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Mafia General Discussion

Dr. Watson

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We very very rarely run vanilla games. Our games just generally include a couple of vanillas. For all intents and purpose it’s role madness. Just not taking the absolute piss like you lot who I assume had to create the SRM modifier because of how much you take the piss :whathekong
so true bestie
i cackled irl at this too


However, I think a condition that may be of use and beneficial to engagement to remain among current players overall is to make Ranked games far more appealing than other sites--which means to differentiate, we could give out exclusive perks and prizes if there's a goal we reached (example: if a host hosts more than X amount of games by the end of the month they can get a cool username effect.)

Is that fair, prizes and perks to reward people dedicated and appreciated for their effort and energy toward engaging with the section? I feel this kind of thing would also increase quality play and less annoyance (from how they view WS ranked games as too rigid so it entices them to step up and get creative with their deductive reasoning skills instead of relying on abilities?)

Unranked wouldn't be part of the official reward system to make it clear games are ranked by default and it's a specific custom/they can choose to take it or leave it, but to earn perks and prizes, you have to earn it through ranked or not at all.

The prizes will have caps, and the way to earn them would be difficult and particularly challenging, and with y'all WS fellas you can really hone in on being competitive among one another so both preferences are covered :hm
Wouldn't rewarding people for ranked games just cause more annoyance from hosts that don't get approval for ranked games lol.

Like I feel this comes down to semantics of the word ranked and the fact we have a ladder system lol.it isn't that serious outside of people wanting games where they feel like the hosts creativity isn't the deciding factor of the game to(to put it nicely).


As in while your award idea can be fun and I'm sure others would like it, I think the cause would result in more people wanting to host ranked games and thus, if rejected, more annoyance.

Dr. Watson

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well, that's why you can't forget to differentiate between more players playing ranked games than before. this also actually benefits the hosts imo. you're still getting flooded with interest from both forums and the like. what im trying to do is make it not feel like unranked games are unvalued because they're undergoing what they view as an arbitrary judgement from the ranked game system. this way there's a kind of criteria on what specific values the ranked games are looking for so there's no more linguistic confusion

the overall user engagement will be the same and it isn't mandatory to partake in the competitive nature of mafia when playing ranked either with a reward system, either, it never does. what it does do is give a bone to players that enjoy competition and value it tremendously to perform really well


Just get rid of the rank/unranked system, to make all games matter. Hosts get to make the games they want to make and if they need help or want someone to check their set up they should just ask. Not that complicated nor should anyone have to jump through hoops just so their games can matter

Dr. Watson

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im tryna express and protest ekkos thoughts and WS cats and highlight it through empathy and this is me addressing things to have a game plan for the future rn

Dr. Watson

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well yeah aries it isn't that deep but people are passionate behind the significance of certain words being expressed here a fair amount. yes it is a silly little game and the silly little words don't really matter in actuality, but right now they do

so i wanna regroup over this and will fully shut it all down if people wind up HATING it, but i read you guys correctly that a subsection for this was smth you're okay with right

Dr. Watson

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and from what i can see, WS cats are using ranked as a synonyme for high expectations based on a specific *type* of performance and play for mafia. and they view this as high effort kinda stuff, and had nothing to do with how they valued NF players and it isn't a dig at anything. it boils down to the same thing with different subjective customs. they prefer solving with forensics over solving with abilities. that's it. it's different wording and values but literally no one in here has a smug aura over this. just vibe my bros

Goth Boy

King of the losers
V.I.P. Member
I am out of loop as I have been too busy studying to play any mafia game
What triggered all this specifically


Just get rid of the rank/unranked system, to make all games matter. Hosts get to make the games they want to make and if they need help or want someone to check their set up they should just ask. Not that complicated nor should anyone have to jump through hoops just so their games can matter

i think youre confused. it's not that your games matter less and to @Retrolize i really appreciate your attempts and kindness, but to make it clear the ladder in itself is a bit of silly competitive fun that the community has(it used to be taken much more seriously).

it's not that your games don't matter, it's that quite a few people in our community don't want to play for 2 weeks and end in a result not reached by play but rather, as i said, creativity.

as i saw you say on WG, your games are intended to show your creativity and you do your best to achieve balance but there's power creep blah blah and you noted that the players that complain the most are those that take advantage of SRM the most. im one of the people that would take advantage because why wouldn't you. but the key thing you said is your game may not be decided by skill and it is to show your own host creativity.

WS members are not about that life. they enjoy highly creative games and mechanics. they also understand games may end be perfect and end with dumb shit. they don't want that dumb shit to be over the top or avoidable. that means they don't want their game to end because there's an indy that can end the game with their win condition or that a lynch doesn't go through because there's hidden votes or there's just all around an abundance of roles that cause massive swings.

i dont think anyone would care if you called your games ranked and our games ranked but it would still arrive with the same conclusion of people from our community not wanting to play your games and wanting them checked over.



this is the post i'm referring to.


adding another ranking system for an unpredictable game type which can be bastard or just flat out non-competitive and based on creativity will just cause a splinter in the section and people prioritising their time between the rankings which will lead to further division in the future

getting rid of the rankings takes a lot of the competitive edge out of the game.

keep SRM unranked as they involve too much fuckery, if you want to do SRM games to show off your creativity - why do you care about rankings when it's creativity you're showing off



"well players won't play if they're unranked"

yeah exactly, people want to play competitive games which their performances are tracked and visible.

SRM don't fill unranked because they're not in demand


adding another ranking system for an unpredictable game type which can be bastard or just flat out non-competitive and based on creativity will just cause a splinter in the section and people prioritising their time between the rankings which will lead to further division in the future

getting rid of the rankings takes a lot of the competitive edge out of the game.

keep SRM unranked as they involve too much fuckery, if you want to do SRM games to show off your creativity - why do you care about rankings when it's creativity you're showing off
if they want a ranking system they can have one lol. it doesn't really matter nor does ours.