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OBD Convo #20: I am Fire

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V.I.P. Member
So found both my kitten dead today.

:blobcry not sure if they ate something outside but they were still lively yesterday.
I can relate man. It sucks to lose a pet.

Had to put my Yorkie down last month due to the dimentia at her age leaving her crippled and constantly suffering. Not to mention being 100% blind and deaf

She was 17 years old and I had known her since I was in middle school


Man of Atom

>superman gets a new form in dark crisis 6
>nigga just realized the universe he was trapped in was fake and then started absorbing crisis energy into himself just cause

The absolute madlad


V.I.P. Member
And when it bombs like Bros did they'll say everyone's a bigot.

I never even heard about that movie until after it bombed, and I know nothing except that it's apparently just a chick flick but with gay guys, but it seems like Bros was inherently self-defeating.

Dude's don't generally watch chick flicks (hence the name) and now there isn't a woman focus character in a genre aimed at women.

Like why didn't you just make some cheesy action flick with gay leads or something :hm

>Calls Red Hood a Toddler playing with Toys while Bruce Wayne is literally a Toddler playing Batman because his parents died
Pot is so calling the Kettle Black, especially since Jason Todd has a far better reason to be angry at the world than you do Bruce...


Seriously, this is one of the reasons why I don't like Batman:
Writers have this insatiable need to make him come off like a badass at anytime and just tear down characters as if he doesn't do or fall under the very things he criticizes them for.
It's like a natural born hypocrite because how many times has he made "contingency plans" in case the Justice League goes rogue... only for them to backfire against the League when they didn't turn evil? Created Brother Eye which was turned against him? It's fucking amazing he hasn't even tried doing this against his own Rogue's Gallery which really fucking needs it but does it against the good guys...

It would honestly be a breath of fresh air if superheroes explicitly started making "Anti-Batman Contingency Plans" for how many times he ultimately fucks them over at this rate.


V.I.P. Member

Sony: We got a whole list of games on PS1 and 2 that could use a remake or new installment that fans have only been asking for nearly 2 decade or more

Also Sony: Nah let’s do an entire bloody remake for a game not even 5 years old that looks and plays already by modern standards that already you can play on PS5.

If this leak is true and Sony is really making a remake of Horizon over say… Jak and Daxter, Sly, Ape Escape, or even Legend of Dragoon. they are beyond tone deaf to their own fandom


They do it because people are stupid enough to buy it.
Look at the most recent example of TLOU .

Why take a risk and remake a game from scratch when you can just shit out the same product but nicer looking ?


V.I.P. Member
There’s basically no risk at making any of the games I listed between how simple they are to just remake with a fresh coat of new graphics and the easy sales as history in the past few years have show, particularly for platformers. Jak, Sly, or Ape Escape will sell at least as much if not more than they did before like every other Platformer remake we’ve seen and their huge following.
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