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Man of Atom

Essentially the person involved posted fuck shit, we didnt like it so we fired them, leave them alone and dont bother anyone with this shit.

But people dont listen


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
basically, most of the stuff said about the artist that got fired from PM was complete utter garbage (she's not racist, nor a shotacon, nor does she think men deserve to die or whatever nonsense they were claiming) made up as part of a smear campaign by the people upset over ishmael not wearing a bikini

actual scum


Man of Atom
it actually wasnt made up nonsense it was just terrible shit she tweeted as a kid that she deleted, unfortunately people brought that shit up again as an excuse to attack her, the company saw it and was like "OOF" so she esentially got fucked over for soemthing that happened years ago.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Hector being reduced to a joke and a punching bag for sake of wanking Carmilla and her sisters.
The arc with Hector really should've started and ended in season 3. Shit dragged on way too long, and turned Carmilla from a character that I initially kinda liked, to downright obnoxious, alongside her sisters to a lesser extent, by constantly kneecapping Hector, just to keep that arc going, until they were finally ready to pull the trigger on Hector turning the tables, only to have Isaac be the one who takes down Carmilla, and not Hector, or at least them doing it together.
Alucard getting butt-fucked by random twins before they also fuck him over
Yeah... Only thing that's obvious about this, is some of the writers wanting to make their preferred character swing both ways, for no reason other than to put their tumblr fantasies to paper. Only good part about this, was when Alucard staked both of them Vlad the Impaler style, at the end of that character arc. Mainly because I saw it as him finally taking out the trash.
Trevor and Sypha stuck on an endless series of sidequests

Issac stuck on an endless series of sidequests
Isaac's were at least kinda interesting in parts, given how introspective they got for him, but yeah, they also dragged on too long, like Hector's plot. Trevor and Sypha are in kinda the same sort of position, too. Show felt borderline directionless with them, so just kept throwing one side-plot after another at them, just so they had something to do. Don't think their characters progressed even a sliver during most of them, either.
Death sounds like an angry internet need
Not gonna lie, Death constantly cursing like a sailor and shit was kinda humorous to me. Which is not what they should be going for, and I doubt it was their intention, but it's what they got, with how they characterized him. Every time he opened his mouth, I found it near impossible to take him seriously. Almighty Death, who has lived for eons and should have a massive amount of knowledge, reduced to the oral level of your typical internet troll with his 'riveting' dialogue.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
To be fair, isn't that Death more of an elemental spirit rather than the actual embodiment of death as a concept (like how he's portrayed in the game)?

I believe this was outright said at one point.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Almighty Death, who has lived for eons and should have a massive amount of knowledge,
Yeah what was really disrespectful shit was when Trevor called him "just another thing" and did him like one. Cause power of love or something...you'd think Death would have more importance or mystique or something.
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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
To be fair, isn't that Death more of an elemental spirit rather than the actual embodiment of death as a concept (like how he's portrayed in the game)?

I believe this was outright said at one point.
He has also still lived for eons, which Trevor makes clear when standing his ground against him, and his power is still made out to be greater than virtually anyone that Trevor had faced, up to that point, except for maybe Dracula. My overall point still stands, even with Death not being the true embodiment of death, as a concept(which kinda defeats the purpose of him, really, but eh).

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
That writers strike sure as hell ain't working out for them lol


V.I.P. Member

Game Hector could beat demons to death with his bare hands and actually beat Dracula in a fight after getting his power back. At the very least his arc should have been escaping Carmilla and turning right around and capping her ass.

It's also the only mini-arc that doesn't lead to anything. At least the sidequests Issac or Trevor/Sypha go on lead them back to the main plot eventually. Instead Alucard just gets another different mini-arc that was just an excuse to introduce another "girlboss" character and let Alucard actually use his damn shield.

The character progression for Trevor and Sypha was essentially just them really slowly coming to the realization that they kinda want to be done with the monster shit and just build a family. But it takes them two seasons to do it and most of it is in season 4.

Issac and his talks with the captain and Hector were the closest Season 3-4 got to decent writing, and Issac probably came out the best of the lot in terms of how he was treated.

What almost makes it worse is that his fight with Trevor is the best fight in the series, but it's punctuated with stuff like Death going "ohhh, he fell down" and threatening to shit out Trevor's soul so he could smother Sypha with it. It just detracts from the whole thing.
@Derpmaster9000 You know that discussion we have about Netflix's Baki having Pickle at 6'5" and like 285 pounds and they keep repeating it?
Well it turns out the Manga actually stated what his height and weight is:

How the fuck did they fuck that up?! It's worse as he's clearly taller than Jack Hamna who is 7 feet tall and is billed as such.


Man of Atom
You know what always confused me?

In future trunks timeline, are you telling me that goku AND ChiChi AND Goten both dying didnt let gohan achieve a new form?
I believe that he 100% could have clapped those androids 1 arm or not


V.I.P. Member
Future Gohan too weak to go beyond Super Saiyan. Especially the manga version where he got off-paneled by the Androids not even needing half their strength when they killed him too
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