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OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

I don't know, it looks pretty good to me based on this.

At least it seems like they are just adapting the game's story without doing any extra bullshit, aside from some characters like Leroy turning up there. Though at least it looks like Jin's gonna bop Leroy's ass. The moves look like they're taken straight from the game as well which is always a plus.

I might actually watch this one.

I don't know, it looks pretty good to me based on this.

At least it seems like they are just adapting the game's story without doing any extra bullshit, aside from some characters like Leroy turning up there. Though at least it looks like Jin's gonna bop Leroy's ass. The moves look like they're taken straight from the game as well which is always a plus.

I might actually watch this one.
Tekken 8 story is probably going to be the final showdown between Jin and Kazuya.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Tekken 8 story is probably going to be the final showdown between Jin and Kazuya.
Most likely.

Hopefully it'll be the end of the whole Mishima storyline, but given that is the basis of the entire story, that's not likely to happen.
Good, kill them both. Getting tired of their overbearance on the storyline.
I think everyone is but the odds of this actually happening are slim to none.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Fuck Harada and his boner for the Mishima Clan...
I actually do expect Heihachi to be resurrected at Tekken 8 or Tag 4 or some shit because fuck finality.
Benefits of being the favorite character of the guy in charge. Heihachi ain't ever going away permanently. :maybe

Like people (mostly Max and his ilk) may shit on the clone Saga of KoF but at least KoF is willing to change things up in terms of the story, who the main character is etc. They're not dragging the same storyline out for an entire series. Just because Kyo is always there, doesn't mean he dominates the plot of every game.
Benefits of being the favorite character of the guy in charge. Heihachi ain't ever going away permanently. :maybe

Like people (mostly Max and his ilk) may shit on the clone Saga of KoF but at least KoF is willing to change things up in terms of the story, who the main character is etc. They're not dragging the same storyline out for an entire series. Just because Kyo is always there, doesn't mean he dominates the plot of every game.

Yeah, it's honestly a problem for Dead or Alive as well as it's still following the same plotline with no real end in sight(When are we finally going to kick Donovan's ass?) with the only difference is instead of DOATEC, it's M.I.S.T. now.
Street Fighter is already looking to bring back Bison just after fucking killing him off in SFV to finally have us reach the SFIII era.
It's like developers are too fucking scared of what happened with SFIII to just fucking commit(Even SCVI committed and STILL has SCV exist thanks to Cassandra's ending).

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

TrueG 37

If there's one thing I'm happy about it's that Koichi still cucks Betagou in a fight even with that stupid looking support gear :skully . So that one thread in NF doesn't change at all. Nibba is still faster, has arguably more destructive power, has more utility and can protect himself against any attack from him. His shields prevented him from getting vaporized by lightning and superheated plasma so Bakugou's lol nitroglycerin explosions from what we're shown shouldn't mean anything, I guess there's recoil but Koichi can fly and repel some of the recoil :skully . It's nice of Hori to confirm for me that things will never change without blatant asspull. Koichi still gives him this treatment unironically

Who knew we'd get a two minute long Kazuya masturbation scene? Rent A Girlfriend is always full of surprises.
When I first saw this I was gonna say I don't even want to know.
He gets text a picture of his ex girlfriend in a bikini then plucks out a few tissues and imagines himself fucking her while moaning her name for two minutes. It was... an experience.
But then it was too damn late :skully:giogio.
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