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OBD Convo #15: Gather, Ye War Pigs

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
dude chronos is the elite teacher that would put student in their place but is willing to protect his student when he needed to. He ain't bad in a way where he will try to destroy a student or shit.
Pretty much

The only part where he was kind of bad, was when he was trying to get Judai thrown out at the beginning. But that only lasted for the like the first half of season one before his character arc got going.

Hell that duel in Season 4 started because Chronos didn't want his students to leave, he was too attached to them by that point. And he accepted his defeat to Judai then like a man.

He's not even in the conversation for worst teachers in fiction.


V.I.P. Member
wasn't his worst trying to be a dick to judai and red dorm on first season mostly? But eventually he swallowed most his prejudice after seeing all they did

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
wasn't his worst trying to be a dick to judai and red dorm on first season mostly? But eventually he swallowed most his prejudice after seeing all they did
Yes that was all season one and mostly early in season one so it didn't go on for that long.

Basically once actual antagonists turn up and the series no longer needed him to be a goofy side-antagonist is when he started his character arc.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
I think I'll wait a bit more on rwby iq till the actual divergences happen. Cause the first three episodes are just a rundown of v1-v2. Maybe like ep5 or 6.
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