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OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

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Actually they can't... not right now anyway.
The big crux of 168's debate is that Saitama was clearly on an emotional high he never touched before and Garou copied that. Neither of them would ever scale to what they did there normally anyway.
Then what we see in 169 further deflates what we see in 168 as Garou was scared of Saitama's sneeze blowing away most of Jupiter... which if we go back to 168, he should never have been scared enough of that to dodge nor think Saitama would die falling into the Sun.

Doesn't help it turns into a complete non-event as CH Garou dies doing his Time Travel nonsense and Saitama completely forgot about what happened upon merging with his past self and nothing he states has him state he somehow got more powerful just then.


V.I.P. Member
oh lol
I think it’s just a joke because the latest chapter retconned the entire fight from ever happening through time travel

Doesn’t mean their not capable of doing it again
Yeah I thought some illusion shit actually occurred. Was ready to lmao


V.I.P. Member
The big crux of 168's debate is that Saitama was clearly on an emotional high he never touched before and Garou copied that. Neither of them would ever scale to what they did there normally anyway.
Yes they would? If we denied powerups because they were emotional responses no shounen would ever be taken seriously and it wasn't an external power up either lol

The super saiyan transformation is literally a transformation based on an emotional high (anger)

Then what we see in 169 further deflates what we see in 168 as Garou was scared of Saitama's sneeze blowing away most of Jupiter...

Thats not really a contradiction tho

Just look at GoH. Every char and their mother is afraid of planet busting attacks despite the fact that as far back as mid series they were handling them like nothing. Again if we dismissed feats like these because of incidents like these you'd have to comb through a lot of shounen and apply that equally

which if we go back to 168, he should never have been scared enough of that to dodge nor think Saitama would die falling into the Sun.

Same thing as above really
That doesn't mean it didn't happen and is an argument of why Saitama would at least keep the scaling


V.I.P. Member
Holy shit are we really downplaying with Saitama blowing half of Jupiter away with a sneeze?

Really speaks volumes when that’s a low end feat to the rest of what they were doing. And DBS still has characters like Vegeta die from planet explosions and Frieza thinks that shit is still impressive

This downplay is just as atrocious as the wank. Some of ya’ll need to get over it


V.I.P. Member
If your asking for CENSORSHIP in a show like Panty and Stocking that runs on raunchy, thoroughly shameless humor, you were never a fan of it to begin with.

And your probably an easily offended snowflake that’s allergic to fun. Go be miserable somewhere else
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You know I do find it kind of weird how all this shit made power level wankers happy, but shouldn't this, in their eyes, made Saitama weaker than they thought? Because wankers always said he was a gag character and he can one shot everything, but the current chapters have disproven that. Saitama has mostly been the most serious he's ever been and his strength is not infinite, only his potential, so like with Hulk or Broly, someone strong enough can just beat him before he gets too strong.

TrueG 37

Its truly amazing how Mha immediately backslid after All Might vs Afo. You literally see Ashyraki meet up with Betahaul and that's when the dumbassary begins .
That thing was a void? I lost track with all the other retarded shit happening .

TrueG 37

Just seems like low end feats shenanigans then anything else tbh.


V.I.P. Member
They note it’s because he suffocated in space, not from the actual explosion

Freeza thinking it’s hot shit is just Toei filler tbh
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