including Asgard at its weakest, and strongest respectively. I actually think It's a very arguable fight in all of the rounds.


V.I.P. Member
invading fucking comics asgard i sadly have a hunch my boy is not gonna be of much use but i also dont actually know how strong the asgardians are lol
Average Asgardians suck. Galvatron would one-shot them. It’s the most powerful ones that will be a problem


Average Asgardians suck. Galvatron would one-shot them. It’s the most powerful ones that will be a problem
fair enough, i should have rephased, i meant like as a civilization
cause galvatrons obviously not gonna be 1v1ing random asgardian fodder, hes invading asgard so i was looking at it from that perspective; rather im curious how good their tech or what have you is
and more interesting to me, should they have a tech advantage over galvs, does having kang on his team balance it out, since im under the impression that kang is pretty damn smart at least


V.I.P. Member
Your average asgardian isn't a warrior, funny how that works out.

Hogun would oneshot your average cybertronian, but he is a member of the warriors three.
The average Asgardian still has super strength superior to Spider-Man, and Hogun sucks. The Warriors Three are not that powerful even by Cybertronian standards


Banned Member
fair enough, i should have rephased, i meant like as a civilization
cause galvatrons obviously not gonna be 1v1ing random asgardian fodder, hes invading asgard; rather im curious how good their tech or what have you is
Obviously if Galvatron or in later rounds the heralds go unchecked, they wouldn't be fighting with weak fodder that can't even harm them. As for Asgard's own technology? They do possess it but it's relatively trite and not particularly notable enough to be listed, they can harness energy from cosmic artefacts though.
and more interesting to me, should they have a tech advantage over galvs, does having kang on his team balance it out, since im under the impression that kang is pretty damn smart at least
That was the idea, yeah. Since Kang during the dynasty has access to his Damocles Base, which was demonstrated to be be capable of enduring universal barrage's of energy from the combined avengers (Thor was literally there) and has weaponry capable of damaging Quasar and Wonder Man.
This is without even mentioning his simulacrum projection technology, which gave him a myriad of abilities including:
- An incorporeal avatar of his physical self that he can alter the size of.
-The ability to conjure and fire energy beams and attacks from this intangible avatar as well as physically strike with it while remaining incorporeal.
-The ability to shield this avatar regardless of his incorporeal state like he did with the hacked sentinels.
-A nuke that targets living beings, disintegrating them while leaving the surrounding area largely undamaged.
The only way they were able to counter this tech, is by replicating it with the newly ascended triathlon and a cosmic pyramid so Cap could throw the hands with Kang.
The average Asgardian still has super strength superior to Spider-Man
And inferior speed and combat abilities, also that's something only demonstrated in a databook so I'd like you to post a scan substantiating that claim. Because Spiderman is city level and Taskmaster was throwing hands with Asgardians in Dark Avengers; Siege sooo.
The Warriors Three are not that powerful even by Cybertronian standards
The Warriors Three aren't powerful?

Here Volstagg is tanking an attack from characters who are established to have abilities to hurt the hulk and Model 13 Tony respectively. Or I can just say Vector is capable of whipping away reality, and he couldn't bypass Volstagg here in a 2v1, I won't bother posting the scan because you aren't really going to debate your wrong opinion.
and Hogun sucks.

You don't know what you're talking about. And It's evident. Get on if you won't contribute anything to the thread dick-head.


V.I.P. Member
And inferior speed and combat abilities, also that's something only demonstrated in a databook so I'd like you to post a scan substantiating that claim. Because Spiderman is city level and Taskmaster was throwing hands with Asgardians in Dark Avengers; Siege sooo.

The Warriors Three aren't powerful?

Here Volstagg is tanking an attack from characters who are established to have abilities to hurt the hulk and Model 13 Tony respectively. Or I can just say Vector is capable of whipping away reality, and he couldn't bypass Volstagg here in a 2v1, I won't bother posting the scan because you aren't really going to debate your wrong opinion.


You don't know what you're talking about. And It's evident. Get on if you won't contribute anything to the thread dick-head.
I’m a dick head just because I disagreed with you? So hostile for no reason, kind of a bad look for someone who’s supposedly new here

Assuming you’re not a dupe account at least 🙂


Banned Member
I’m a dick head just because I disagreed with you?
You are a dick-head because you constantly argue from incredulity while moonwalking out of threads when you are incapable of defending said wrong opinion. You make charged assumptions about series and genre's you know nothing about because you dislike them. You are a pattern.

Now go sit down, and while you're at it how about you tell me the power-level of the average cybertronian. Spoiler; you won't.


Round 3: Kang at his peak, Unicron's avatar state and his heralds versus Rune King Thor and the nine realms simultaneously.

Ok I gotta ask, wth does "Kang at his peak" even mean? The dude is always at his peak. He's essentially a wall-tier human in 30th century tech revolving around time hax. Like if Bruce Wayne was in an Iron Man suit that revolved around time manipulation. The bulk of his power comes from his suit and tech, there are no varying degrees of power level he has.


Banned Member
Ok I gotta ask, wth does "Kang at his peak" even mean? The dude is always at his peak. He's essentially a wall-tier human in 30th century tech revolving around time hax. Like if Bruce Wayne was in an Iron Man suit that revolved around time manipulation. The bulk of his power comes from his suit and tech, there are no varying degrees of power level he has.
I'm not talking about a state, and he does have varying levels of power through his different era's like Rama Tut, but I mean Kang when he fought the Time-Keepers and was getting his tech psionically amped by the Supreme-Intelligence, here I'll grab the scans.

It was able to prevent him from being erased by the Timekeepers, and this version of Kang straight up resists them attempting to manipulate his destiny and force him into Immortus without the help of the supreme intelligence, so he's just cracked. Same Timekeepers shut down immortus when his spiraling power was threatening to destroy the multiverse, but I'd rather PM you that scaling.


I'm not talking about a state, and he does have varying levels of power through his different era's like Rama Tut,
Rama-Tut is not Kang. He's Nathaniel Richards nobody would assume you meant Rama-Tut in a Kang thread since he has none of his tech or his experience
but I mean Kang when he fought the Time-Keepers and was getting his tech psionically amped by the Supreme-Intelligence, here I'll grab the scans.
I think you're confused this isn't a "fluctuation of his power" the same way Thanos with the infinity gauntlet isn't a fluctuation of his power it's just a power boast from non-standard equipment. There's nothing there that suggests he's getting a power boast from the supreme intelligence and if memory serves me right about Avengers: Forever it was jut an alliance to take down Immortus

It was able to prevent him from being erased by the Timekeepers, and this version of Kang straight up resists them attempting to manipulate his destiny and force him into Immortus without the help of the supreme intelligence, so he's just cracked.
That's resistance to hax, not quantifiable in DC or power and the supreme intelligence had nothing to do with that
Same Timekeepers shut down immortus when his spiraling power was threatening to destroy the multiverse, but I'd rather PM you that scaling.
Kang killed them because their power was drained from charging the chrono cannon


Banned Member
Rama-Tut is not Kang. He's Nathaniel Richards nobody would assume you meant Rama-Tut in a Kang thread since he has none of his tech or his experience
Rama-Tut is Kang after realizing the hopelessness of his crusade for reviving Ravonna and settling down. They are the same character at different points in time, meaningless distinction.
That's resistance to hax, not quantifiable in DC or power.
It is when we know the scale of which Immortus's time-manipulation was affecting the cosmology, and he gets his powers from them, and is also completely incapable of affecting them because their control over time is superior. He was literally inducing a multiversal incursion because he couldn't use Wanda as a nexus for his energy.
Kang killed them because their power was drained from charging the chrono cannon
I already know this. But even before powering the chrono-cannon which keep in mind was after destroying Immortus, they didn't once consider erasing or breaching Kang's defenses as plasuible. I mean, here they are weakening the Time-Keepers shielding with the main playing factor being the Supreme Intelligence.

supreme intelligence had nothing to do with that
I said this. Unless you're referring to the destiny force that just saved the avengers from dying once. But Kang's technology was stalemating them until his connection with the Uni-Cycle was broken.


V.I.P. Member
You are a dick-head because you constantly argue from incredulity while moonwalking out of threads when you are incapable of defending said wrong opinion. You make charged assumptions about series and genre's you know nothing about because you dislike them. You are a pattern.

Now go sit down, and while you're at it how about you tell me the power-level of the average cybertronian. Spoiler; you won't.
What do you mean constantly? You’re “new” here, numbnuts. Did you forget already? How would you know about my “pattern” when I barely interacted you?

Cybertronians are giant mechs that break skyscrapers and chuck around large vehicles like they’re nothing, that’s all you need to know that they’re better than 35 tonner Hogun

Unless you’re gonna stupidly power-scale him way higher then he actually is when scaling has always been off for Marvel


Banned Member
What do you mean constantly? You’re “new” here, numbnuts. Did you forget already? How would you know about my “pattern” when I barely interacted you?

Cybertronians are giant mechs that break skyscrapers and chuck around large vehicles like they’re nothing, that’s all you need to know that they’re better than 35 tonner Hogun

Unless you’re gonna stupidly power-scale him way higher then he actually is when scaling has always been off for Marvel
Yo, how strong is the average cybertronian lil bro? Figure that one out yet?

Don't derail my thead please 😭