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OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
So Benedikta from FFXVI...eh

I mean sure she's cool and all but if the Garuda fight really is the end of her, she didn't get nearly enough screen-time. The way Cid built her up, I was expecting the second coming of General Beatrix or something and that would have been fucking sick. But nah you fight her twice pretty much once after the other and she's dead by all accounts, being used more as a tool to reveal Clive's Dominant nature and Cid's backstory as opposed to being a true major threat like it seemed the game was building her up to be.

The end result is that she's more comparable to someone like Jihl Nabaat from FFXIII as opposed to an evil version of General Beatrix. Granted she's a lot better executed than Jihl since I'm not going to have to wait until a sequel's DLC to actually fight her. Though one thing I respected about Jihl though was that she was just a sadistic bitch, kind of being the truest representation of PSICOM as it was percieved by the characters and the player, while Yaag Rosch was the more humanizing PSICOM character.

I've nothing against the backstory elements for Benedikta in and of themselves, but the flashback came a bit late into her screen-time and I'm hoping it's not setting a dangerous precedent of every villain in this game having some sort of tragic past or explanation for why they're the way they are. The game needs at least ONE villain who is just evil or that's gonna get old really fucking quick.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

"Why does no one in Spira remember Jecht?"

He is known and famous for being a guardian of Braska, this is established very early in the game. Yuna reminisces about her interactions with him and Seymour and Yevon in general are well aware of the fact that he's the current Sin.

"Why don't Lulu, Wakka or Kimahri ever bring him up like people do Auron?"

Why would they? What exactly would they have to say about him? Aside from the people who knew the man personally like Auron and Yuna, all the general public and yes even the other Summoners and Guardians would know is that he was one of Braska's Guardians. That's it! From the general Spiran's perspective, he's a dude who appeared seemingly out of nowhere and then disappeared just as quickly when Braska defeated Sin.

It's even carried into X-2 as very few characters outside of the main cast (aside from Maechen) bring up Tidus, directly or indirectly. Because again, why would they? He's just a guy who showed up out of nowhere and helped Yuna defeat Sin, that's all anyone else knows about him. While people know about the Guardians, the Summoner is typically the one who gets most if not all the recognition. Auron is seen as a big deal because he survived the pilgrimage, it's really not that strange that Jecht isn't discussed very often.

"I don't see anyone else talk about this."

That could be because this isn't a mystery or even remotely weird. You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill here.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

"Turn Based Combat wouldn't work with photo-realistic graphics due to it breaking immersion."

Yes just like how it broke the immersion in every other Final Fantasy game that has it right?
Oh wait, it didn't so that excuse is completely bullshit.

"Final Fantasy VII Remake would not have sold nearly as well if it retained turn-based combat."

That is a fat sack of crap and you damn well know it. Final Fantasy VII Remake sold as well as it did, BECAUSE it is Final Fantasy VII, it has fuck all to do with the weather the gameplay was action or turn based. It wouldn't have mattered what gameplay they put in that shit, it STILL would have sold like fucking hot cakes.

There's NO good reason whatsoever that mainline Final Fantasy games can't still be turn based.


V.I.P. Member
Happy independence day to everyone that commeorate it

I feel like if FFVII had went on the turn-based route it might have sold even more than it did
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