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OBD Convo #15: Gather, Ye War Pigs

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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
as I said Higher peak. GOH, is basically like Valkyrie where it could peak at certain point but is shit tier over all.
Agree to disagree then cause I don't see it. The beginning is pretty bad but by s2 quality skyrocketed.

If your talking about art I also disagree. While not many like part 6 the art definitely hit other tiers then.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Niggas on the internet got super pressed that Leon beat Alain as easily as he did
they even started lying about how Alain vs Mega Fug and Primal Groudon went down
leon is the lamest goddamn character in any if the games and singlehandedly makes swsh worse for me

1. CM Punk is still a bitch to Miz even now.
2. CM Punk says this after he broke his foot being a fucking hypocrite and trying to dive into a fans for "his moment"
3. Miz will ALWAYS be the better man than you are.
4. The Khans literally do business with Saudia Arabia themselves, you fucking dumbass.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

1. CM Punk is still a bitch to Miz even now.
2. CM Punk says this after he broke his foot being a fucking hypocrite and trying to dive into a fans for "his moment"
3. Miz will ALWAYS be the better man than you are.
4. The Khans literally do business with Saudia Arabia themselves, you fucking dumbass.
Imagine letting the Miz living in ya head rent free Phil :skully
at least the Miz didn't make himself a joke to Millions on Tv
Imagine letting the Miz living in ya head rent free Phil :skully
at least the Miz didn't make himself a joke to Millions on Tv

It's fucking amazing too as he had to delete the Tweet over how he basically made himself look like such a bitch.
Like yeah, it's the Miz and he has proved himself but the dude is ultimately not even an asshole.
Just shows how pathetic CM Mid has become.


V.I.P. Member
actually currently it's better than GOH. GOH has a higher peak but it is current;y trash level overall.

Basically Solo leveling is pretty consistent it's like a plateau, GoH is like a mountain range but averages lower than Solo Leveling.
GOH was fine until ragnarok arc, then it was all complete downhill,i will never understand the author boner for mubong

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

Kamen Rider RYUKI
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