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OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

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Like, let's be real, this can be written with grace. Fucking Vegeta was reformed and he spent most of his formative years as a genocidal monster. And this is Akira Toriyama, famed and renowned character writer and planner
Toriyama basically stumbled into that redemption arc it’s hilarious

It’s basically “have him get his ass kicked, make more mistakes, get his ass kicked some more. He has a baby and he kinda mellows out. Then he kinda blows up on everyone but it’s ok because you can literally wish them back. Then have him become self-aware and act selflessly. Then have him humble himself in the end by letting go of a grudge.”

It was definitely not planned at all. It just flowed nicely. It wasn’t nuanced or anything but it DID feel like it was in-character throughout.

TrueG 37

Its kinda funny how much of Dragon ball was kinda built on either accidents or shit that wasn't planned and some of it worked out than not .

If only Horikoshi had some of Toriyamma's luck .


V.I.P. Member

This actually wasn't bad imo

It seems to have taken the approach of exaggerating their character traits (since these seem to be younger, less mature versions of the them) but keeping the core of what makes them who they are, race swaps aside. I'm actually interested in seeing where they go with these changes, like how Clarks power's are supposed to work now.


V.I.P. Member
Yeah this shows getting a little too much hate. Would prefer a less dorky Superman but otherwise it’s fine.

Deathstroke in this show sucks though. Should have taken after Slade from Teen Titans and even better, rehired the actor that played him. God tier villain.

>Kubo has made character art for any major character that has fallen in each episode
>Includes the dude who literally fucked Bambietta and died

My fucking sides are gone, didn't even make one for Shaz(So I guess this confirms he's alive like in the Novel?) but for this random dude?

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
The real almighty is his receding ass hairline. He could give vegeta a run for his money with that 5head lookin ass


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Ah eddie such a gem
no way Dom can live up to Latino Heat but can carve his own path
Carve his own path, yes, but he's clearly been trying to channel some bit of Eddie's Latino Heat throughout his heel run.

There will never be another Eddie Guerrero, but there can be some folks who come relatively close to it, if they fully bloom in their potential, and give the current day wrestling fans a taste of what Eddie was doing on a higher level. I believe Dom is one of those niggas. Still a ways to go, but he's getting there, in terms of character. Slowly, but surely.
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