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OBD Convo #19: Everything is Energy

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Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Nappa is a cabbage, Raditz is Radish, Bardok is a root, Gohan is Rice, Fasha is Parsley, Gine is spring onion.

Basically every Saiyan is either plant base or vegetable.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Nappa is a cabbage, Raditz is Radish, Bardok is a root, Gohan is Rice, Fasha is Parsley, Gine is spring onion.

Basically every Saiyan is either plant base or vegetable.
Vegeta isn't even a specific vegetable. Toriyama just had his name be a pun on vegetable itself. 10/10 for simplicity. :mjlol

lol isn’t this guy a game developer or smthing

He is and the creator and director of the OG God of War Trilogy so it's mighty fucking hypocritical for him to say such things when his games do the exact same shit.

And finally, WHO liked The Scarlet Witch after Multiverse of Madness? Most people fucking hated how she went even deeper into evil despite learning from WandaVision what she did was wrong and how there was barely any time between them to go this insanely evil.

People still like Black Widow but hate how her movie basically just made her like she's Captain America when she isn't, people didn't like She-Hulk because she comes off as an arrogant, know it all bitch who believe she's suffered worse than Bruce fucking Banner.
No one hated Ms. Marvel and most people don't even know she EXISTS and people hate the fact that Captain Marvel was just forced in at the last second, BOTH of her actresses play the character like she's a grade A Cunt and she has the personality of that makes Plank look expressive.

David Jaffe. Original creator of God of War. Let it sink in just how fucking dumb he's become. Or maybe he was always this dumb. :mjlol

Remember that he put BLACK FUCKING WIDOW on that list of how people somehow hate her when people hate the stupid plot threads she was in and how dumb her movie was... that's it.
Somehow, that translates into hating the character... then I guess everyone and their mother hates Kratos then.


V.I.P. Member
David Jaffe. Original creator of God of War. Let it sink in just how fucking dumb he's become. Or maybe he was always this dumb. :mjlol
Maybe he's dumb. Maybe he's saying it because he has to say it to maintain standing with the woke gatekeepers. Maybe it's both.

But the gatekeeping is the most important part of the equation.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Maybe he's dumb. Maybe he's saying it because he has to say it to maintain standing with the woke gatekeepers. Maybe it's both.

But the gatekeeping is the most important part of the equation.

A reminder that he said this about his son. Pretty sure this ain't just the woke brigade. He drank the coolade, because if not... Well, do you even need me to say what's wrong with this?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I think to be frank, he barely had anything to do with God of War or Twisted Metal and everyone else did shit around him because I can fully believe he simply rose to the top on his own retardation, plain and simple.
Nah, he was involved a good deal with GOW, and was the main guy behind Kratos. If not, there's no reason that a while back he wouldn't have taken offence to the 'Raising Kratos' video that Sony put out, which kinda buried the original Kratos. That was probably the last time I saw Jaffe not being a coolade drinker and be a man who was proud of his creation, because he tore that video to shreds.

He sadly deleted it later, and gave a whole load of excuses for it, but the real reason is probably something to do with Sony. Either way, remember the video well, and wish I could share it here. Literally the only time it looked like he had red-pill rage. :mjlol


Notice how these motherfuckers never actually say why the shit they stan is good ?

Like, okay, i'm Hitler and Satan's son for not liking it, but i have 5 minutes in between hunting down trannies with my AK47 with a pitchfork as a bayonet, so tell me why it's so AMAZING. Tell me about the writing, the plot structure, the characterization , the themes ....anything .


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Notice how these motherfuckers never actually say why the shit they stan is good ?

Like, okay, i'm Hitler and Satan's son for not liking it, but i have 5 minutes in between hunting down trannies with my AK47 with a pitchfork as a bayonet, so tell me why it's so AMAZING. Tell me about the writing, the plot structure, the characterization , the themes ....anything .
Its because as you and I know, 9 times out of 10, they haven't even watched what they're stan-ing, and likely never will. :mjlol
Why separate ms. marvel and Capt. Marvel?

They're the same character.

Nah, Ms. Marvel is actually that Middle Eastern Teenager that took over the name... and yeah, it's confusing as hell if you don't realize that she even exists.

I feel like both of those dumbasses don't realize that people want that Thor and not Jane-Thor because at the end of the day... Thor Odinson... is Thor Odinson. That's his actual NAME, that's the actual PERSON and Jane-Thor is not Thor because she isn't Thor Odinson. This is like saying Jane Foster is Beta Ray Bill.

Nah, he was involved a good deal with GOW, and was the main guy behind Kratos. If not, there's no reason that a while back he wouldn't have taken offence to the 'Raising Kratos' video that Sony put out, which kinda buried the original Kratos. That was probably the last time I saw Jaffe not being a coolade drinker and be a man who was proud of his creation, because he tore that video to shreds.

He sadly deleted it later, and gave a whole load of excuses for it, but the real reason is probably something to do with Sony. Either way, remember the video well, and wish I could share it here. Literally the only time it looked like he had red-pill rage. :mjlol

Honestly, that version of Kratos deserves to be buried... in a pit... deep inside of Tartarus.
The first game is where it should have ended at for Kratos and been an anthology series of people just usurping the spot one after the other again and again.
Notice how these motherfuckers never actually say why the shit they stan is good ?

Like, okay, i'm Hitler and Satan's son for not liking it, but i have 5 minutes in between hunting down trannies with my AK47 with a pitchfork as a bayonet, so tell me why it's so AMAZING. Tell me about the writing, the plot structure, the characterization , the themes ....anything .

Because that's the only argument they ever have. We, who actually may be Black, White, Middle-Eastern, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Laotian, etc. is actually horrifically racist, MAGA-chudin, woman beating and raping, cannibalistic monsters who would trample on the throats of the LGBTQ+ and soon to be "MAP" trying to hide the truth of forcing in Pedophilia completely Woke Gatekeepers from showing people the light and the future of the world...

Because they don't actually remember a goddamned thing they watch or even play, just see the pretty lights and colors and see explicitly on just the surface level and that's it. They would be mad if you say the creators just dangled keys infront of you for 10 hours but it's the literal truth of what just happened and how they perceive movies.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Honestly, that version of Kratos deserves to be buried... in a pit... deep inside of Tartarus.
The first game is where it should have ended at for Kratos and been an anthology series of people just usurping the spot one after the other again and again.
I'm gonna disagree with you there, seeing as I actually liked the original GOW games, and liked them more then the 2018 GOW. I can definitely see why you wouldn't like the Greek version of Kratos though.
I'm gonna disagree with you there, seeing as I actually liked the original GOW games, and liked them more then the 2018 GOW. I can definitely see why you wouldn't like the Greek version of Kratos though.

To be frank, I don't like 2018 Kratos either as I feel they basically are trying to do a really, REALLY stupid redemption story for a person who has way too much blood on his hands and basically ran away from the shit he pulled.
If it was after the original God of War? I can buy it. But after God of War 3? When he finally realized how he truly fucked up Greece and it's entire World by proxy? Why the fuck would he run away after that shit? Why would ANY Pantheon allow him to get anywhere near their's at all?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
To be frank, I don't like 2018 Kratos either as I feel they basically are trying to do a really, REALLY stupid redemption story for a person who has way too much blood on his hands and basically ran away from the shit he pulled.
If it was after the original God of War? I can buy it. But after God of War 3? When he finally realized how he truly fucked up Greece and it's entire World by proxy? Why the fuck would he run away after that shit? Why would ANY Pantheon allow him to get anywhere near their's at all?
2018 Kratos doesn't even feel like Kratos to me most of the time. The God of War trilogy showed us a man riddled with PTSD managing to get vengeance for his family via killing Ares, only to then be denied his release, and be turned immortal so he could never die, and seeing the rabbit hole of death and destruction he would fall down as he was kept alive far past what he should've been.

Kratos literally realizes at the end of GOW 3 the monster he has become, and what he has done to gain his vengeance, and while he's forgiven himself for the sin that was never truly his fault, he understands he's done irreparable damage to Greece, and thus, as one last act of penance, he seeks to kill himself and release hope, so that humanity could claw their way back and live for themselves, as opposed to being ruled by gods who didn't give a shit about them. It was as good of an ending as a guy like him could've gotten at that point.

Having him survive past that, and never seek to help out after what he did, and instead run away, while yet again affirming he's even worse than the gods he killed, also undermines him releasing hope in the first place to give humanity a new chance when they come back, and just to give us a sequel that wasn't needed.
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