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OBD Convo #15: Gather, Ye War Pigs

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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Honestly Toei was smart here if you think Piccolo by himself was gonna draw heads there into theaters don't expect the film to do all that well

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Correction. Hurting a fat bitch's feelings by telling her the truth.
Hey now, we have to be nice to them because they might have gone through trauma that made them overeat.

I mean it's not like other people have gone through shit as bad or worse and didn't start trying to eat themselves into an early grave.
The charge was, and i shit you not, "threatening or abusive behaviour"
He only got fined but still...
Cue Tyrion scene illustrating the difference between stating a fact and threatening someone.

Well being form the UK myself, I need to be careful who I state facts to from now on because I might get fined for it.
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