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Mad God Genis-Vell vs ToAru

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
My guy if Soul Edge is able to remain planet level despite the star and galaxy creation there ain't no way any of those things make those characters universe level
@Masterblack06 already said that Othinus and the TMG’s feats put them at universal just not above, last page.

Then just what in the world is the actual universe in To Aru? Were those universe-sized "dimensions" destroyed as big as the actual universe or simply the scale of the universe as observed by humanity?

This shit just sounds overly complicated and self-masturbatory on part of the writer. It would've been so simple if it was actual universes being made.
This is why it’s better to read the quotes, I can’t really explain it as well.

The World is stated to be balloon. With the hidden phase and True Magic Gods being outside of it.

The earth, the universe, and the world were nothing but a giant balloon. And a Magic God was a potted cactus wobbling on top of the balloon. That would cause anyone to panic. Once one learned of its existence, they would be worried around the clock that the cactus would eventually topple over as it moved freely about.

Inside this balloon are the layers of the world, called Phases.

"Yes, the world is ultimately a straight line like the rubber string nailed onto pachinko machines. There is no infinite expanse of parallel worlds. But at the same time, the world is a rubber string. It can stretch or contract like time or space. The world we know has a surprising amount of waste. It's like using only ten frames when using sixty fps film. No one will notice if you stick some subliminal footage in using two or three of the leftover frames. This is what you wished for, isn't it? You Magic Gods wished for this even though you knew it could never come true. You checked the farthest reaches of the universe and all of the piled-up phases and you realized there was nothing new left. But if it was possible, you wished to leave behind this troublesome world and spread your wings in a new world no one else knows of."

These phases are layers of reality that contain the Gods and there homes.

Othinus spoke in a disinterested tone.

"Have you ever heard of phases?"


"This world was not pure and untouched to begin with. Christian, Buddhist, Celtic, Indian, Shinto, Incan, Aztec, Greek, Roman…and Norse. The various religions have placed layer after layer of various phases over the world like thin veils or filters. There is heaven, hell, the underworld, the Pure Land, Yomi, the abyss, Mount Olympus, the fairy island, Nirai Kanai, Asgard, and many others. At any rate, the world you have seen so far has been viewed through various colors of cellophane."

In Old Testament 4 it's explained that these phases exist at different frequencies which is why you can't take a spaceship to heaven.

“…What angel? This is truly hard to believe. In this age, space shuttles can break through the atmosphere, and there’s no sign of a heaven…”

“Mm, the high and low relationship of heaven and hell isn’t of height.”

“Then what is it?”

“Here’s an example. Human eyes can’t see infrared rays, and human ears can’t detect high frequency sounds. You can understand this right, Kami-yan?”

“Ah? Mn.”

“The high and low refers to this, anything that’s above or below what humans can detect. They can’t feel it if it’s too high or if it’s too low. So even if God is to appear beside Kami-yan, you should be unable to detect it.”

Tsuchimikado delightedly smiled.

“Yeah. The low is referring to hell of the devil. What’s opposite Infrared rays are ultraviolet rays, and low frequency in contrast to high frequency; in other words, an inversion. Though both waves are different, both are still waves. In other words, even if there’s an angel standing beside a demon, they won’t be able to detect each other unless they interfere with each other in the area between heaven and hell called the ‘human realm’.”

These phases float around in a void when they bump into each other they can influence each other.

“This world contains as many phases as there are divine legends and religions. And the distance between each phase is not even. The rise and fall of civilizations and traditions affect the power balance in the real world. When you get down to it, fortune is the sparks that failed to become miracles. The spray produced by the contact and collision between phases has a shockingly thin but widespread influence on people. It affects coin tosses, the order at which dishes are served at a restaurant, meetings and partings, marriages and divorces…and even people’s deaths. If you see no direct cause for your daughter’s death, you should assume it is a spontaneous event caused by a gathering of the influence that so many people are unwittingly affected by.”

Heaven also seems to be acausual or runs on it's own time. It's possible it's the same for other phases.

At the end of the world, God would descend down to the mortal world and decide everyone's fate, whether they were going to heaven or to hell. If a person who shouldn't be killed was dead, his children wouldn't be born. If that happened, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren wouldn't be born. That was why those who could control time and space were those supremacists who could control history. The angels who escaped from the history of humanity also had the power to change humanity's future.

The supremacists.

Othinus explicitly destroyed everything to hit the 'black world', except for the hidden phase.

Magic God Othinus lightly spun the lance around in one hand and pointed its tip toward the heavens.

She spoke slowly.

She uttered two short sentences.

"These small fights are such a pain. I think I'll just end the world."

And exactly as she had announced, everything was immediately destroyed.

Kamijou finally realized he was lying on his back.

Once he sprang to his feet, he was left speechless. Everything around him was odd. It was black. Nothing but black. The ground was perfectly flat. It was even more level and free of defect than the silicon wafer for a semiconductor. From where he stood to the horizon, the ground did not rise or fall by even a micron.

"What is this place?"

Nothing natural could be seen. Nothing unnatural could be seen.

Despite the previous use of the word, it was unclear whether the term "horizon" even applied. Both the ground and the sky were colored pure black, so it was impossible to distinguish between them.

He turned around a full 360 degrees, but the scenery did not change. He stopped at the spot he thought he had started at, but he was not even sure that was correct. With nothing to use as a landmark, he could not be sure.

He could, however, see a blonde-haired, green-eyed girl.

One of those eyes was covered with a leather eyepatch and she held a lance.

The uniform world of darkness emphasized her golden hair and white skin like the full moon.

A strange sense of reality gradually assaulted Kamijou's heart.

He had never before felt such hostility and rejection toward a feeling of reality.

"What is this? I thought we were in Tokyo Bay. We were in Gremlin's headquarters of Sargasso!!"

"Then what happened to Sargasso!? What happened to Tokyo Bay!?"

"Does it look like any of it remains?"

"Then what happened to the people there!? What happened to Index!? Or Misaka!? Or Lessar and Birdway!? A-and not just them! What about all the people living in Tokyo!?"

"Do I look like someone who would care about that?"


His understanding of what lay before him crumbled.

He forgot how to produce anger or sorrow.

Such things had been so natural that he had never before thought about the process.

But his mind was in such disarray that he no longer understood how his own heart functioned.

"You're lying…"

"How long are you going to keep talking?"

"You're lying!! You, um, used some kind of trick to make it look like that's what happened!! That would be easier. Instead of destroying Tokyo Bay and killing all those people, it would be easier to bring me to some other place!! So…!!"

"It no longer matters how you perceive the situation. Who it was that disappeared is a trivial matter. The problem that lies before you is that only the two of us are here," said Othinus disinterestedly. She sounded like someone who had downloaded an app to kill time late at night but found out it was even more boring than expected. "And you seem confused as to the scale we are talking about."

"What? Are you saying there's more?"

"Why are you talking about this on the tiny scale of Tokyo Bay? What I destroyed is not contained to just the small planet known as Earth."


Othinus and Kamijou Touma had been wrong about one thing.

They had thought that world of darkness had been the full extent of the world. They had assumed that pitch black despair had been the product of destroying everything and leaving nothing at all behind.

But in truth, there had been one more layer. It was as uniform as a thin membrane, it had not even the slightest seam, and it could not be detected or destroyed by anyone, but one last phase had existed.

This black world was the place not even Magic God Othinus had been able to destroy.

And the hidden phase doesn't actually exist.

It may have been wrong to refer to that place as dark. In fact, the word “place” was not entirely accurate either. Non-existent things could not be explained. Nevertheless, a few voices lurked within where no one could interfere.

“Letting Othinus run free would have been a problem, but I left that to the strength of the world. The world was temporarily led to destruction as a result, but I still had to prioritize this. It wasn’t easy converting coordinates filled with non-existent numbers into decimal.”

The universe-sized phases come from when Othinus remade the world hundreds of billions of times to torture Touma.

Firstly Othinus says that the worlds she's creating are phases and that she isn't destroying anything because it's easier.

"When it comes down to it, you are a person who creates. It may be filled with malice and it may be similar to representing 'crushing a house' as 'creating a pile of rubble', but it does not change what you are. You are a person who creates."

"Call me a god. And what I have done is simple. I have created new filters and placed them over the world so the world appears to have changed. That is why the world appeared changed to you. This is a lot easier than destroying everything and building it back up every time. And your right hand contains the power to level out any foreign elements in the world, so it has difficulty functioning when I change the world itself. …Still, results are everything in the world. In the end, history will record it like this: the Magic God repeatedly destroyed the world and created new ones to make a single boy suffer as much as possible."

Othinus created hundreds to thousands
He saw countless worlds and experienced countless forms of despair.

Some clearly cornered Kamijou Touma and attempted to crush him. Strange false accusations were forced onto him and a noose was put around his neck. He was stranded on a mountain with some acquaintances and he was forced to distribute his flesh to the others so they could survive until rescue arrived. He was lying unable to move on a hospital bed and was simply stuck like that all the way to his funeral. He was buried in humus and began to decompose while still alive, starting with the ends of the arms and legs. Earth was rendered unlivable and he was thrown into outer space to wander aimlessly in a capsule-like spaceship. As a puny human, he was destroyed by a giant robot or an asteroid.

The heart had no actual form, but Kamijou clearly felt his breaking. It was not being destroyed as if struck by a hammer or sliced in two by a sword. It was a quiet destruction as if termites had eaten into it and it was too late by the time the symptoms began to show.

Amid it all, he somehow managed to gather his thoughts bit by bit.

But he did not suddenly come up with a means of reversing or resolving the situation.

He was instead using his bloody hands to build a path there, piece by piece.


He spoke quietly in his hazy mind.

"You aren't actually destroying anything."

Othinus seemed surprised that he was only now realizing this.

The blonde-haired, eyepatch-wearing girl stood directly in front of the boy.


She was so close that he thought he detected a sweet aroma.

The world had become a vague marble pattern.

"There aren't thousands or millions of worlds. This is still our world. This whole time, we haven't moved anywhere."

to ten-thousands
"This wasn't an even fight," groaned Kamijou while held up by the neck. "This isn't the first time we've had this fight. I don't know if this is the tenth time or the hundredth time, but we've repeated it again and again. And each time, I was probably blown to pieces by the first attack. The only problem left was the integrity of my memories. I subconsciously refused to accept the pain and fear I felt, so I rearranged the memories in my head to look like a fight following a single path. That's what made it look like I was somehow holding my own."

"That answer is worth 50 points."

"Perhaps. Is this schoolyard not the starting point? Do I have to start from the empty black world I first woke up in?"

One hundred times, one thousand times, or even ten thousand times.

Othinus merely had to repeat this. Each time, Kamijou Touma took slightly different actions and made different choices than the time before. Once he ran into a dead end doing that, he would break. It might happen in the direct battle or in one of the countless worlds. If just once, the boy wandered into a dead end and collapsed, Othinus's objective would be achieved.

But at the same time…

to millions
Othinus heard a noise come from her head that sounded like her very skeleton creaking.

It almost looked like small snakes were squirming on the inside of her face's skin.

This was the pulse of her blood vessels.

(His rate of exhaustion should be greater.)

They had repeated this tens of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times, and even millions of times.

All so that puny boy would fail just once somewhere along the line.

(I of course have the more accurate continuity of memories, but he still retains fragments of memories. And ignoring the amount of pure information, the static of pain and fear ensures he will break first. He is nothing more than someone who does not know his place. The more he clings to the hope of a victory that will never come, the greater the shock when it vanishes before his eyes. That is when he will break. He has merely walked down the path of destruction of his own free will.)

to billions
Rather than just being destroyed once, the world had been remade into millions or even billions of forms to break Kamijou's mind, but it seemed their imagination had not brought them that far.

to hundreds of billions
"But still," muttered fifteen centimeter Othinus. "Through all of those hundreds of billions of phases, I missed the Misaka Network that manipulated the border between life and death. Does he also contain the possibility to always show up or appear anew in every world or phase I created?"

Of worlds/phases in order to torture Touma.

Secondly the Magic God's phase creation abilities are stated to 'paint over the world like a canvas.'

"I don't know the details of this whole 'phase' thing, but you have the ability to freely change the shape of the world like clay. Due to that, you completely forgot what world you originally lived in. You desperately tried to create a world based on the scenery you remembered. You added in and removed phase after phase. …And this was the work of a god. It was probably so close to perfect that no human could tell the difference. But as a god, 'close to perfect' wasn't good enough for you."

After seeing the world she had created with her own power, she had turned back without meaning to.

Given that, she must have feared her own power. If she had truly accepted it with nothing but joy, she would not have tried to turn back.

"In a later era, you wanted the lance and you wanted to alter the world. That must have been because your unease came back. You were concerned that your supposedly perfectly-made world was not so perfect after all. You wanted to work some more on the artwork you had already presented to the public. I don't know what you did to regain the power you had cast aside, but something must have happened for that know-it-all Ollerus to hate you so much. …You longed for the next world because you wanted to add another layer of paint to the canvas. That would explain your internal conflict."

Thirdly, these worlds are said to be slightly altered versions of the normal world.

“Also, the continuity of the world no longer matters. The world truly came to an end. Sigh… I went out of my way to show you, so please don’t tell me you have already forgotten. This is not a nightmare you will eventually wake up from and it is not a meaningless illusion. This is the current world. I am a god and I made it this way. You can delude yourself if you like, but only one fate awaits you if you refuse to deal with the reality before you.”

That boy…

“Kamijou Touma” sat in shock in the very corner desk of the classroom lit by orange light. His arms and legs hung limply down and his eyes blankly viewed Othinus’s slightly altered world.

His breathing was erratic.

And fourthly, contains things like space, galaxies, stars, matter and even concepts like fate and heaven/hell.

Some clearly cornered Kamijou Touma and attempted to crush him. Strange false accusations were forced onto him and a noose was put around his neck. He was stranded on a mountain with some acquaintances and he was forced to distribute his flesh to the others so they could survive until rescue arrived. He was lying unable to move on a hospital bed and was simply stuck like that all the way to his funeral. He was buried in humus and began to decompose while still alive, starting with the ends of the arms and legs. Earth was rendered unlivable and he was thrown into outer space to wander aimlessly in a capsule-like spaceship. As a puny human, he was destroyed by a giant robot or an asteroid.

Magic God Othinus could control everything. Without exaggeration, she controlled the world itself. If she wanted to, she could have galaxies collide to kill Kamijou Touma. Or she could break the bonds between the particles making up his body and cause his very existence to disperse. If she was the slightest bit dissatisfied with something, she could turn back time, re-lay the rails of fate that led to the future, and create the exact result she wanted.

The twinkling of the stars in the sky was an ominous ill omen.

Each and every one of them transformed into a sharp spear of light and poured down like rain.

"Like I said, it seems Othinus has free control over the life and death of humans, but I think she has two distinct pieces of software, one for the living and one for the dead /return. Like a god, I guess /escape? Like a heavenly world and a human world /escape? Like heaven and hell /escape? It might be based in a religious concept I don't really understand /return."

And Othinus destroys all the phases she created when she uses Gungnir.

A human could not defeat a god.

The convenience of the god had priority over everything in the human’s world and the workings of the world would act accordingly.

No other characteristic felt more strongly like the power of a god.

Rather than showing simple destructive power by blowing away a mountain or vaporizing the sea, it bluntly indicated the precedence of the god.

In other words, the instant that lance left Othinus’s hands, the world would be blown to pieces.

Time returned to normal.

Kamijou once more felt space spread out around him.

As the lance was fired with tremendous force, the “happy world” was smashed to pieces as if space itself was being torn apart. As a fragment of the world approached with the force of a raging wave, it took on the shape of a giant lance. The walls of all the phases were crushed, transformed into a swirl of deadly weapons resembling sharp shards of glass, and approached their pitiful target as if to swallow him whole.

Everything was ripped up.

Which is why the phases are considered universe-sized dimensions. At least the one Othinus created. And the True Magic Gods are stronger than her.
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Phases are usually dimensions created from human believe. If lots of humans believe in something, then there is a dimension in which that something is real.
So heaven, hell, Olympus, Cinderella and locations mentioned in the Cthulu mythos all exist as dimensions.
The exception are phases created by magic gods, which can be whatever, like for example copies of the universe.

The actual main universe on the other hand is the universe created by the big bang, i.e. by means of physics alone. So the phases were later on created from the main universe via magic.
That's the distinction.

I should add that it is strictly speaking never said that phases are not universes either. The author doesn't specify it, because whether or not the universe-sized dimension is a universe is a stupid question that only us vs-debate nerds would ask.
The author did specify that there are no alternate "worlds" (as that was relevant to the plot), but "world" more than likely doesn't mean universe in this context, but instead the total construct including phases.

If you think about it, it is a bit like the DC Multiverse, where each of the 52 "universes" have countless timelines and dimensions as part of themselves. (well, as far as I am aware. No expert on DC)
Huh, I didn't know that. That's cool, which novel is this explained in?

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
The more I try to understand, To Aru, the less sense it makes and the more infinitely incomprehensible it is.
There's only ONE Universe... but there are supposed to be Infinite Phases that are somehow Universal Size but are stuck within the same Universe... but they are also apparently OUTSIDE the Universe when most of them are inside the Universe and yeah no...
Nowhere is it said that there are infinite phases, neither I nor @Irradiance or @Mr.OMG said they were.

Actually @Irradiance sent me something

And ToAru usually uses "universe" to refer to the world of expanding spacetime created by the big-bang, while 'the world' is something more.
Even so, Kamijou did not feel any fear. The scale was simply too great. Apparently the universe was constantly expanding due to the big bang, but no one could concretely feel the universe expanding with their 5 senses.
(OT 18)
A fragment of an asteroid altered by tremendous heat was nothing more than a rock in and of itself. However, using high level formulas on it could become a key to guessing at the spread of the universe from the big bang.
Of course, he may not be able to grasp a perfect picture of it, but he could put together an inference that was exceedingly close to the truth.
The big bang at the start of the universe had yet to be proven to be a giant explosion. All that had been done was using giant ring-shaped particle accelerators to recreate and confirm the physical phenomena theorized to have happened after the explosion.
(OT 22)
The universe was created in the Big Bang and is constantly expanding moment by moment. Of course, we of humanity live in the universe and are all moving at the speed of that expansion. This puts us in the relativistic time created by the Big Bang.
Now, let us go through a thought experiment.
The universe is expanding equally in every direction, but what if the expansion speed of a single local area changed?
The change in speed would create a change in time.
An exceedingly large phenomenon would change the concept of time for a tiny human. Of course, that is merely an example.
However, if you could bend or ball up the entire universe, the side effect of that power would cause an exceedingly microscopic phenomenon that would be immeasurable even with an electron microscope.
Does it seem like a rather roundabout method?
Do you think that if someone had power great enough to alter the expansion speed of the universe, they should just use that power to directly crush the planet or the galaxy?
(NT 4)
You checked the farthest reaches of the universe and all of the piled-up phases and you realized there was nothing new left.
(NT 13, making a distinction between universe and phases)
The earth, the universe, and the world were nothing but a giant balloon. And a Magic God was a potted cactus wobbling on top of the balloon. That would cause anyone to panic. Once one learned of its existence, they would be worried around the clock that the cactus would eventually topple over as it moved freely about.
(NT 12 listing the world as something separate from the universe and, assuming things are listed in ascending order, as something larger)

So phases seem to not be counted to the regular universe anyways, even though they are part of 'the world'.

Can't believe I hadn't realized it since I used the quote from NT 12 and NT 13 multiple times. But it suggests that Toaru's 'universe' is smaller than Toaru's 'world.'

@Masterblack06, wouldn't this put Othinus at universe+?
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Nowhere is it said that there are infinite phases, neither I nor @Irradiance or @Mr.OMG said they were.

Actually @Irradiance sent me something

I never said you did.

Can't believe I hadn't realized it since I used the quote from NT 12 and NT 13 multiple times. But it suggests that Toaru's 'universe' is smaller than Toaru's 'world.'

@Masterblack06, wouldn't this put Othinus at universe+?

That doesn't even begin to make sense. How can their main Universe be smaller than their Universe?


Slightly Above Average
It starts in NT9 (there stated regarding religion) but NT 18 and 19 make it clear that it's not just religion, as all magic apparently creates sparks by moving their corresponding phases (which means there must be phases corresponding to the other legends used in spells as well). That is also supported by the statement I quoted earlier regarding there being as many phases as there are legends.


Slightly Above Average
That doesn't even begin to make sense. How can their main Universe be smaller than their Universe?
??? What?
There is only one thing called 'universe' in the series, that is the main universe. That universe is just smaller than what at times is referred to as "world", as the latter includes phases.

World doesn't mean universe in this context, simple as that.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
I never said you did.

That doesn't even begin to make sense. How can their main Universe be smaller than their Universe?
@Irradiance pointed out that the term universe in ToAru means expansion of matter after the big bang. Not the entire 'world' including phases. And it does make some sense now that I think about it. Take Crowley's Blasting Rod, if the big bang included the creation of phases, times 10 then that would mean his Big Bang's would possibly be more powerful than Gungnir. Which doesn't really make sense cause I'm pretty sure Crowley is weaker than Othinus

But if phases did come after with humans and magic and are separate from the 'universe' then that would mean that the term 'world' would include both the phases and the actual universe, which means that the 'world' itself would be bigger.

This isn't even the first time something like this has been introduced.

"You can't. You can't possibly. Parallel worlds don't-…"

"Yes, the world is ultimately a straight line like the rubber string nailed onto pachinko machines. There is no infinite expanse of parallel worlds. But at the same time, the world is a rubber string. It can stretch or contract like time or space. The world we know has a surprising amount of waste. It's like using only ten frames when using sixty fps film. No one will notice if you stick some subliminal footage in using two or three of the leftover frames. This is what you wished for, isn't it? You Magic Gods wished for this even though you knew it could never come true. You checked the farthest reaches of the universe and all of the piled-up phases and you realized there was nothing new left. But if it was possible, you wished to leave behind this troublesome world and spread your wings in a new world no one else knows of."

Kamisato's World Rejector works by literally stretching the universe and sticking another lifeless earth in another timeline.

Coronzon was an intelligent lifeform.

So if she was to stave off boredom, she would do it in a way those common hip-thrusting animals could not.

She knew the polite way to deal in cruelty.

She was familiar with the courteous way to engage with others in cruelty.

She understood the graceful way to decorate herself with cruelty.

“Those non-functioning cruelty impotents thought they were so great.”

Lola laughed and spat out those words, but then she noticed something.

The stench of blood and flesh was missing.

Even if she had dropped such a large mass on Academy City and crushed the entire city, would it really be blown away so cleanly? It was a densely populated area with a population of 2.3 million. If she had squashed them all with the fly swatter, the powerful stench of death should have hit her like an invisible wall.

It was too clean.

It was too clear.

Yes, almost like…there had never been a human race on this planet.


Just as Lola grew suspicious, something reached her ears.

They were voices which sounded incredibly out of place.

“Huh? Hey, Nephthys, some neat-looking toy just fell out of the sky.”

“You’re right, Niang-Niang. It isn’t every day that someone wanders into this sealed timeline without permission.”

Lola Stuart was not so stupid that she did not know what this meant.

For one thing, it had been Coronzon herself who used Karasuma Fran to guide Kamisato Kakeru into Academy City so he would make a mess of Aleister’s plans. She had of course received reports on the annihilation of the many Magic Gods along the way.

“The exiled Magic Gods…? Wait, then this earth must be…!?”

“Hmm.” Despite the groan, the modified mini-China dress girl with pale skin did not actually seem to give it any thought. “This is a time-shifted place, much like the excess frames on a film, that Kamisato Kakeru’s World Rejecter exiled us to as a prison, right? Then did you maybe get caught by some part of relativity? Like how approaching the speed of light causes the flow of time to slow?”

“For example, if you set out on a long-distance space journey intended to leave the solar system and then made a U-turn, it’s possible you could have gotten shifted from your origin point and ended up on the time axis of this earth instead. It would take miraculous odds for it to happen, though.”

It finally hit her.

She realized why Human Aleister had launched Coronzon into space and why Aiwass had intentionally lost and made his exit before they arrived at this earth.

What was it he had said?

“It is time you experienced the loneliness of Urashima Tarou, you mere debris.”

And there was one problem more important than the logic behind this.

…Unlike the proper earth where 6 or 7 billion lived, this earth contained no lifeforms, human or otherwise. Here, there were only the Magic Gods who had mastered the field of magic until they had achieved the title of a god. Only those true beasts who were satisfied so long as they could wield their extraordinary power without being a nuisance and who were willing to engage each other in unceasing combat in this eternally-regenerating prison where they could go all out.

And now they had found a new toy.

A new rule, never before seen in online mode, had been added.

The Magic Gods gathered around, licked their lips, and spoke up in unison. Just as Coronzon herself had wanted, they did not even attempt to hide their extreme cruelty.

“Looks like we aren’t going to be bored for a while.”
Edit: Crowley also says he's surpassed the limits of the universe when he uses Blasting Rod not world.
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
It starts in NT9 (there stated regarding religion) but NT 18 and 19 make it clear that it's not just religion, as all magic apparently creates sparks by moving their corresponding phases (which means there must be phases corresponding to the other legends used in spells as well). That is also supported by the statement I quoted earlier regarding there being as many phases as there are legends.
Ah, I remember something, in one of the novels there was a thing called Divine Mixtures.

Which is based on the Greek gods merging with the Egyptians. Would that be its own phase?


Slightly Above Average
Ah, I remember something, in one of the novels there was a thing called Divine Mixtures.

Which is based on the Greek gods merging with the Egyptians. Would that be its own phase?
The divine mixtures are based on how the greeks interpreted egyption mythology, so it is possible that it counts as its own 'legend' and hence has its own phase. Or it counts as greek and egyption phases being used at once.
It's usually not expanded upon which phases are used for each spell, so we can just guess.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Nowhere is it said that there are infinite phases, neither I nor @Irradiance or @Mr.OMG said they were.

Actually @Irradiance sent me something

Can't believe I hadn't realized it since I used the quote from NT 12 and NT 13 multiple times. But it suggests that Toaru's 'universe' is smaller than Toaru's 'world.'

@Masterblack06, wouldn't this put Othinus at universe+?

@Irradiance pointed out that the term universe in ToAru means expansion of matter after the big bang. Not the entire 'world' including phases. And it does make some sense now that I think about it. Take Crowley's Blasting Rod, if the big bang included the creation of phases, times 10 then that would mean his Big Bang's would possibly be more powerful than Gungnir. Which doesn't really make sense cause I'm pretty sure Crowley is weaker than Othinus

But if phases did come after with humans and magic and are separate from the 'universe' then that would mean that the term 'world' would include both the phases and the actual universe, which means that the 'world' itself would be bigger.

This isn't even the first time something like this has been introduced.

Kamisato's World Rejector works by literally stretching the universe and sticking another lifeless earth in another timeline.

Edit: Crowley also says he's surpassed the limits of the universe when he uses Blasting Rod not world.

You know what? I'm actually going to push my luck here.

@Masterblack06, @Xhominid The Fool. Shouldn't this make Othinus multiversal?

Since the universe itself is not connected to the phases nor actually contains them and instead it all floats in a void it should constitute as similar to different universes from what Xhominid and Masterblack explained. And even if phases aren't specifically called out to be universes but layers of reality, Othinus's are explicitly altered copies of the universe as I explained time and time again.

Even if there aren't technically alternate worlds in the Toaru cosmology, the way the cosmology seems to be set up. I.e the universe with phases layered on top seems to allow the world itself to be larger than the actual universe, especially since the world and its space-time can be stretched to be even bigger already.

The universe being separate from the world should in fact give the Toaru verse a huge boost.
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
More evidence that the word universe is actually distinct.

I tracked down the official Yen press OT novels. they too use the word universe.




Man of Atom
For fucks sake guys, you cant just keep suddenly finding new information after we talk about shit for a few pages. Your confusing the hell out of me and everyone else here with this.

Look, finish making your respect threads for To Aru, until then I don't wanna see another thing for to aru showing up. Yall gotta get this shit together man
Alright I'll be real, these are BEYOND stretches, like going full into Googolplex levels and thinking anyone would ever try writing that number down.

Our Universe is infinitely expanding and far, far, far bigger than we ever thought it was, that doesn't mean it's Multiversal on it's own. So can you guys please stop with this shit? You are legit going into SB levels with trying so hard to push Multiversal To Aru despite no real standing on it.


For fucks sake guys, you cant just keep suddenly finding new information after we talk about shit for a few pages. Your confusing the hell out of me and everyone else here with this.

Look, finish making your respect threads for To Aru, until then I don't wanna see another thing for to aru showing up. Yall gotta get this shit together man
You know, I found a potential infinite recursion of the Sephiroth Tree. Enjoy.
"This is bad, Maya!! They're already reaching toward Kamisato-kun's fate!! This will never work without World Rejecter as the gate. They're just letting their emotions get the better of them and they might as well be attempting heart surgery on him with a rusty scalpel! We can't let them do this!!!!!!"


But their impatience did not matter.

The cart driving out ahead contained Luca, a complex tangle of Voodoo and piracy, as well as Fran, who had shed her shell as a UFO girl and returned as an unlucky star expert. They had both entered a unique mental state using a special focusing method much like those used by stage actors to get into character.

Their lips were moving. They sent a vibration into the modified hexagram they had carved into the planet.

"The peace of the six points is obtained through the four stages created by combining the great triangle of fire with the great triangle of water. But to achieve the result first and foremost, we seek the secrets of the simplified six points drawn from straight lines. We desire to summon the sun, but cast aside Apollo and retrieve Horus. Know that the world's true image is found in the lost Library of Alexandria!!"

Something changed.

The foundation of the gray steel and concrete city was pulled out.

"Know that Horus is not a mere descendent of dead gods, but the foundation of the forces which shall cleanse the world of the accumulated stains of the cross. Correspondence, correspondence, correspondence. Shake the star which holds the opposing peaks of Da'at and Yesod."

It was like the air had solidified with human killer intent. The extreme mental state much like "getting into character" ruled the dark container yard.

It was all remade into a tranquil sacred ground.


One of the two voices sometimes passed the other, sometimes was passed by the other, and sometimes coincided perfectly with the other.

It was like two different equilateral triangles lining up and moving apart to create a different shape and provide different meaning from moment to moment. The combination of the limited resources called in endless possibility.

"The separate image of the Four Worlds from which power is drawn becomes a different Four Worlds like the moon's reflection in a lake."

Kamijou began to wonder if he should be here.

He had not washed his body, his face, or even his hands. He wondered if he should be standing in this sacrosanct place while so filthy.

"The sun of Horus which shall cleanse the world shall be known by the divine name of Kamisato Kakeru!!"

All the while, wedges were driven into the world.

A supposedly lost name was once more carved powerfully into it.

"Legba Atibon is a frightening being who can surpass even time as the gate to manage all ceremonies. But just as the Qliphoth becomes a powerful compass that points to the truth of the world when used with truly accurate discernment, the curse of the second Aeon can be used as a powerful prism to divide the forces. This shall distort the line to the planet which descends toward the six-pointed star and thus shall substitute the symbols."

There was no obvious light or sound.

But that was only because Kamijou could not see it. Just like the boy on the ground could not perceive the magic circle drawn across the city with gunpowder.

"Bind and strengthen the planetary symbol with the star of power carved into the earth."

Something was changing.

No, it was being intentionally changed by human hands.

Even so, the girls' power must not have been enough because they revealed the existence of a powerful trick up their sleeve.

"The symbol's name is A.A.A."
Finally, even an amateur like Kamijou could detect the change.
One of the metal containers forming a great pyramid began to glow despite its component materials and how thick it was. It was like the north star that guided sailors.

"Just like the endless reflection of opposing mirrors, they overlap like the rings of a powerful tree and provide the power to gaze into the abyss. As the identical symbols approach, have them resonate, just as the slightest breeze can occasionally break a stone bridge and send it plunging into the sea."

What did it look like from above?

It may have been like being trapped in a harmful hallucination after reaching the end of an endless task, such as peering to the very back of the image in opposing mirrors or continually opening a Russian nesting doll until an electron microscope was needed

Or perhaps it was like peering into the depths beyond the deepest depths.

And after they broke through that thick wall, would they find that other boy they needed to drag back up?

"Edward Alexander, aka Crowley, says a great demon never before seen and not mentioned in any holy text can be summoned through a combination of the existing methods. So he said to learn that method and to break through the common view of the world with something that can be found anywhere!!"

A name was spoken.

It was the name of someone who had shaken the world to the point that it was thought he would destroy it.

"Tonight, we shall destroy one of the impossibilities facing the world! Summon the divine name of Kamisato Kakeru with physical form and fix him to Olam Asiyah, the surface of the Four Worlds!!!!!!"


And I will also add that in the physical universe, purely theoretically the number of all existing dimensions is equal to all whole number.
A chill ran down his spine. After all, his opponent attacked with a strike that could slice through all dimensions that could be represented with whole numbers. If he misread the situation, he wouldn't just lose his right arm. His entire body would be sliced in two.
With a loud impact, Carissa landed near the third princess and dragged her sister off the ground with one hand. By the time Villian raised her head, the end of Curtana Original was already pressed against her throat. That sword had no tip or blade, but it still held the ability to slice through all whole number dimensions.